overclocking problems


Sep 22, 2003
OK, I have successfully overclocked my p4 2.4C to 3GHz stable.
I have recently purchased a couple extar case fans to lower my temps to overclock it further. I got it up to 3.2 ran Prime 95 to check for stability it ran fine until about like 30 - 60 minunets into it, it just resets for no reason. I was thinking that it's my voltage to the chip itself. Should I bump it up a bit more? I have it at 1.55 currently.

Also I have Coursair XMS 3200 which should read at 400MHz however, it is only picking up at 200 checking CPUz, and is this because it's Double Data rate? so I should double it for my double that speed to get actual? Or is there something wrong in my configuration? Sorry if that is a nub question, but I still am relatively new at overclocking...

Thanks for any help!!
200 mhz is standard for Intel. They quad pump the bus from 200x4 to get the 800mhz fsb. ;)
Originally posted by JoNo216
OK, I have successfully overclocked my p4 2.4C to 3GHz stable.
I have recently purchased a couple extar case fans to lower my temps to overclock it further. I got it up to 3.2 ran Prime 95 to check for stability it ran fine until about like 30 - 60 minunets into it, it just resets for no reason. I was thinking that it's my voltage to the chip itself. Should I bump it up a bit more? I have it at 1.55 currently.

Also I have Coursair XMS 3200 which should read at 400MHz however, it is only picking up at 200 checking CPUz, and is this because it's Double Data rate? so I should double it for my double that speed to get actual? Or is there something wrong in my configuration? Sorry if that is a nub question, but I still am relatively new at overclocking...

Thanks for any help!!

Intel says 1.7v for your CPU is "safe." Try 1.65 for starters. Yes 200 means 400 because of "double" data rate. Also make sure your ram voltage is boosted up to atleast 2.8. What motherboard do you have? On Abit boards there are some chipset settings that make for a better overclock in the GAT section of chipset settings.
sorry I forgot to post my comp stats
A-bit IS7-E mobo
P4 2.4 @ 3GHz (hope to go up) (on air)
Cousair XMS PC3200 400MHz
Radeon 9600
450 W power supply
52X32X52 Liteon CD burner
15X DVD drive
WD 80 gig HD
Originally posted by JoNo216
sorry I forgot to post my comp stats
A-bit IS7-E mobo
P4 2.4 @ 3GHz (hope to go up) (on air)
Cousair XMS PC3200 400MHz
Radeon 9600
450 W power supply
52X32X52 Liteon CD burner
15X DVD drive
WD 80 gig HD

Try running your GAT settings in BIOS under chipset options like this:


Then put your core voltage at 1.65, boot it up at 3.2 and see how it does. If using a 5:4 divider, loosen your ram timings some, if you even tightened them, just to make sure its not that. And if it passes with flying colors, slowly start tightening them back up until it doesn't.