PETA and Hunting Groups Face Off Over Drone Rights

PETA's entire purpose in doing this is to try to get some footage of some 1%er slob who's violating game laws, then use that to paint all hunters as drunken redneck psycho's who just like killing shit while drunk.

It's an old tactic: find a gun owner who commits a violent crime, therefore all gun owners are crazy; find some black kid that mugs an old lady, and all blacks kids are thugs.

PETA says on their website:

Many animals endure prolonged, painful deaths when they are injured but not killed by hunters.


"Even when unusual natural occurrences cause overpopulation, natural processes work to stabilize the group. Starvation and disease can be tragic, but they are nature’s ways of ensuring that healthy, strong animals survive and maintain the strength of the rest of their herd or group."

So it's bad when animals suffer from humans, but when nature does it it's just dandy. How can you argue with that? :rolleyes:
There's a lot of fantasy regarding the use of guns in this thread. I hope people are just going off the crazy end of things because they're on the internet. Reality would totally suck if people actually had that little restraint or self control.
PS... Smarta$$ deer hunters (like in the video) should avoid wearing white.

I used to hunt deer a bit. I can see a hunter making exactly this mistake, it's not always easy to see what color an animal is if the light isn't good like on an overcast day or add in rain or snow. Mistakes happen, the guy turned himself in, probably felt shitty for what he did. He knew he was wrong after he saw the animal up close. He knew he would probably get fined for it, that's why he left it to waste. I'd say he made a perfectly human error and used perfectly human poor judgement in leaving the animal instead of packing it off to the Game Wardens. The fine wasn't really wrong either way. Whoever sawed off the Antlers, well what mattered at that point didn't matter anymore.

Now for the town that passed that law on Drone Hunting, so fucking what?

I am more amazed that this topic has gone 40 posts and none of you have realized that the town itself doesn't govern hunting laws of land outside the township's city limits. Doh ! All hunting laws are State Laws with the exception of Federal Laws for hunting on Federal Lands which usually incorporate the State Laws with one or two exceptions cause Feds gotta be Feds.

So if a drone is flying inside the city limits then I guess some dumbass can shoot it down, but that will last about as long as it takes for some bonehead to take a shot at some dudes AR Drone he bought at the Verizon store and puts a bullet into someone's apartment.

Oh, and a bullet going up at 45 degrees does not come back down at 45 degrees, and yes, in places like Iraq, "celebratory fire" does occasionally kill the unlucky.

And in practice, not theory, a bullet fired perfectly straight up in the air still doesn't come back down straight because of wind, spin drift, Coriolis drift (rotation of the earth), and other factors. That doesn't mean you can't shoot straight up and hit the point of origin, but if it does it's more by completely unimaginable luck then a simplistic "I shot straight up and the bullet came straight down".
Ohh, and by the way, Hunting is actually defined as the "taking of game". So to really pull this legislation off, one must redefine a mechanical object that just happens to be someone's personal property as a game animal. Now that is going to be a real trick.

Ahh, doesn't matter, since a drone isn't wildlife it can't be hunted and doesn't fall under the State's regulatory power. You can call it hunting, but hunting is taking game and a drone isn't game. Instead you just got some guys shooting at other people's property.

I am pretty sure that even though the city might pay you for a part of a drone you shot down, the State will find this as an admission of guilt for an unlawful discharge of firearm's law and maybe a few others.
I used to hunt, but stopped once I started getting shot at by drunken idiots with guns during deer hunting season.
The worst part was, that's family.

Wait, what? Your drunk family shot at you?
I like the story where the girl went hunting for a bear and the bear almost killed her. Then PETA told her tough luck & everyone got mad at PETA because they lack compassion.

Well tough shit, common sense dictates that things defend themselves from being killed. Maybe next time they should just put the bear in a cage and shoot it so they wont get their hair ruffled.:rolleyes:
I like the story where the girl went hunting for a bear and the bear almost killed her. Then PETA told her tough luck & everyone got mad at PETA because they lack compassion.

Well tough shit, common sense dictates that things defend themselves from being killed. Maybe next time they should just put the bear in a cage and shoot it so they wont get their hair ruffled.:rolleyes:

Is there a citation (or point)?
While I'm all for monitoring for illegal hunting. It should be done BY THE AUTHORITIES, not by JoeBob AnotherCitizen.

