P2P ports closed?

Mar 17, 2005
I think I might have some ports closed for P2P the program i use has been running fine till recently.........now it wont connection.......direct connect or not, wont connect.......

any reason for this? or any tricks/tips i can use to help?


depending on what program you are using and your knowledge.. if in fact the ports are being blocked.. there are ways around that.. but i leave that up to you.. im not going to assist you with p2p sharing.

also, alot of broadband companies are implementing hardware at the cmts side.. that is monitering all traffic.. and if they see a certain usage.. it will sniff the port and block it.. example: Kazaa will use TCP port 1214 for an outgoing connection .. if this equipment picks up that you are uploading a certain rx value.. then it will block all traffic off of 1214..

do a bit of research on how to change your ports that your p2p client is using.. and look into using newsgroups.. its still the strongest way to get your wares, movies, and music.. and it wont be blocked, cuase its still a valid source of news threading.
well im not on a college set up

this is my own personal set up

and as far as i know, you dont know what im using my P2P network for, so your assumeing its illegal use when in fact its not, i stoped that a while ago

i use Roadrunner, i dont see why theyd block those ports, ah well, my new comp should be up and running soon, so it will be a fresh install if i happened to mess somthing up

was hoping to get a bit of help

soulsaver_8229 said:
was hoping to get a bit of help

We'll help - if you give more information. For instance, exactly what programs are you trying to use, what ports do they run on, and they used to function as expected and now they do not. How do they not function as expected? What error messages do they give? Are you sure the servers you're trying to connect to are online?
UMCPWintermute said:
We'll help - if you give more information. For instance, exactly what programs are you trying to use, what ports do they run on, and they used to function as expected and now they do not. How do they not function as expected? What error messages do they give? Are you sure the servers you're trying to connect to are online?

Winmx is the program, i share family pictures/movies with other family members/friends
it wont let me log into their network to share/recive

hrumm ill write error message

You can not make a primary connection to the Winmx peer network for the following reasons:

-No TCP port for incoming connections
-No UDP port for incoming and outgoing packets

only ports i see are 6257 and 6699........no clue if thats the ports it uses
