Portal 2 Adoption News "Controversy"

While I think the news could stay out of it, the people who give these games ratings should perhaps play them instead of putting rating out of a hat or taking the game makers word for it

I know im in line with the wife for adoption and I don't think id be thrilled to have my kid playing something wit that in it, however it is just a game but it shouldn't be rated 10+ if that is the content, rate it M for mature if it can say whatever it wants and then the parents are to blame.
Why is this news. Go watch T.V. any night, I don't, but The Simpsons, Family Guy, ANYTHING on T.V. is usually more offensive than this JOKE.

As a Potato-American I was deeply offended by the derogatory and hurtful remarks made in reference to Potatoes and exploitative use of the Potato community in that game. Portal 2 should be banned immediately and I expect news coverage of my Potato outrage forthwith.

I am now taking 20 minutes to explain to my co-workers why I'm laughing so hard at the words "Potato-American." Thanks. :D

If parents are going to be *that* protective about their children, shouldn't they play the game through first by themselves to judge the content?
While I think the news could stay out of it, the people who give these games ratings should perhaps play them instead of putting rating out of a hat or taking the game makers word for it

I know im in line with the wife for adoption and I don't think id be thrilled to have my kid playing something wit that in it, however it is just a game but it shouldn't be rated 10+ if that is the content, rate it M for mature if it can say whatever it wants and then the parents are to blame.

They don't "pull a rating out of a hat" as you claim. The ESRB is very small so there is no chance they have time to play every one of the thousands of games they rate every year. The exact rating process is kept tightly underwraps, but what is known is that studios show a reel of gameplay and game moments that show off various parts of the game and show off. The studios have to be honest because the ESRB can refuse to rate any game and can change the rating of any game at any time.

No it shouldn't be mature. In no way does the game deserve it. Maybe Teen, but that's debatable. The ESRB isn't going to come out and say how they rated the game or why they gave it the rating they did. People need to stop being so fucking PC about everything.
Actually, I think the joke was funny, but I think Portal 2 should have been rated T for teen. Some of the jokes not only are a little too high up there, but things like this just might not make sense for a 10 year old and they might not understand its a joke.

I stand by Portal 2, but not it's rating.
Stupid, simply absurd, its shocking because they want money. Also... to those that have played the game THAT IS NOT the first time they have talked about it, AND that is towards the end of the game with ALL kinds of spoilers in it.

It can be explained like this, the conversation was between an evil character and a stupid character, nothing they say is usually correct.

End of story
Here's a thought... Do you f**king duty as a parent and play the game yourself first before you give it to your kid, instead of relying on some "stamp" of rating on the box to do your parenting job for you.
What a fucking clown. People need to stop being so damn sensitive, especially in a game that is full of sarcastic humor like this.

I agree - also media are full of retards who love to create controversy out of anything.

If he's such an upstanding father that he just can't have his daughter hear that kind of language, wouldn't the proper action be to NOT let her play the game again? The kid is so zoned out playing the game she doesn't even acknowledge the news crew in her living room while the dad moans and groans about his failings as a father. He thinks he's doing her daughter a favor? The exact opposite is happening.
im adopted and i laughed for a good while when i heard it. girlfriend didnt think it was too funny but i told her that if your comfortable with who you are as a person and if your family is good than thats who your family is not your biological ones.

if you dont eventually become accepting of who you are youll never live life to the fullest
As a parent, and as someone who is Adopted. I did not mind the line when I heard it, but I'd like to see Valve change it.

they'd have to tkae out all the dialog if they fix it cause at that point, you can offend anyone with anything that is said..

If it bothers you. deal with it....
Somebody Call the wwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahbulance. Fuck them. The whole plot about overcoming insurmountable odds. Fuck I was called worse things by the time I was ten by teachers at school.
Unfortunately... there's no darwin in this situation.

And omg... they're still letting her play the game after the fact.
When will people learn that they don't have the right to not be offended.

They do have the right to not play/read/watch/listen to things that offend them. Personal responsibility, look into it.
I dunno they do make a point. I can understand its a game, but that E (10+) sticker with that kinda stuff... not sure how they got the E rating saying things like that
Didn't Whetley say that he has friends that are adopted after that comment? Didn't GLaDOS poke fun at him the entire time? I really don't see the problem with this.
I think there is something VERY VERY important to recognize here...

He's allowing his daughter to play the video game.... AGAIN... for reporters. Honestly, if he was so disgusted and upset over the comments, why the living FSCK would he "put her through it again" just for the sake of the reporters? Really?

All he wants is money.
I dunno they do make a point. I can understand its a game, but that E (10+) sticker with that kinda stuff... not sure how they got the E rating saying things like that

If the worst thing a 10 year old hears is that then they are very very lucky. There are no curse words and its only offensive if you have sand in your vagina.
I seriously want 4Chan to crush this station right now for their stupidity and utter sincerity in what they are saying.
As a Potato-American I was deeply offended by the derogatory and hurtful remarks made in reference to Potatoes and exploitative use of the Potato community in that game. Portal 2 should be banned immediately and I expect news coverage of my Potato outrage forthwith.

Quoted again just because it's pretty damn funny.
What an a-hole that whiner is. One of the most entertaining aspects of Portal is the silly cruelness of the antagonist, GLaDOS. What does that a-hole want? That the game be restricted to 18+ year-olds if the bad guy mentions adoption, but not to praise it? Why doesn't this a-hole defend fat people, who are mocked by GlaDOS in the very same sentence? And, how about the "victims" of a thousand other things said by GlaDOS?

Even every G-rated movie needs a "bad guy" who says "bad" things. What Scooby Doo episode would be complete without the villein criticizing the honesty and effort of the detective gang with the words "those meddling kids"?

If defense of this man, it was nice of him to adopt the baby his wife had during an affair.
He can't believe that a murderous psycho robot would be rude? Huh? Ugh. Give me a break.
I dunno valve might have overstepped a bit trying to make portal 2 funny... I'm not offended though o.o
Update 1.01. "game play improvements".

You know it's coming...
I've never heard Portal 2 as 'educational' nor do I consider it educational, it's problem solving, but unless we are going to have portal in the real world this is hardly educational. secondly the stupidity of going to Sony for a Valve game I can't believe a news channel thought that Sony would have any answers, I have portal 2 on my 360 and Sony doesn't distribute for teh 360... they was just utter nonsense I think...