Own a 2007WFP looking for replacement


Limp Gawd
Aug 2, 2009
Hey everyone I have been pondering the idea of replacing my primary Dell 2007WFP display that I still love. I am looking for something a little higher in resolution 1920 x ? . I like the screens I already have and which also includes a S2209W. But out of everything I am looking for something that stays in line with my other monitors in physical size. Would love to know what you guys think.

Layout right now:
Left ----- Dell 2007WFP 1680x1050 - 20.1inches - 16ms
Center - Dell S2209W 1920x1080 - 21.5 inches - 6ms
Right --- Dell 1907FP x1280x1024 - 19 inches - ?

Can't really stand my right monitor so the right and left monitors would switch so the new monitor would be the primary.
Maybe a Dell U2312HM? 23" eIPS, W-LED backlit, 1920x1080, and no input lag. Can be had for about $240 when it goes on sale.
Thanks for Suggestion it look like an option. If I read the reviews properly it is the same physical size as the 2412m but has a lower screen resolution 1080 vs 1200.

From all my research I can't really find a good IPS 21inch display at 1080p.
There is the U2212HM which looks to be a 21.5" version of the 2312, but I haven't read any reviews on it. Prad's review comes out on April 2nd.