Police Can’t Search Cellphone Records Without Warrant


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
A U.S. District Court in Texas has upheld the ruling that the police do not have the right to access cellphone location records without probable cause. The ruling cites the Fourth Amendment in denying the government’s request for 60 days of cellphone records. One small victory for the digital age. :cool:

“A consequence of having a cellphone should not include revealing to curious government agents one’s every movement.”
Heh, GA has a no-text law while driving. Two cop friends in different counties both say they do not enforce it because of the 4th amendment and having to get a warrant. A lot of shit just to issue a ticket imho. The only time it really is an issue and may have a warrant issued is when a wreck happens.
An opinion like that coming out of Texas? Weird... very, very weird.

What is this insinuating? We at least tried to challange the TSA on its constitionality before the the TSA threatened to make Texas a no fly zone and Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst had it shot down. What other states have done this?

Mainly because the jurisprudence that tended to protect privacy seemed to come out of the Ninth Circuit which is hippy-dippy California. Or at least it did in the past, the judicial appointments made in the last decade has caused the Ninth to swing hard for big brother.

Even as somebody from the South, seeing opinions from the district courts under the Fifth (either before or after the Eleventh was split off) that prioritize the rights of the individual over state police powers just strikes me as unusual.
Meaning "I didn't read anything you actually wrote, but instead substituted my own opinion".

Teenyman makes a good short-term historical point.
Front Page said:
"Police Can’t Search Cellphone Records Without Warrant"

"A U.S. District Court in Texas has upheld the ruling that the police do not have the right to access cellphone location records without probable cause. "

Probable cause and a warrant aren't the same thing.
Don't worry. Some random Judge will just say it does not count and that the police can do whatever the fuck they want again.
No biggie,

they can just use the good ol' freedom sucking black-hole called the PATRIOT Act to circumvent that pesky probable cause.
Not really


Occupy and tea party are converging, erstwhile left-right opponents are realizing the real fight is up-down. Ron Paul...I would like to introduce you to Dennis Kuchinich sir, I think you boys have a lot to talk about.
No biggie,

they can just use the good ol' freedom sucking black-hole called the PATRIOT Act to circumvent that pesky probable cause.

The Patriot Act is designed to stop terrorists.

Or was it the drug trade

Or was it anything that we deem necessary, Sieg Heil indeed


It saddens me that a President I trusted, royally gang banged so much of my freedom and liberty. I think it was that point where I woke up though.