pfSense or <Blank>


Limp Gawd
Oct 19, 2011
What advanced router system do you use and why? I still love my pfSense box, but might try another, seems to be laggy lately.
Have you considered just re-doing the pfsense box? Maybe it just needs a cleanup, or if its physical, maybe some hardware is starting to go.
+1 on an ASA... I've not used the alternatives but I know what I know how to use and I know it works well.

I'll screw around with the other stuff some time in the home lab but I know what I can trust at work.
I use pfsense, but Astaro is pretty nice, and RouterOS is also good.

But I must admit, if I could get a SecPlus 5505 for cheap, I would be using it.
I use a Cisco 1921 ISR with Zone Firewall.

I also have an ASA 5505 Sec Plus.

However the ASA is not a true router in the sense that it can only route on ethernet and a true router can route over other mediums using interface cards like T1, Doc3, DSx, DSL, 3g/4g, MPLS, you name it.
I run pfSense at home and Cisco ASA at work.

I have a loaded, Sec Plus unlimited ASA 5505 at home, but never use it. Compared to pfSense *for home use*, there is nothing I find lacking in pfSense, with the exception of Cisco's AnyConnect client.
I run pfSense at home and Cisco ASA at work.

I have a loaded, Sec Plus unlimited ASA 5505 at home, but never use it. Compared to pfSense *for home use*, there is nothing I find lacking in pfSense, with the exception of Cisco's AnyConnect client.

Use the client export utility:

Export the windows installer. Password protect the key, insert in dropbox. Profit.
Another vote for pfsense here. I ran monowall first but had hardware compatibility issues so reluctantly switched to pfsense but it works so well I haven't looked back. Cisco if I could afford the hardware.
Use the client export utility:

Export the windows installer. Password protect the key, insert in dropbox. Profit.

I didn't see anywhere in your link that I could retrofit the Cisco AnyConnect client with pfSense at the head-end.

I'm not a fan of the OpenVPN client so I just use PPTP now. It works well enough, and my iPhone supports it.
Yeah, I understand that. I was curious as to why he doesn't like the OpenVPN client itself, as it works perfectly fine.
I'll look up how to connect to an OpenVPN host with AnyConnect. That I didn't know.
I was curious as to why he doesn't like the OpenVPN client itself, as it works perfectly fine
Is there an OpenVPN client for Apple iOS?
m0n0wall by far easier to use then pfsense. i've got a couple of these boxes, and they started off all with pfsense, now they all run m0n0wall.
I'm actually a big enough pfSense fan that I've donated a poweredge server to them for developement. And, I've run pfSense for quite some time.

However, I recently purchased a mikrotik box and am using it for everything. HOLY SH*T. Mikrotik is where it's at now as far as I'm concerned.

I'm not fully convinced just yet for corporate deployment, as we still have some ASAs and other Cisco routers out there (not going to get into an ASA battle as several of you know I really don't care for them), but mikrotik is quite nice.

Take a look at it and see what you think.
I'm actually a big enough pfSense fan that I've donated a poweredge server to them for developement. And, I've run pfSense for quite some time.

However, I recently purchased a mikrotik box and am using it for everything. HOLY SH*T. Mikrotik is where it's at now as far as I'm concerned.

I'm not fully convinced just yet for corporate deployment, as we still have some ASAs and other Cisco routers out there (not going to get into an ASA battle as several of you know I really don't care for them), but mikrotik is quite nice.

Take a look at it and see what you think.

Yep. I love Mikrotik. Maybe not enterprise-grade, but I'd be willing to say business-grade. MANY WISPs use them for their infrastructure. Again, Cisco is better, but the features and pricing of the Mikrotiks is awesome.
Is there any Mikrotik that is available in the US currently? I just went to their website and all the routers I saw were waiting on FTC to cert them prior to release.
Yep. I love Mikrotik. Maybe not enterprise-grade, but I'd be willing to say business-grade. MANY WISPs use them for their infrastructure. Again, Cisco is better, but the features and pricing of the Mikrotiks is awesome.

Cisco is better.....hmmmm.....have to mull over that one.

Anyway, I purchased one of these and should get it in today or tomorrow. It's going to replace a Fit-PC2 running pfSense and we'll see how it goes.