PCIE Power plug?


I Steal Games
May 15, 2011
If you have a card that uses the additional power plug but do not have the plug will the card still work and downclock itself or will it not work at all?
I'm pretty sure all modern cards will just not work....you will either get a beep out of the card, or a message on the monitor telling you to plug in the power cord.

What card are you asking about?
Just was wondering in general. I know many many years ago they would work without additional power but downclock themselves until more power was available.
I know my old 7950gt would power on with a message when windows starts that the card has been downclocked to meet power requirements. On the other hand my experience with a GTX 480 is that it will not operate at all even with two six pins. I have to have all eight plugged in plus the six pin.