PixelJunk Shooter


Jan 11, 2007
Did anyone pick this up yet?

I bought it last night. It's a nice game. Hard to explain kinda, it's a shooter but you have to use your brains to rescue stranded humans. It has remote play compatibility with PSP and the ability to record what you do in the game. I tested the recording feature, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVktedj7wUo it's too bad the quality isn't a little bit better for the video... anyway I'm sure it'll be great to show secrets and what not.
I picked it up. I'm a Pixeljunk junkie. The game is okay, I kind of think Monsters and Eden were cooler, but I'm gonna give this one a chance. So far (second world) it's relatively easy...
I bought it last night. Its basically a modernised 'Thrust' clone but with slightly different controls, and the ability to interact more with your environment.

I personally love it. People who like this kind of game should check out Gravity Crash on the PSN (same price) which is another very similar game but with very different art style and controls more inline with the original 'Thrust'.

For £6.29 *dont know dollar price* .. this game should be on everyone's PS3... its damn addictive.
pixeljunk makes great games imo. I really enjoyed 2 player mode on the tower defense.
Come to think of it, I like this game a bit more than I originally thought. The fact that Pixeljunk made a side scrolling shooter game that actually innovates is impressive enough given how many other games there are like this. It's a cool concept, and the multiplayer works pretty well too.
That's a lame copy of a Sega Genesis game called SubTerania. which is way, way better than this crap...
That's a lame copy of a Sega Genesis game called SubTerania. which is way, way better than this crap...

wow really? I had no idea subterrania has fluid physics and ran in 1080p.

great post, will read again, a+++
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
wow really? I had no idea subterrania has fluid physics and ran in 1080p.

great post, will read again, a+++
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

Way to go comparing PS3 graphics to Sega Genesis, way to go!
You are a GENIUS!
What's your point Vlad? Out of all the video games created in the past ~40, is it a problem if one game resembles another? Should we all not play this excellent game, because Subterrania is there?
I love the game. Art style is alot of fun and I'm really digging how physics expand the gameplay. The fact that you can play it with a friend just makes it all the better.
grabbed this game last night. really fun game. I really enjoy manipulating the lava and water. I just played through the first "world" and had a lot of fun. Needed something to hold me over until christmas. I hate this time of the year when it comes to new games....since I have to wait till christmas to get anything that has been recently released!
I'm gonna have to get it just by virtue of how fucking awesome Pixeljunk Eden was. Can't even tell you how many parties I've thrown have devolved into everybody drunkenly passing the controller around in my living room with the lights off, staring at my 60" with the volume all the way up.