PlaneSide MMOFPS 100% free trial

Jan 10, 2005
Seems like this amazing game has passed a few people by, so if you've ever wanted to try it now's your chance!

The 7 day free trial has been opened up for anyone who wants to sample the game, or if you're an ex player and want to see the changes that have been made. (PlanetSide is always under development) You will need to make a new SOE station name - you cant use this offer with old characters if you've played PlanetSide before unfortunatly.

Whats PlanetSide? Watch this video I created!

Get hold of a free 7 day trial CD key from

And a complete download (1.6gb!!) using this installer

You'll find an great FAQ about this trial and PlanetSide here

PlanetSide seems to have turned a corner over the past few months - it's become a whole lot of fun again! Hope you come and sample the fun. It would be a good way to stress test your PC's!


Well, I can't pass up a free trial. I'll give it a whirl :) , need a break from lineage2 anyways. :(
get into plane, rush the base, destroy the underpopulated base, take 20 minutes to capture a node, level up, go back to home base.... repeat.

that entertained me for about an hour. therefore i don't play it anymore
It's pretty populated now... and your description of your gameplay is not how many play.... it's all about teamwork rather than solo running around. Been playing it myself for nearly 2 years.... and before you think im a MMO nut... I can't abide EQ or other grind games. :) (No offence to the Lineage player! :) )
I played the beta and then bailed. Most everyone I know stopped playing also. I am going to give the demo a try though.
MrWoot said:
get into plane, rush the base, destroy the underpopulated base, take 20 minutes to capture a node, level up, go back to home base.... repeat.

that entertained me for about an hour. therefore i don't play it anymore

That's nothing like the game I've been playing for more than a year now :confused: Nothing at all.

I think you should play again.
im definitely gonna try this out...I need something to satisfy my boredness besides just counterstrike, dod, css, hl2, hl2dm, and ddrmax :D
Marcopolo007uk said:
It's pretty populated now... and your description of your gameplay is not how many play.... it's all about teamwork rather than solo running around. Been playing it myself for nearly 2 years.... and before you think im a MMO nut... I can't abide EQ or other grind games. :) (No offence to the Lineage player! :) )

It's ok, I owe my soul to the grind :p
Don't get me wrong its a fun game :), but I had issues with the end-game stuff myself. I guess a lack of progression once you maxed BR20 CR5. It got very repetative, and the fact that I couldn't do anything unique was also bothering to me. Its a game of numbers, whichever faction has more people on the cont. will win.
I played the beta and the retail for 6 months or so. The game was fun and they added new stuff to keep it entertaining.

I always enjoyed scouting for hidden AMS and then calling orbital strikes on them and the 10 people huddled nearby :D