PHP preg_replace() question


Limp Gawd
May 23, 2002
*note, whenever you see a { it means a [ and } means ]

I'm messing around trying to make a ubb replacer and am running into a wierd issue (this is my first time playing with preg).

I've been able to successfuly replace the following string with the appropriate html code

And I'm using this code to replace it
$url = "[url=]Google[/url]";
echo preg_replace("|\[url=(.*)\](.*)\[/url\]|", "<a href=\"\\1\">\\2</a>", $url);

and with that i get <a href="">Google</a> without a hitch.

Now here's the problem, if I throw another url UBB link into that string, for example
{url=}Google{/url} and {url=}Yahoo{/url}

I only get the following output <a href="">Yahoo</a>

I thought preg_replace was supposed to go through and replace each time it found the pattern. What am I doing wrong?
i believe this has to do with greedy crap. this is rather confusing. you want the 'U' (PCRE_UNGREEDY) modifier (not to mention 'i' to make it case insensitive)
read the parts about greedy-ness

so make it
echo preg_replace("|{url=(.*)}(.*){/url}|iU", "<a href=\"\1\">\2</a>", $url);
notice the addition of 'iU' after your | delimiter

also, it is usually better to use the code tags instead of the php tags because the color scheme of this forum makes the php tags a bit hard to read at times come you were able to use brackets in your code line without it parsing the url tag? i tried it with both php and code tags, it made it a an actual link with the code tag, but with the php tag, it didn't make a link, but echoes http://
Originally posted by tim
i believe this has to do with greedy crap. this is rather confusing. you want the 'U' (PCRE_UNGREEDY) modifier (not to mention 'i' to make it case insensitive)
read the parts about greedy-ness

so make it
echo preg_replace("|{url=(.*)}(.*){/url}|iU", "<a href=\"\1\">\2</a>", $url);
notice the addition of 'iU' after your | delimiter

also, it is usually better to use the code tags instead of the php tags because the color scheme of this forum makes the php tags a bit hard to read at times come you were able to use brackets in your code line without it parsing the url tag? i tried it with both php and code tags, it made it a an actual link with the code tag, but with the php tag, it didn't make a link, but echoes http://

Thanks for your help, I'm not sure exactly wh my url ubb wasn't replaced on the forum (magic I'm guessing).

I played around with the code that you gave me and I got it to work. Thanks a lot.

here's the final code :

			echo preg_replace('|\[url=(.*)\](.*)\[/url\]|iU', "<a href=\"\\1\">\\2</a>", $url);
Hmm, and I just use the following.

preg_replace('/\[URL=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/URL\]/i', '<a href="\\1">\\2</a>', $url);

Never used the 'U' before, just always use (.*?) for my matching.