Many illegal things are stopped by the telling of a private citizen.
Amazing isn't LeninGHOLA, an organization who is supposed to be "more in tune with nature" who will send a note like this and act like it's all happy days on the block for the rest of nature. Take this quote from the end of the letter;
"... choose to enjoy nature in only nonviolent ways."

Because we all know nature is never violent.
Amazing isn't LeninGHOLA, an organization who is supposed to be "more in tune with nature" who will send a note like this and act like it's all happy days on the block for the rest of nature. Take this quote from the end of the letter;

Because we all know nature is never violent.

Even then, deer might be a big source of meat for this family.
LeninGHOLA you are absolutely right. PETA is so far off the path it's laughably pathetic.

Look, I am all about punishing some dickhead who abuses animals. At the same time I think they are way past wrong with this letter. Human beings should be allowed and even encouraged to interact with nature in a manner that is consistent with the laws of nature, not consistent with the laws of man.

We do need to preserve nature. But not without understanding that some species will fail, this is and always has been the norm. Each species that fails heralds a new success which allows nature to adapt and survive as ecosystems.
We do need to preserve nature. But not without understanding that some species will fail, this is and always has been the norm. Each species that fails heralds a new success which allows nature to adapt and survive as ecosystems.
Isn't a large part of the reason you need to hunt in North America because you and your ancestors killed off most of the natural predators for deer, so now they've become a pest?
Isn't a large part of the reason you need to hunt in North America because you and your ancestors killed off most of the natural predators for deer, so now they've become a pest?

To a certain extent. Overpopulation causes mass starvation, soil erosion, animals invading farms, etc. Only enough licenses are issued to take care of excess population. Fewer licenses will be issued as wolves retake territory that was lost to them, but hunting will still be a necessary part of the ecology.
Now for the town that passed that law on Drone Hunting, so fucking what?

Asked around a bit for the long range fliers, and apparently, if you can find and hit them while they're at cruising altitude (200-300m), you deserve the kill.

Some are planning a visit to Colorado, who wants to go?
I used to hunt deer a bit. I can see a hunter making exactly this mistake, it's not always easy to see what color an animal is if the light isn't good like on an overcast day or add in rain or snow. Mistakes happen, the guy turned himself in, probably felt shitty for what he did. He knew he was wrong after he saw the animal up close. He knew he would probably get fined for it, that's why he left it to waste. I'd say he made a perfectly human error and used perfectly human poor judgement in leaving the animal instead of packing it off to the Game Wardens. The fine wasn't really wrong either way. Whoever sawed off the Antlers, well what mattered at that point didn't matter anymore.

Now for the town that passed that law on Drone Hunting, so fucking what?

I am more amazed that this topic has gone 40 posts and none of you have realized that the town itself doesn't govern hunting laws of land outside the township's city limits. Doh ! All hunting laws are State Laws with the exception of Federal Laws for hunting on Federal Lands which usually incorporate the State Laws with one or two exceptions cause Feds gotta be Feds.

So if a drone is flying inside the city limits then I guess some dumbass can shoot it down, but that will last about as long as it takes for some bonehead to take a shot at some dudes AR Drone he bought at the Verizon store and puts a bullet into someone's apartment.

Oh, and a bullet going up at 45 degrees does not come back down at 45 degrees, and yes, in places like Iraq, "celebratory fire" does occasionally kill the unlucky.

And in practice, not theory, a bullet fired perfectly straight up in the air still doesn't come back down straight because of wind, spin drift, Coriolis drift (rotation of the earth), and other factors. That doesn't mean you can't shoot straight up and hit the point of origin, but if it does it's more by completely unimaginable luck then a simplistic "I shot straight up and the bullet came straight down".

I used to hunt deer a bit. I can see a hunter making exactly this mistake, it's not always easy to see what color an animal is if the light isn't good like on an overcast day or add in rain or snow. Mistakes happen, the guy turned himself in, probably felt shitty for what he did. He knew he was wrong after he saw the animal up close. He knew he would probably get fined for it, that's why he left it to waste. I'd say he made a perfectly human error and used perfectly human poor judgement in leaving the animal instead of packing it off to the Game Wardens. The fine wasn't really wrong either way. Whoever sawed off the Antlers, well what mattered at that point didn't matter anymore.

Now for the town that passed that law on Drone Hunting, so fucking what?

I am more amazed that this topic has gone 40 posts and none of you have realized that the town itself doesn't govern hunting laws of land outside the township's city limits. Doh ! All hunting laws are State Laws with the exception of Federal Laws for hunting on Federal Lands which usually incorporate the State Laws with one or two exceptions cause Feds gotta be Feds.

