Port multiplier on AMD SB750 eSATA?


May 20, 2008
I am looking at something like http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16816111051&nm_mc=OTC-RSS&cm_mmc=OTC-RSS-_-Server%20RAID%20Systems-_-SANS%20DIGITAL-_-N82E16816111051 or a 4-5 drive version of the same.

It says it uses port multipliers and not all eSATA controllers support this. Does the eSATA port supplied on the back panel of my ASUS M4a79T Deluxe support this feature? the southbridge is the SB750 and it has 5 SATA ports and 1 eSATA. I would assume that it does but wanted to confirm it.
Supposedly SIIG adapters + port multipliers have the best support (as least backblaze networks says so).
Judging by the images it comes with PCIe card which has 2 compatible eSATA ports on it
I would rather use the eSATA on back panel so I don't have to occupy an expansion slot. Gotta leave as many open for folding GPUs as possible you know.