password-lock specific folders in xp?

from what i know is you cannot specificly "password lock" a folder. You can but you do it in a diffrent way. You add security to a folder which only a certain user can access. Which if the user has a password. I cannot explain it very well at all but, but basicly if you make a folder "Private" in xp, that is protecting it so only the user your logged under can access it and the owner of the pc.

I belice there are some 3rd party programs that will actully put a password lock onto a folder but it will cost some money...

Hope this is somewhat of help :)
You can't really "Password" it. But if you right click on the folder in Windows Explorer and click Security, you can set users that can access it. Just make sure "Everyone" is not an option and add your user name.
Is there any software that can do this? I only have one user enabled for my PC because I am virtually the only one that uses it, but when someone else does I would like to PW a few folders, if possible.
FiZ said:
Is there any software that can do this? I only have one user enabled for my PC because I am virtually the only one that uses it, but when someone else does I would like to PW a few folders, if possible.

like i said...there is a few software companies that do have it....

about the thing you want to do....there allways the XP built-in guest account :p
How secure do you need the folder to be? Are you just trying to hide pr0n or something? You can make folders hidden. The average user will never find it. Right click the folder, then change it to hidden under properties. Then go to tools>folder options>view tab>click "do not show hidden files or folders". Just remember where you have the folder.
The easiest thing to do is use Windows XP's built in EFS (Encrypted File System). This will allow you to encypt the folder and subfiles so no one except your user can access them. Plus, you will never have to enter a password to view the contents. To do this you will need to be using NTFS on the drive containing the folder you wish to encrypt and you will need your own user account. Then just righ-click on the folder and select Properties, click the Advanced button and check "Encrypt contents to secure data". No one except your user will be able to view the files, even if the drive the folder is on is moved to a different computer.
This should secure all your Pr0n from your family's prying eyes. ;)
S1nF1xx said:
The easiest thing to do is use Windows XP's built in EFS (Encrypted File System). This will allow you to encypt the folder and subfiles so no one except your user can access them. Plus, you will never have to enter a password to view the contents. To do this you will need to be using NTFS on the drive containing the folder you wish to encrypt and you will need your own user account. Then just righ-click on the folder and select Properties, click the Advanced button and check "Encrypt contents to secure data". No one except your user will be able to view the files, even if the drive the folder is on is moved to a different computer.
This should secure all your Pr0n from your family's prying eyes. ;)

This option will only work with XP Pro. Meng-Chieh, what version of XP are you using? Winzip will allow you to password protect a folder. You will have to "zip" it first. If you don't like shareware, try 7-Zip. It's free, it's the best, and it supports virtually all compression formats like ZIP, RAR, 000, and etc. It will allow you to password protect any file you would like. Try it out, I think you will like it.
Private Citizen said:
This option will only work with XP Pro.
I did fail to mention that.

I'm assuming this guy is hiding porn, why else does anyone pw protect folders? :p
Even if it's not porn, if the folder is over a few hundred megs, compressing and uncompressing may get to be a pain. The most conveinient way is to use EFS if possible. Just another reason to get rid of the suckfest known as XP Home.
S1nF1xx said:
I did fail to mention that.

I'm assuming this guy is hiding porn, why else does anyone pw protect folders? :p
Even if it's not porn, if the folder is over a few hundred megs, compressing and uncompressing may get to be a pain. The most conveinient way is to use EFS if possible. Just another reason to get rid of the suckfest known as XP Home.

Agreed :D

What have you decided on, Meng-Chieh?