Oxygen Not Included

Mr. Bluntman

Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 25, 2007
I thought I would take some time to share a game that I've put significant (2000+ hours) time into and have enjoyed immensely with you all. It's by the makers of Don't Starve.

In it, you are (spoilers!)... an AI that controls "duplicants" - pawns basically that live, breathe, eat, and go to the bathroom that complete the jobs and work you assign them, like Rimworld but a little less complex. The object is to build a sustainable base and launch a rocket into the "temporal tear" to earn a shot at freedom.

After a year and a half with the game I've started building bases that look like this:


Some of the critical things you'll need to learn how to build in order to thrive are:

SPOM - Self Powered Oxygen Machines

Crucial for generation of life-sustaining oxygen for your base and atmo suits for your dupes.


Power Brick:

'Nuff said.


From top to bottom: Petroleum Generators (2Kw ea.), Gas storage tanks, Nat. Gas Generators (800w ea.), Smart batteries, Coal Generators (600w ea.).

Industrial Brick:

For refining metals and making steel, and utilizing space resources to make high temp materials or super coolant.

From Left to Right, Top to Bottom, Molecular Forge (4), Metal Refinery (5), Glass Forge (4), Polymer Press (2), Kiln (5)

Sour Gas Boiler:

When you absolutely need more power. Takes in crude oil or petroleum then heats it to 550C until it flashes to gas. The gas is then chilled to -175C where it condenses into methane and sulfur. The methane is heated until it vaporizes, counterflowing along the hot sour gas. Gives you 5x the power out of of 10kg/s of petroleum/crude oil compared to a petroleum boiler and 5 petroleum generators from three oil reservoirs. 50Kw vs 10Kw? That's a no brainer to me.


I love this design personally. It just works. This is how many natural gas generators it takes to run one of these monstrocities:


There are two channels I highly recommend for explaining the game better than I can.

They are Francis John and Tartarus Plays Games I can't recommend them enough if you are looking to get into this game.

It's only $25 for the game and the upcoming DLC in early access is $13. Well worth it if you have some extra time to learn a very complicated, very fun and rewarding game. Check it out and discuss.
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Here's some more cool stuff from the game, starting with a more ergonomically laid out sour gas boiler. Ceramic piping as long as in the first post's base when you're running 7 1-kilo lines gets very expensive. This run is nice and short but still needs to be actively cooled with 400 degree Fahrenheit natural gas running through it. Don't mind the cool steam vent tamer to the left of the battery box or the gold volcano tamer above the boiler, they're just chillin'.


Integrated O2 cooler. Drops oxygen temperature from a toasty 60 deg. C to a balmy -0.5 to -5 deg. C. A mini aircon system powered by a steam turbine for heat deletion, a thermo aquatuner for chilling super coolant, steel gas and aluminum liquid radiant piping all running through a solid aluminum block to maximize heat transfer. Very energy efficient. I highly recommend setting one up if you don't have access to an "Anti-Entropy Thermo Nullifier" in your base, or if it's inconveniently placed.


Once you run out of fossil for crushing into lime the game gives you two main options for getting lime to produce more steel at a slow but semi-reasonable rate. Pokeshell farming (Crabs) or Pacu farming (fish). Pacu are more time intensive since you have to actually fill the tanks of water first, then get fish traps set up and fish releases, it's just an annoying PITA but rewards you with good quality food and lots of eggshells to break down into lime. It will also tank your FPS. Pokeshells have more steps, as you'll see, but if you do it right it's both water positive and sand positive (sand is used as a filtration medium in game for filtering polluted [waste] water and oxygen). I'll explain below.

First, it starts with a wild tree farm. 90 in all but I'm still working on getting there, ATM. The cat like critters are pips, they are the only critters that can pull another arbor acorn seed out from a plant, but just once. After that you must uproot and replant the tree to get another seed. It's currently the only way to get more trees. Annoying.


The lumber collected from here is shipped to this ethanol distillery room where lumber is turned into both ethanol and polluted dirt, which is then shipped to...


This Pokeshell ranch. 32 critters fed and groomed to produce a maximum number of eggs in the larger room to the right for starvation farming of pokeshells (15Kg per lifecycle per pokeshell every 25 cycles).

The same concept can be applied to critter population control and meat production as well. Vegans can skip this column.


Ahhh, the killroom. Where all your unwanted critters can go to "evolve" into the next form of evolution, meat! Only to be turned into delicious barbecue. Yum. Barbecue is the best water free food source in the game. Plus, who doesn't like barbecued something?

For when petroleum and steam rockets are no longer enough, you need to roll your own LOX and liquid hydrogen for cryofuels. It took me a while to figure out how to stop the liquid hydrogen from freezing since it only has a 7 degree window of being a liquid from frozen solid or gas. So liquid reservoirs with about 1 ton of super coolant each inside works a treat for stabilizing output temperatures from the aquatuners to keep the cryofuels in the liquid range. LOX has a much easier 25+ degree window.

There's plenty more stuff you can do/build. I can't recommend this game enough if you have an eye for such simulation games. Best game I've played in a long time.
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That's pretty awesome! I never got near that far into it. Every time I restart I keep saying I'm going to plan more open, then the base turns into a mess lol