Pebble Time vs Pebble Steel


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 25, 2004
I've been on the fence for months on whether I want to get the Pebble Steel, or wait for a Pebble Time. Looking for a little help deciding which to get...

This will be used on an iPhone.

Pebble Steel
  • Pro: All metal construction
  • Pro: Looks more professional
  • Pro: Display seems to be brighter
  • Pro: Cheaper
  • Con: Last gen model (b/w display)
  • Con: May look out of place with less than business casual dress.

Pebble Time
  • Pro: Color display
  • Pro: Current gen model
  • Pro: Would look just as good in with business or casual dress.
  • Con: Plastic construction
  • Con: Plastic body may look/feel dumb with a metal band.
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My vote is for the Pebble Time. The band can be swapped out whenever with something better if you need to. The shape is better being a little more rounded.
Have you not seen the Pebble Time Steel?

I would not recommend the last gen Pebble Steel due to lack of future support and worse battery life.

P.S. Happy Pebble Time owner here. But remember to take it off on dates, or else your date would think you're checking the time all the time whenever you get a notification. Learn this the hard way!
Have you not seen the Pebble Time Steel?

I would not recommend the last gen Pebble Steel due to lack of future support and worse battery life.

P.S. Happy Pebble Time owner here. But remember to take it off on dates, or else your date would think you're checking the time all the time whenever you get a notification. Learn this the hard way!

The Pebble Time Steel is going to be $299. A full $100 more. In case OP has not seen it:
Have you not seen the Pebble Time Steel?

I would not recommend the last gen Pebble Steel due to lack of future support and worse battery life.

P.S. Happy Pebble Time owner here. But remember to take it off on dates, or else your date would think you're checking the time all the time whenever you get a notification. Learn this the hard way!

But you can also use it to do an easy Cyrano de Bergerec ( )!

I have the Pebble (std). Like it for the API and ease in hacking it. You will likely be able to get a Steel for cheap on eBay as people upgrade, they're very user serviceable as only the Kickstarter edition lacked screws. I got a std. plastic one for $49/shipped months ago.

I just wish they'd develop their own fitness/step app. The ones available lack features because most are from companies that offer their own fitbands so they have no reason to make it full featured.

That and allow the API to control the watch buttons via API commands. Right now, you can control other objects (phone, remotes, etc.) with the buttons, you can't control the watch (ie: if you wanted to have an external controller to scroll the screen/etc.).
The Time Steel is out of the question. I'd rather spend the extra money and get an apple watch.

I am a little worried about future support of the older devices.
Don't the time and last gen pebbles have the same battery life? I thought only the time steel had the improved battery life of 7-10 days?
IIRC, Pebble 1st generation and Pebble Steel are 5 days. Early adopters says it's closer to 3 days. Pebble Time standard is 7. And Pebble Time Steel is 10.

My Pebble Time could definitely make 7 days. Kill them zombies!
Does anybody know if all apps for the time are backwards compatible with the first gen Pebble's? Save for functionality that requires color or the microphone on the Time?
I ended up buying a Pebble Steel in the stainless steel finish. Finally saw a Pebble Time in person and wasn't too impressed.