Playing Christian / Religious Games

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Oldie said:

Why did this have to become the dump on christianity thread? Last I saw it was about a video game, not your world view. My family actually owns a Christian bookstore, so I see stuff like this way earlier than most. There have been a few games out, even a few FPS ones I picked up a few copies of at a CBA convention. I don't really know if they ever made it to production.

The bottom line is that they were sucky games with very little story, so-so graphics, and overly repetitive gameplay. If a decent developer would actually spend some time on it and make something playable, the market for it would be nothing less than massive. The idea that religeous people don't enjoy computer games and the internet it just flat ignorant.


Now as opposed to my rant, I'm going to post something very unchristianlike, just because I think it's funny. I was trying to think of a cool take for a Christian game, and I came up with this:

<deep sinister announcer voice>

Remember Half Life? You were Gordan Freeman!

Well now from ChristCo, you can join in a new kind of adventure. You'll need to be able to think on your feet and react quickly as you are chased through the mountains by the evil police. You'll need stealth like precision, as you quickly and quietly plant your explosives. Coming in September:

Pro-Life: You are Eric Rudolph!

All your abortion clinics are belong to us

Sounds good to me, but he ain't dead yet. Gotta be dead, unless he signs off on the game.

In other news, Kyle has another reason to punch Steve today...
I'm not gonna read this whole thread for time's sake. But I work as a worship pastor and have to wholeheartedly agree with Kyle on this one. If the game sucks, the game sucks no matter how "godly" or "righteous" the story maybe. I don't want a crappy game representing my religion, but most importantly, my Lord.

Dayvon said:
I'm not gonna read this whole thread for time's sake. But I work as a worship pastor and have to wholeheartedly agree with Kyle on this one. If the game sucks, the game sucks no matter how "godly" or "righteous" the story maybe. I don't want a crappy game representing my religion, but most importantly, my Lord.


Amen brother.
busta_cap said:
I am nominally a Christian (raised Southern Baptist), but I have differing beliefs about many of the church's tenets than most do. Being someone who likes a good argument, I run into a lot of fundies who know little about their religion's main tracts.

I haven't read the Bible in 20 years, yet I know far more about it than they do. I'd say at least 50-70% of churchgoers don't pick up a Bible outside of church and only read the parts they're told to while they're there. Add to that the fact that the majority of Christians doen't regularly attend worship and you'll see that the OP is mostly correct.

I tend to get REALLY agrivated with christians who have a very narrow point of view of our religion and point fingers at everyone else's faults and not including themselves in the fact that they are no better then me, the pastor or you, at least from Gods perspective. We have all failed, miserably. Paul stated this many times. "Not one of us does what is right all the time, not one" I know I sure don't, but I can't beat myself of self condemation like I did for many years, it only destroyed me. Now that i've learned the real meaning of "grace" and Christs gift, I jut do the best I can and just move on with life with my mistakes and follies.

The past couple of months have been a major washing machine in my religous faith, but I will say that I've learned I simpy have my own path and walk and beliefs with the Lord as does everyone else and arguing and pointing fingers about our differences in our walk is simply inexcusable and helps no one. As long as we serve the same Lord and Christ, the path can be different along with different opinions, just don't go shoving them down everyones throat, its a matter of choice. Jesus said the same thing to John the Baptist.
As I said earlier, this thread was only going to be good for another twenty posts.

Dang, I should be charging y'all for all my correct predictions. Now if I could just predict a winning lottery combination....
I doubt I would ever play one. I have seen a few, but none were very interesting.

One thing I really hate about it is, you have the nutball religious Christians who claim Doom, Quake, whatever, are trying to get people into Satan worship, when they are just games without a message. All the while, the Christian games are DESIGNED to proselytize.

I just don't think I would be able to enjoy a game that was trying to brainwash me at the same time. But more power to them, hope thier games are successful with thier own bretheren, I believe they have the right to thier POV, just as anybody else does. Just as long as they aren't shoving it down people's throats.
Just a simple question: how would one define a 'Christian game'?

