Patriot SSDs not reporting their correct Serial numbers


Aug 31, 2009
Anyone ever see an SSD not report their correct serial number? Either that or Patriot was dumb enough to put the wrong number on the labels.

I recently rebuilt my TrueNAS with four Patriot P210s and then one starting throwing errors. I tried to find the bad one by serial only to discover the damn numbers on the label don't reflect what TrueNAS reports in the OS.

I even booted into a live CD and Linux reports the same numbers as TrueNAS.

Then I try to call Patriot to figure this out, nobody picks up. No return call. Been over three hours. I've experienced some bad customer service in the past. But man, this is up there.

Never again will I buy a Patriot product. This is nonsense.
Remembering the days when Patriot resembled "quality".
Remembering the days when Patriot resembled "quality".
Yeah, this is a huge red flag. It really blew my mind. As someone who has been around for a while; not having the correct serial number on the label is absolute heresy.
They are connected directly to the motherboard. No RAID card.
sorry i meant like in your main system with a normal desktop mobo. im not familiar with truenas boxes but maybe its mobo isnt reporting them right. idk if it will matter, just something to try.
If you do a WinPE boot (Hiren, Sergai, etc) that has CrystalDiskInfo slipstreamed into it, does it show the correct serial in that app (or are the firmware and serial flipped, which I have seen in some non-major-party drives.)
sorry i meant like in your main system with a normal desktop mobo. im not familiar with truenas boxes but maybe its mobo isnt reporting them right. idk if it will matter, just something to try.
It's just a desktop running TrueNAS. That's the beauty of TrueNAS. ;)
If you do a WinPE boot (Hiren, Sergai, etc) that has CrystalDiskInfo slipstreamed into it, does it show the correct serial in that app (or are the firmware and serial flipped, which I have seen in some non-major-party drives.)
I did a linux liveCD for a disk utility (I forget the name now) and it showed the same serials that TrueNAS did. Patriot has just become a garbage firm. Sad. I returned the drives to Amazon.
That's sad.

And you know if you had issues in the future you would be screwed because of this SN mismatch, assuming they even respond to the RMA request.
Patriot SSD's are garbage. I just returned a 2TB to Amazon. For starters, it was light as a feather, felt empty. Any file operation had maddening periodic hesitations and the drive was about half as fast as any other SSD I've ever owned.
Patriot SSD's are garbage. I just returned a 2TB to Amazon. For starters, it was light as a feather, felt empty. Any file operation had maddening periodic hesitations and the drive was about half as fast as any other SSD I've ever owned.
Maybe it was a counterfeit.
Ah, a youngster!
I ain't no young'un. My first input medium was punch cards. My first PC ran CP/M. I was building and upgrading my systems when DOS was the only Intel OS around. (I'm not counting CP/M 86 or MP/M.) So who are you calling a youngster. I just never thought much of Patriot products. Using a "political" name also puts me off.
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I ain't no young'un. My first input medium was punch cards. My first PC ran CP/M. I was building and upgrading my systems when DOS was the only Intel OS around. (I'm not counting CP/M 86 or MP/M.) So who are you calling a youngster. I just never thought much of Patriot products. Using a "political" name also puts me off.
Fine. So, zero change with regards to quality on Patriot products, zero, as far as you're concerned over time. Interesting. I get you're "offended", but I think if you take an unbiased view, you can see that things have sort of gone downhill.
Fine. So, zero change with regards to quality on Patriot products, zero, as far as you're concerned over time. Interesting. I get you're "offended", but I think if you take an unbiased view, you can see that things have sort of gone downhill.
Atually I never thought much of Patriot products. A third-tier brand I have always avoided. I'm not offended, I' stating some facts. :ROFLMAO:
Atually I never thought much of Patriot products. A third-tier brand I have always avoided. I'm not offended, I' stating some facts. :ROFLMAO:
While they've certainly fallen from their number one crown, and while I say it is a drop in quality, you say that's "third tier", correct? Just making sure I understand where you're coming from. Feel free to share "some facts" though. Show how lousy (because that's what you're trying to say here) they are. Give us the data. I'm not sure I'd refer to them at "third tier" (basically bottom of the barrel). But again, I just pointed out the drop in quality.

Edit: Remember, we're talking Patriot PRODUCTS as a whole, which means what they are known for.