So if a drone is flying inside the city limits then I guess some dumbass can shoot it down, but that will last about as long as it takes for some bonehead to take a shot at some dudes AR Drone he bought at the Verizon store and puts a bullet into someone's apartment.

Oh, and a bullet going up at 45 degrees does not come back down at 45 degrees, and yes, in places like Iraq, "celebratory fire" does occasionally kill the unlucky.

And in practice, not theory, a bullet fired perfectly straight up in the air still doesn't come back down straight because of wind, spin drift, Coriolis drift (rotation of the earth), and other factors. That doesn't mean you can't shoot straight up and hit the point of origin, but if it does it's more by completely unimaginable luck then a simplistic "I shot straight up and the bullet came straight down".

You are you kidding me?! He should not be hunting nor take the shot if he can't clearly see, he averred he could not see what color the Deer was, but he knew it looked like a Deer... are you Fcking kidding me?! Seriously, he knew he made a mistake... BS! He turned himself in only after he hear on the TV an investigation was started. He knew before taking the shot it was wrong. So, if after he clearly saw the 'white' deer up close and only then did he realized he made a mistake, why leave the Deer? Why not report it to the authorities how it happened and that he made the mistake? Because he was fcking ignorant of the law against shooting albino Deer, failing to review the laws seasonally is no excuse. That would make sense, but by leaving it no one would have seen what he did, so he knew before he hear it on the local TV news. And, we'll never know WHO really hacked off the rack. My bet, he knows who got the rack... he most likely shot this deer (fully knowing it was illegal) for the landowner, who after seeing the deer graze within HIS property and who wasn't himself a hunter asked this person who regularly uses the landowners property for hunting to shoot it and he would hack off the racks. In return this hunter could continue using his property for future hunting. Here's the kicker, even the local hunters were disgusted with the fact this 'ignorant hunter' just left it there.

1. WOUNDING GAME and leaving it to die
2. FAILING TO FOLLOW UP EVERY SHOT, resulting in not recovering wounded game
3. WOUNDING GAME BY TAKING TOO LONG SHOTS, by hitting non-vital areas and by shooting when a clear open shot is not available (Too bad the video didn't disclose if he made a vital area shot, proving he was an excellent shot and could CLEARLY SEE the vital area... Therefore, he could see the color of the deer)
4. FAILING TO CARE FOR GAME by proper field dressing, transporting, and butchering
5. HUNTERS WHO DO NOT EAT the game they harvest
6. BRAGGING to others about hunting using poor taste or language, e.g., "Stuck one and couldn't find it." Also, erroneously promoting hunting as a "macho" sport, when in fact, many women and children participate successfully
7. DISPLAYING obnoxious slogans on T-shirts and bumper stickers which are offensive to those who don't hunt, such as "happiness is a large gut pile." There is no room for disrespect in the sport of hunting.
8. UNNECESSARY DISPLAY OF GAME ON VEHICLES; the place to display animals is not on top of vehicles, but in our dens and trophy rooms. Viewing there is a matter of choice, unlike a cow elk on top a van with tongue out and blood dripping down the windows as it passes a school bus full of children. Isn't it worth a few dollars for a game bag to use to properly cover game while you transport it?
9. DISRESPECT FOR PRIVATE PROPERTY AND LANDOWNERS. (It was never disclosed on TV if the white Deer was taken on public or private land, however there was buildings in the background along the fence-line) (In my state... NO PERSON SHALL HUNT, SHOOT OR CARRY LOADED FIREARMS WITHIN 500 FEET OF ANY BUILDING OCCUPIED BY PEOPLE, ANIMALS OR USED TO STORE FLAMMABLE MATERIALS. NO PERSON SHALL SHOOT TOWARD ANY PERSON, BUILDING OR DOMESTIC ANIMAL WITHIN RANGE. NO PERSON SHALL SHOOT ACROSS A TRAVELED PORTION OF ANY PUBLIC ROAD.) (exception... written permission from the landowner but the distance is now 250 feet from building, etc.) The number of posted and no trespassing signs and the number of hunters who still ignore them tells the story. How can we blame landowners for anti-hunting attitudes when they see strange vehicles parked on their property and have to continually repair and pay for damage to what is theirs
10. HUNTERS DRINKING in public or coming out of a liquor stores dressed in hunting clothing. The impression is there and it is NOT a good one
11. APPEARANCE OF HUNTERS, their vehicles, game taken, campsite condition all give impressions as well. A hunter with four days of beard and body odor, with camo make-up adorning his face and hands, is totally offensive to others in a restaurant for Sunday breakfast.
12. VIOLATING THE LAW is intolerable to those who do not hunt. Why, they wonder, would any hunter break the law designed to help preserve his sport?

