overclocking guide for sale at ebay!!!

hahahaha That's just not right, i'm thinking of getting it just to see if it contains anything even a little useful.

jesus eclipse, you could be making money!!!
maybe eclipse can make his guide in pdf format, copyright it and sell it?

Wow... that is just... pathetic. Anyone who buys that needs a reality check.. :p
rysher said:
maybe eclipse can make his guide in pdf format, copyright it and sell it?
i would never do such a retarded thing. free info ftw :D

whoever is selling the guide.. well. damn. i honestly feel bad for the suckers who actually buy it. :rolleyes:
Well atleast he is selling information on how to do it yourself, it could be worse, he could be selling a service where he overclocks your rig for you. :rolleyes:

oh and

free info ftw

ValeX said:
I don't see anything wrong with that as long as its not just a scam. Some people DO need a little push in the right direction, someone to hold their hand the first time around the block, not everyone is born with the knowledge of overclocking like us @ the [H] ;)

which is why we have stickies that are meant to do just that :D