A game which contains references to Christianity? In that case virtually everything, from games to books and movies produced in the Western world would fall under that definition. The English language alone is infested with such references, not to mention Western cultures. Basing this definition on some arbitrary limit of such references would introduce a large gray area, so that would be far from practical as well.

I've noticed that many people consider religious games to be games which preach, try to force some way of thinking upon those unfortunate enough to play it. I'm inclined to agree with this definition, though I would like to add games based on events portrayed in the Bible and such scriptures to this definition as well.
jwaggy said:
Not really. I'm arguing against the guy who thinks that the best selling book in history isn't read. Usually people who pay money books read them, especially if the book teaches foundational principles in their chosen religion. I think it is very safe to say that most of those 2 billion Christians read and/or are exposed to the Bible. The Bible is the best selling AND most read book in history. I'm not pulling that out of nowhere, it's a fact.

P.S. Sorry to go off topic from the thread.

My father bought me an entire encylopedia set when I was in junior high, and has never himself opened up any of the books in them. I myself have used them three times for information, even though my school had a perfectly good set to use as well..

Oh, and I bought the FHM mag (the one with Jenny McCarthy on the cover) for the picture of Vida Guerra eating an ice cream cone.

I think that kind of deflates the concept that books that are bought and paid for are automatically read.

As far as the Bible holding those two titles, i'd like to see what the religions that pre-date Christ would have to say about that.
Well, after attending church tonight, I'm thinking the life of david would be the good basis for a game. Sex and violence sells :D. But I'm gonna have to say that games involving christian stories wouldn't sell well, except to the ned flanders type christian. While the bible has many great events, they don't translate to games well.
i think i'd play a christian game if it was good, as long as it did not try and preach to me the virtues of christianity, if its one thing i cant stand its people preaching to me.
where i live in dundee(scotland) this guy used to stand in the city centre every day and read out loud large sections of the bible, that made me really annoyed. some guy would also stand in front of our building at uni with a sandwich board with religous stuff written on it handing out leaflets, trying to get us to convert.

although i seem to come from a very athiest area (i dont think i know anyone religous) i've seen the violence christianity can cause in the very recent past. in northern ireland for example "prodies" and cathlics blowing each other up for years. i've also seen rangers and celtic fans fight over this. if they do a christian game as an educational tool as well as a fun game it should reflect the proper history of the religion, blood and all.

also i think the reason most of the people that i know that went too see the passion of chist went to see it because of the way people said it was shocking and anti-christian, its the same with games the only reason i wanted to play....damn i forget the title but you had to escape from jail and beat up cops or something, was because people said it was shocking and should be banned. the week after they said this in the paper and on tv the games sales more than tripled :)

also Jesus chainsaw massacre???? i looked on imdb but nothing

thats just my 1.12pence
This thread's gonna be closed soon anyway so might as well add my bits :D

About the games. The story in Doom3 doesn't actually deal with demons. The first ones that stepped through the portal said "It's like Hell" and the name stuck. It's about as relevant to religion as St. Elmos Fire is, maybe even less.

The bible may be the best selling book. But only because it's a religious icon and a mandatory requirement for each member of the church. You think it would sell as well if it wasn't? We've got people visiting schools and handing them out, the kids got them just because it was given, not because they actually chose to get one.

The mission to spread the Christian religion isn't as holy as you guys make it. In the olden days, missionaries were sent ahead as explorers and any native tribes they encounter are converted. Their fearful and superstitious upbringing directed to the priests and allowed them to be controlled. Traditions from before the european landfall were lost, all historical idols and items (including sacred trees) were burned, any resisting villages were attacked by Christian tribes. What followed was 300 years of suppression and becoming slaves in our own country ruled by the priests. So forgive me if i have a grudge against people bullying others into their beliefs.

