P5WD2 Premium - Question about PCI E


Limp Gawd
Apr 22, 2006
Newegg lists the P4WD2 Premium as has having 2 PCI Express x16 and 1 PCI Express 1. The spec website states that there is one pci x 16, 1 x4 and 1 x 1
I'm going to assume this is a typo on Newegg's part ?

If I'm looking to put 2 video cards into a system, BUT NOT for SLI purposes necessarily and I'd like to stay away from putting a Dual Head PCI card as I've got that in my current setup and Java Applets literally DIE on it and I unfortunately have to use alot of java applications in my development.

Is this not a good motherboard for that? can I buy a PCI x 16 card and throw it in the pci x4 slot?
Physcially there is 2 x16 slots.

Electrically there is only one x16 slot, one x4 slot and one x1 slot.

The 2 graphic cards should work fine. Just one of them is only going to operate at a x4 speed which is still way above adquete for video cards. Hell, we just maxed AGP x4 I still think PCI-Express x1 is still faster than that.
Okay. Thanks for the info.

Just out of curiousity, with an SLI system would both be operating at 16x or does that special "chip" take care of that?
Fort_Major said:
Okay. Thanks for the info.

Just out of curiousity, with an SLI system would both be operating at 16x or does that special "chip" take care of that?
That depends on what kind of board you buy. Some with SLi will run at x8 and others (not too many out there) will run at x16 for both cards.
Heh, i see. Alot of confusion and heads-up required. I'm going through and trying to build a brand new system. While I'm not much of a gamer I'd like to make sure that I have something that will last for a few years and will be able to handle Vista and games. I dont know what's going to happen with the gaming industry when Vista comes out :p

I don't think that SLI will be a requirement for my system however as most of my multiiple monitor use is for work/development.

Anybody know if there are any other motherboards I should be looking at other then this one (for Intel)?
Fort_Major said:
Heh, i see. Alot of confusion and heads-up required. I'm going through and trying to build a brand new system. While I'm not much of a gamer I'd like to make sure that I have something that will last for a few years and will be able to handle Vista and games. I dont know what's going to happen with the gaming industry when Vista comes out :p

I don't think that SLI will be a requirement for my system however as most of my multiiple monitor use is for work/development.

Anybody know if there are any other motherboards I should be looking at other then this one (for Intel)?

Just for your info, it will only do Crossfire(ATI). SLI cant be done on Intel chipsets natively without hacked chipset drivers.