PDXLAN Whos going?

Vertigo Acid

May 31, 2003
With PDXLAN 4.05 less than two weeks away... what [H]'ers will be there, huh?

Also, registration is open for the 1000 man 5.05 http://www.pdxlan.net
w00t for the biggest, most sponsored LAN on the west coast!
Im thinking about it. Went last year and the year before. :cool:
Mrel said:
Im thinking about it. Went last year and the year before. :cool:

The one coming up in less that two weeks is sold out. So you'd be looking at the 1000 person one in August...
My friends and I are comming!!!
Though I may need to transfer my pc to my old computer case...


We'll all be around table "R" my PDX handle is the same as my forum handle.
I got in at the last minute so I will see you folks there. I'll be under the same handle as in here. Let the fragging begin :D. FYI I found that the Motel 6 up the road from the Holiday Inn is alot cheaper, $50 a night as compared to the $80 at the Holiday. I know it's a drive but what's better 6 miles and $30 or staying at the event?
right I wasnt very clear, I'm aware this ones sold out, but I will most likely be attending the 1000man lan.
With XP having a limit of 10 connections to a share, I'm setting up my pc with 2000 Server...
so leech away fellas (hint @ custom title)
You do understad that making porn available to minors is a major offense, right?
I shall definatly be there. I'll be over at seat E12...right on the end of table E. No shoulder-to-shoulder gaming for me! :)
I will be there for the 5.05... for sure the 4.05 is not going to be big enough, though i have a seat and all but just not going to go, have fun, and see you at 5.05... :D
Wait, you bought a seat and everything but you aren't going to go? Uhhh...ok. I'm sure there are people who will be a bit peeved to find and empty seat there since noone will be allowed to take up your empty seat. Although, it might be better for the people around where you seat was cause they can use up the power plugs that your system would have taken up. Plus, people can scoot over a tad so everyone isn't shoulder-to shoulder.
Hold on, I was a real late entry, I had to actually plead with demented on the phone to get in and I have yet to get my registration info back, I hope this does not screw me in the end. If maybe you could contact them and let them know that you will not be attending this may help grease the wheels for any problems I may have caused as a late entrant.
Maximus825 said:
You do understad that making porn available to minors is a major offense, right?

:sad panda:

Beeing just a straight leecher is weak. When in Rome, do as the Romans do...if there's no porn, then fine, if I find some though... ;)
kuyaglen said:
:sad panda:

Beeing just a straight leecher is weak. When in Rome, do as the Romans do...if there's no porn, then fine, if I find some though... ;)

My advice, don't. The staff is very adamant about this. There are children as young as 12 there. If your child went to a LAN and came back with a bunch of porn, what would you do? You would blame the people in charge. We don't want that...
Maximus825 said:
My advice, don't. The staff is very adamant about this. There are children as young as 12 there. If your child went to a LAN and came back with a bunch of porn, what would you do? You would blame the people in charge. We don't want that...

Okie Dokie.
Maximus825 said:
My advice, don't. The staff is very adamant about this. There are children as young as 12 there.

No porn and a bunch of 12 year olds playing CS sounds like a suckass LAN

Thanks for the info I'll be going to Quakecon instead this summer
C4rniV0r said:
No porn and a bunch of 12 year olds playing CS sounds like a suckass LAN

The case is totally opposite at the Mameman Lan's in San Jose. Well anyways after
much drama, broken commitments, I'm still going to be able to able to go...though it'll be
a fair bit later than hoped for. :) So I hope to see all you guys there, I'll be posting pix.
WOOT!!! I just won a P4 3.6ghz 800mhz 1mhz cache processor! Too bad I'm an AMD fan. :(
Wow, I would have thought that the 400GB HDDs would be SATA. Hitachi must have been looking for an excuse to get rid of the IDE drives.

If SATA is really that important to you, goto Fry's Electronics and get an SATA-to-IDE adapter for the drive. They plug directly into the back of the HDD and uses a standard 4-plug molex connector from your power supply and an SATA connector from your MB or SATA PCI card.

BTW, I too am selling my winnings from PDXLAN. I won one of those Intel P4 3.6Ghz processors. I'm an avid AMD fan, so I'm gonna sell the Intel processor and get an Athlon 64 processor and Nforce3 motherboard for it. Perhaps also pick up a nice HDD since my tiny 20Gb HDD one is packed to the hilt. :(
Yeah, i've used those before, but I definitly can't hide em like I'd want to. Dunno if you saw my case or not, it was the green watercooled one on the end of F, but my whole big thing is clean wiring ;)

Sad times, however, in that PDXLAN and Quakecon are scheduled same dates :/
Yea, I saw your machine. Very clean I must say. However, you really need to do something with the kinked tubing comming in and out of your northbridge waterblock. That there is really hurting your flow. If you ever need good tubing, look into getting 7/16 ID MasterKleer from mcmastercarr.com. The stuff is just as good as Tygon and is inexpensive as hell. Its only $0.37 a foot! Sure, the tubing is a tiny bit snug around 1/2" barbs on water blocks, pumps, radiators and resevoirs, but nothing a little heating up in hot water won't fix. I've got the 7/16 ID MasterKleer tubing for my WC setup (spent only $12 for 20ft. of it shipped to my doorstep)for my custom case and when I tested everything out it worked great. Nice and flexable. :) If you need any more info on this stuff, lemme know. :)
I walked away with a P4 EE 3.46, an Intel 925XECV2 motherboard and a BFG 6800OC. I plan on selling the EE combo as I'm an AMD guy, and don't need a second computer.
Vertigo Acid said:
Oh, and yes... he really does have 500gb+ of pr0n ;)

lol... I had the 2.4TB server there server a variety of stuff. I'm Stiffler btw...