If you want to show one of the darker sides of Christian history. Try looking up Childrens Crusades. That's two campaigns made up of about 50,000 children who set out to rid the holy land of the invaders, fanatically believing that god will protect them. The result? None even made it anywhere close, the children were intercepted by pirates, the males sold as slaves and the females sold to brothels. Only a handful made it back.

Someone from PPC said:
Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. which means... kill all fags!

Leviticus 20:9 Any person who curseth his mother or father, must be killed. so don't answer back to Dad!

Leviticus 20:15-16 If a man or woman has sex with an animal, both human and animal must be killed. so leave the goat alone or DIE!
Dayvon said:
I'm not gonna read this whole thread for time's sake. But I work as a worship pastor and have to wholeheartedly agree with Kyle on this one. If the game sucks, the game sucks no matter how "godly" or "righteous" the story maybe. I don't want a crappy game representing my religion, but most importantly, my Lord.


Y'know, the crazy part is I'm not even Christian, and I have to agree with that. A crap game is not the way to represent your faith or the divine being(s) in it. So I don't understand why the effort just isn't churned out on making it better. Obviously a gaming engine like Doom 3's or HL2's isn't exactly done overnight, but still. You'd think that if you really really were passionate about something, you'd put the effort in to prove it. I mean, c'mon. All of us here pretty much put our effort into building great machines that serve one purpose or another, whether they're gaming rigs, workstations, or HTPCs or whatever purpose they serve. We may not build them to make sales numbers, but to each of us they're still [H]ard in their own right.

As for the way the games are done? they should be done in the same manner, I feel. Something that truly is worth representing what you honestly believe. You may not attract more converts, but you will at least get more people interested. And that is a better start than attempting to cram religion down a person's throat. If I wanted to get something crammed down my throat I'd listen to the Best Buy salespeople talk about service plans.

And yes, I can bash that place, cause I work there, but I hope to one day change that.
just another quick post...hopefully

people talk about the game doom, well has anyone read the books? it actually deals with the Catholic faith and the Morom faith. There are 4 books, and they are VERY good. Hell my girlfriend even read them and really liked them!

I think a religious game should be like a movie translated game, you take (well in the case of the bible for instance) a story that would get most people interested, and make it into a fast-paced game, maybe touch up the story a little for entertainment value (if needed) and have God and Jesus mentioned in it like a movie would, in dialog with other characters, not directed to influence the people playing....know what i mean? make it part of the game, not a marketing tool to try to convert people.

i would play that if it were good/fun. but again, thats the whole point...a game needs to be enjoyable first and foremost.
I find it funny that religious fanatics always spout about Violence this and Violence that. Well if you ever "read" the bible you would notice one big huge common theme...VIOLENCE!

Are ya gonna tell me that what was done to Jesus is not cruel and violent. And all those holy wars and crusades were not violent.

I mean come one is buying this unless it is a fun game. And I do feel sorry for the poor kid that has parents who will shove something like this down his/her throat just because it is endorsed by Christians. It needs to be fun foremost....and FIRST!

...Maybe they need to make a game in which you have to inspire people to follow you by traveling from town to town like a Televangelist. Hell this could even be an MMORPG...! Why stop there, lets add in a Priest class that has to login every Sunday in real time and preach to hundreds of real life players in order to level in "Constitution". And in turn there could be another faction that follows the Devil and you can play classes like Ghouls and Goblins that have to terrorize people as the other faction. Then you could do a third faction "Atheist" that would wander around telling people that God and the Devil don't exist. this starting to sound like a fun game???? Maybe I need to call SOE?
You want a religious game, go play StarWars Galaxies. Upon first inspection you would think this has nothing to do with religion, but after you get into it, you will be saying "oh my god, this sucks", and praying for a better combat system, more times then you can count.
Actually if you want a really good biblical game, I'd go with the exploration of Canan by Joshua and Caleb. The point of the game would be to blend in, and gather information to bring back to the people of Israel. I can easily think of many scenes that would definitley make it a good buy. I also think you could easily include them having to kill ocassionally, because it's historically accurate. While there's no referrence to them actually killing during the journey, they were ordered to wipe out all of their enemies later on. I don't think it's a stretch to believe that they had a few confrontations while they were there.

