Overclock 2.6c (Please Help)


Jan 17, 2004
I have a 2.6c 800mhz (x13 multiplier) running totally stable at:
Core Speed: 2859.9MHz
FSB: 216.6MHz
Bus Speed: 866.4MHz
Voltage: 1.472v (unchanged/default)

So that means I overclocked it to 2.8GHz
My RAM is Corsair XMS Pro Series PC3200pro w/ latency 2.5:3:3 and it is now set at 2:3:2 with a 1:1 divider.

I have a Thermaltake HSF that does 6000rpm and my temps are nice and low.

I need to know how to go about boostin this up to 3GHz+

I would appreciate if somebody could tell me when to increase voltage, and by how much, when to know which CPU:DRAM divider to use, etc. Thanks for your time. You can see my setup in my profile.
Originally posted by Volume
I have a 2.6c 800mhz (x13 multiplier) running totally stable at:
Core Speed: 2859.9MHz
FSB: 216.6MHz
Bus Speed: 866.4MHz
Voltage: 1.472v (unchanged/default)

So that means I overclocked it to 2.8GHz
My RAM is Corsair XMS Pro Series PC3200pro w/ latency 2.5:3:3 and it is now set at 2:3:2 with a 1:1 divider.

I have a Thermaltake HSF that does 6000rpm and my temps are nice and low.

I need to know how to go about boostin this up to 3GHz+

I would appreciate if somebody could tell me when to increase voltage, and by how much, when to know which CPU:DRAM divider to use, etc. Thanks for your time. You can see my setup in my profile.

This is what I would do:

1. First find out your absolute highest overclock possible @ 1:1 with whatever vcore/vdimm/latency setting possible. Seeing as you have PC3200 your results will not be satisfactory @ 1:1 but it’s good to know your Rams max @ different memory ratios.

2. Next do the same but @ 5:4 memory ratio. This is what you will most likely be using. Once you have found your most stable/OC run a memory bandwidth benchmark and save your results because you will be comparing.

3. You will most likely have loose timings at your highest OC unless your ram it LEET. So with that said attempt your highest overclock @ 5:4 with the tightest timings possible. Once you have found your most stable/OC @ tightest timings possible run a memory bandwidth benchmark and compare to your previous benchmark.

4. Stick with whatever gave you the most bandwidth but @ a stable setting.

5. You could also try 3:2 memory ratio but you will most likely get less bandwidth. However if your ram craps out before your CPU @ 5:4 (not likely with a 2.6C but I have seen some sweet ones) you can use the 3:2 memory ratio to find your CPU's limit. Some peeps around here have a 2.6C @ 290 FSB :eek:

Just in case you don't know:

1. Prime95 is a good program to stress test your CPU to find out if it is in fact stable, an error usually indicates instability. I have had a system fail Prime but fully stable in windows/3D.

2. Memtest is a good program to see if your ram will crap out @ set FSB.

3.Sis Sandra can be used to check current memory bandwidth. Some will disagree with this programs results but all you will be using it for is to compare differences.

Well hope this helps and post your results :)

Edit: Almost forgot let you know. If you plan to go above 2.8vdimm on the ram you might experience some stability issues. Keep that in mind as it’s a Max 3 VTT issue
afaik, only the M0's run @ 1.475v default.
afaik, only 2.4 and 2.8C are M0.

I'm confused.

Assuming you have an M0 (please post the sSpec of your processor, found printed on the processor itself or the retail box) use the 5:4 and take that mother fucker to the skies and beyond!
i have a 2.4c m0 and can't overclock above 3.2ghz.

M0 is not a special special chip, and all of them will not overclock through the roof.

It still all depends on luck.

People just like the m0 because they like the idea of owning a reject EE.
Originally posted by plur
afaik, only the M0's run @ 1.475v default.
afaik, only 2.4 and 2.8C are M0.

I'm confused.

Assuming you have an M0 (please post the sSpec of your processor, found printed on the processor itself or the retail box) use the 5:4 and take that mother fucker to the skies and beyond!

With 5:4 he'll only get to 3.25 ghz before the RAM is starting to be overclocked again :rolleyes:
exactly, but at 1:1 he will never be able to achive a good oc on the proc unless the ram is PC4000.
im running a 2.6C now at 255fsb, 1:1 with pc3500 hyperX would be imposable
I'm running my HyperX at 1.85V, 206.3MHz and 23374 timings. 22254 runs for about two hours then crashes. Been running 23374 for a week now with no issues. I'll experiment later seeing what is the best I can do with timings.
CHANGE RAM RATIO/MULTIPLIER to 5:4 and you should get to 3Ghz+++ no problem. Raise the vcore to 1.575... and keep cranking the FSB up, then test with Prime 95, just run it like 10 minutes. then go up...when you hit instability come back down and test with Prime95 for like an hour.