1. Name four major responsibilties you assume when you buy a hunting license.
2. Using three to five words, describe a responsible hunter.
3. What is the "Unwritten Law of Hunting?"
4. How does using a game bag show respect for others?
5. How is staying within your own limitations a sign of respect for others?
PETA has been found responsible for its own share of animal cruelty on numerous occasions. They're nothing but hypocritical extremist psychopaths. I doubt their use of drones will be within the law, and if they fly drones over someone's private land the landowner has every right to shoot it down.

@Ducman69: #8 shot has a short range and can be fired upward safely over large farmland and wooded areas. That's all that would be necessary to knock down an illegally operated drone. I'd also like to see you try to shove a shotgun up someone's ass on their own property. Good luck explaining to the sheriff at the hospital why you were shot in self-defense.

PETA is a bunch of fucking morons. They also have ties to domestic terrorists and condone idiots who firebomb animal testing centers. And at least one of the higher ups at PETA (or at one time) had a bovine graft for her heart that keeps her alive. Something that PETA doesn't agree with for you and me.

As for the second part, If he gets to explain it at all. He may not survive. I don't load my shotguns light with fucking birdshot. If someone comes onto my land without my permission and don't leave when I tell them to things will get ugly. Especially some idiot who thinks he can "shove a shotgun up my ass."
And any drone not flying over my property legally will not be returning to it's place of origin under it's own power.
You are you kidding me?! He should not be hunting nor take the shot if he can't clearly see, he averred he could not see what color the Deer was, but he knew it looked like a Deer... are you Fcking kidding me?

No I am not kidding you.

I got one question for you, Have you ever been deer hunting?
Isn't a large part of the reason you need to hunt in North America because you and your ancestors killed off most of the natural predators for deer, so now they've become a pest?

Yes Tudz, your mostly correct but I would word it differently.

We did kill them off, replacing one with another. We took the place of the Wolf and the Cougar so now the prey is ours to hunt and eat. Today our people rely more on store bought meats and less on hunting, it takes less time from your work day and you rarely come home empty handed from the Grocery Store. As a species we are changing our behavior and the world around us will change with it. That is the way nature works.

Stop seeing yourself as separate from nature. You are an animal, you are part of the whole. The rules still apply :D
I dunno, Tudz seems to have it right. Americans go into a place, kill off a bunch stuff there, pave it with asphalt and then decorate their yards with plastic versions of the now dead things. They usually then wander around with phones stuck to their heads and occasionally go out to what few forests haven't been turned into farmland or communities to pretend to be manly, claiming they need to hunt something to eat even though it takes a lot less time to buy a chunk of meat from a store that's only a short drive from where they live.
I think it's been going on long before America was on a map.
How is it some people see humans as above nature, yet a simple bacteria or virus can wipe out scores of us.

Interesting concept, someone make a movie:

Flesh Eating Bacteria, Bird Flu, HN1, mother Nature tailored them specifically to curb the over population of homo sapiens. Nature is placing with the scales :D
CreepyUncleGoogle, your not entirely wrong at all, but it's a mistake to think we got where we are today in an overnight development. And it's a mistake to think there are parts of the world where it still isn't a big part of living. Some hunt, some fish, can you think of any people anywhere that still fish largely for their daily meals?

Would you say today, that the beef you buy from the market is definitely better for you then a deer you shot yourself? It's just so easy to take a slice in time, now, 20 years ago, whatever, and make judgements without acknowledging that things often change slowly over time and us humans live short lives and often have shorter memories.
Weren't the aborigines in South America some of the last "wild" peoples, there are others, some in New Guinea or wherever. They are just members of our species who found no compelling reason to change, so they didn't. That is one of the major distinctions between our species and most others, we change our environment to suite us where most others change themselves to their environment. Species come and go all the time, older ones dieing off newer ones being found. Only time is going to tell if natures grand experiment, home sapiens, is going to work out as a better path. There are some species we know of though that have had long running success and many of them are simple creatures.