If you want to read some Christian fiction done right, checkout:

The Warrior: by Francine Rivers
The Firebird Trilogy: By Kathy Tyres (who also wrote several awsome starwars books)
Arena: by Karen Hancock
A Rift in Time: By Michael Phillips (be an archeaologist uncovering religeous artifacts while escaping theives

Any of those would make great video games, Arena is actually written in the perspective of someone who was dropped into an ultra realistic live action RPG created by aliens. Writing good selling Christian themed games would be great for business, if you ask me. After all, I know for a fact how well Christian fiction sells.

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Why not make a game about Arcangels (sp?), and have them battle satans minions. I always thought Angels designed for war, were cool, ... and im not talking about the boring, fat, dramatic, ones from the movie Michael.
For those that forgot....the topic of this thread is "Would you play a Christian / Religious game if it was fun".

Having said that, despite a few off topic "this is my beef with religion..." posts and the "this thread will self destruct" comments, this thread has done remarkably well.

...I think we can ALL agree that everyone benefits from a good one benefits from a crappy game.
Oldie said:
Now as opposed to my rant, I'm going to post something very unchristianlike, just because I think it's funny. I was trying to think of a cool take for a Christian game, and I came up with this:

<deep sinister announcer voice>

Remember Half Life? You were Gordan Freeman!

Well now from ChristCo, you can join in a new kind of adventure. You'll need to be able to think on your feet and react quickly as you are chased through the mountains by the evil police. You'll need stealth like precision, as you quickly and quietly plant your explosives. Coming in September:

Pro-Life: You are Eric Rudolph!

All your abortion clinics are belong to us
Thats just wrong on so many levels ...and Im the athiest here.

Just wait until somebody makes the "Hot Fetus" MOD...
Rune75 said:
Thats just wrong on so many levels ...and Im the athiest here.

Just wait until somebody makes the "Hot Fetus" MOD...

Wrong yes. But it made you laugh didn't it! :D

I think Richard Pryor taught us that you can get away with saying just about anything if it's funny.

The best christian game ever...

Your Mary Mary Magdalene: Prostitute At Large.

You whore your self around looking for a husband. You have many weapons on hand.

Genital Herpes
Genital Warts (HPV)
Hepatitis B
AIDS (the BFG)

You fight HUGE boss's while traveling 3rd world countries. :D

It would be the BEST FPS game of the Year!!!
Yeah, I would play any game with Christian/religious themes, as long as its fun, and most definitely as long as it is not politically motivated. Go ahead, talk about God and the Bible, but don't sell your beliefs to me as absolute truth. Don't try to convert me to Christianity, but go ahead and promote common moral values (by this I mean being good to others, respecting other, etc. DON'T try to tell me i'm going to hell because I support Darwin.)

Come to think of it, many fun games today deal with religious, and particularly Christian themes. As mentioned: Black and White, KOTOR, etc.

I would also like to add:
Fallout. (must make moral choices - different outcome dependent on your actions.)
Planescape:Torment (this game could be interpreted as: you are currently being punished in what seems like a hellish place. I think there were several endings based on moral choices in the game (affecting your alignment). The game often felt like you were seeking redemption for the many evils wrought by your previous incarnations.
Gabriel Knight 3 (for the record Dan Brown was not the first with the theories in "Da Vinci Code"... yeah, I suppose this game wouldn't go over too well with most ultra-conservatives)

<bad joke>
Half Life 1/2 (just shoot all the scientists.)
</bad joke>

I suppose that, as these games either don't specifically refer to Jesus, or portray him in a controversial light that they may not be considered "Christian" in the new political meaning of the word. Games that conform to this latter definition may still be fun, but I would be much more hesitant, as I will never pay money to be "converted", or to support ignorant points of view.

But its pretty clear from previous reactions that games with subtle religious themes and/or ideas can be fun. It shouldn't be surprising; no matter what religion (or lack thereof) you are, our modern laws and ideas of good and evil are based in, and are really common among most religions.
[RIP]Zeus said:
The best christian game ever...

Your Mary Mary Magdalene: Prostitute At Large.

Huh, that's funny. The Bible says that Mary Magdeline had seven devils cast out of her, it never says she was a prostitute. A lot of people confuse her with the woman who was forgivin (he who is without sin, let him cast the first stone) in the chapter before. There is zero indication that they're the same person. This misconception should lend some credibility to the above argument, that most people who call themselves Christians, never even pick up a Bible.

I think what's tripping a lot of people up, is that a Christian game doesn't have to be preachy. The message speaks loudest when it's lived and seen, not when it's pushed and shoved. God wants people to come to him willingly, not to be brought to him kicking and screaming. That was the whole point of creation.

Oldie said:
Huh, that's funny. The Bible says that Mary Magdeline had seven devils cast out of her, it never says she was a prostitute. A lot of people confuse her with the woman who was forgivin (he who is without sin, let him cast the first stone) in the chapter before. There is zero indication that they're the same person. This misconception should lend some credibility to the above argument, that most people who call themselves Christians, never even pick up a Bible.

I think what's tripping a lot of people up, is that a Christian game doesn't have to be preachy. The message speaks loudest when it's lived and seen, not when it's pushed and shoved. God wants people to come to him willingly, not to be brought to him kicking and screaming. That was the whole point of creation.

I am not going by the bible...and what it said about her.

I am going by what the church said about her. Cause they did not want to give her the credit that she was the wife of jesus.

Either way. I am not christian nor do i like any religons.

My thing is. If the game was fun..MAYBE. it all depends on if it's prechy or just a overall fun game..if it prechy then no i will not play it. if it has a good story line and can somewhat go with what is currently out there..then maybe. But this alternative to GTA is BS.

The only way these people can make a succesful game is do what the gaming market is doing now...if not. it will be a huge flop like any other religous game.
bonkrowave said:
Why not make a game about Arcangels (sp?), and have them battle satans minions. I always thought Angels designed for war, were cool, ... and im not talking about the boring, fat, dramatic, ones from the movie Michael.

Absolutely, I think that is where I would start. It appeals to my Gaming side and my Christian side.
bonkrowave said:
Why not make a game about Arcangels (sp?), and have them battle satans minions. I always thought Angels designed for war, were cool, ... and im not talking about the boring, fat, dramatic, ones from the movie Michael.

Kinda like a prequel to the Christopher Walken film "The Prophecy"? That might be pretty cool. You could play as the Archangel Michael (who would be the leader of God's forces) or Asmodeus (commander of Lucifer's minions) and send your forces against each other in RTS mode, or get down in FPS mode and wield the flaming sword yourself.

That, done correctly of course, could actually rock. Think of some of the awe-inspiring visuals a game like that could have ... numberless armies of angels and the fallen battling for dominion of the universe. Hell (pun intended), I even have a great title for it: "Storming Heaven".
I could see some of the pre-rendered cut scenes now, scores of arcangels pouring out of the clouds, or even the end sequence, of lucifer with his wings on fire (icarus style) falling from the heavens.

It could be so cool!
My .02 here:

Fun or not, I don't find the idea of a game based on religion, Christian or otherwise, appealing.
[RIP]Zeus said:
I am not going by the bible...and what it said about her.

I am going by what the church said about her.

^ heh, not sure if you were aware, but you just demonstrated a major pitfall of christianity
Bo_Bice said:
^ heh, not sure if you were aware, but you just demonstrated a major pitfall of christianity

s/christianity/organised religion/g
HHunt said:
s/christianity/organised religion/g

sorry i dont understand the s and the g and what it all means.

now if i take the first letters of each part, it comes out to SCORG, which could be some codename im not aware of. heh, it reminds me a of diablo2 thread. there is discussion going on, but i have no damn clue what anyones saying lol :p
I am amused that the profane observations about Christianity expressed in this thread have been met with little resistance. If equivalent statements were made in regards to ethnic or racial backgrounds, I would expect there would be howls of derision. However, I guess it is perfectly OK to make demeaning statements about one’s religious convictions in this forum.
To comment on a persons race will not be tolerated by me and I hope all others in here. And as far as this thread goes, if you cant take the heat, don't sin or you're going to HELL :D
mike0219116 said:
I am amused that the profane observations about Christianity expressed in this thread have been met with little resistance. If equivalent statements were made in regards to ethnic or racial backgrounds, I would expect there would be howls of derision. However, I guess it is perfectly OK to make demeaning statements about one’s religious convictions in this forum.
No, I think its more of a case, that people who feel the need to batter religion, or batter those people who are not religious, are automatically classified as having an IQ lower then mayonnaise. So there is no point in provoking these simple minded folk.

See its all about being tolerant of others peoples belief systems. Something both the religious, and non religious are guilty of doing. I guess you can draw a common thread between the two sides after all.

As for comparing religion to your ethic or racial background, ..... just a bit of a stretch. One does not choose their racial or ethic background, but you can choose which religion you subscribe to
mike0219116 said:
I am amused that the profane observations about Christianity expressed in this thread have been met with little resistance. If equivalent statements were made in regards to ethnic or racial backgrounds, I would expect there would be howls of derision. However, I guess it is perfectly OK to make demeaning statements about one’s religious convictions in this forum.

Bo_Bice said:
sorry i dont understand the s and the g and what it all means.

now if i take the first letters of each part, it comes out to SCORG, which could be some codename im not aware of. heh, it reminds me a of diablo2 thread. there is discussion going on, but i have no damn clue what anyones saying lol :p

Sorry, just a habit. Read it as "substitute 'organised religion' for 'christianity' everywhere it occurs in the above text". :)
(I guess it only makes sense if you've used sed.)
Ingonuts13 said:
I mean come one is buying this unless it is a fun game. And I do feel sorry for the poor kid that has parents who will shove something like this down his/her throat just because it is endorsed by Christians. It needs to be fun foremost....and FIRST!

Actually, it'll probably be a success for that exact reason. The head of the church "recommends" it and the rest of his flock will get it. Same reason politicians want to rub elbows with them, get the head's approval, the rest will blindly follow.

bonkrowave said:
I could see some of the pre-rendered cut scenes now, scores of arcangels pouring out of the clouds, or even the end sequence, of lucifer with his wings on fire (icarus style) falling from the heavens.

It could be so cool!

Requiem: Avenging Angel
Shane said:
Lol your one of the few guy because he grossed more than any movie in history... wake up btw you dont know ne1 that has seen it because your a devil worshipper! lol jokeing I dont know for sure but I might be right. Anyways read my above post again and confirm it if you wish to be humbled. Btw the bible was as has been the best selling book so why wouldnt someone that made a computer game about the bible be the best selling game ? Makes sense to me. Like uh most parents buy the kid a game they are going to pick up a bible game over some hell game trust me know and belive it.

Yes yes, I remember 5 or so titles for nintendo that flopped, they were christian related. It would be nice if people were interested in wholsome stuff for their kids, but for now, I like my blood and gore. Statistics prove it vents anger towards man kind, violent crime has dropped since the introduction of the playstation.
Also I'm game for trying anything, christian games are not new, but I'd give a new attempt a try.
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