Orphaned Blocks


Jan 11, 2007
In the past 3 days I've lost over 5000 DOGE from orphaned blocks. I've thrown about 2 hours at Google reading about it and I understand what they are and that it's basically a "$hit happens" situation but is there any way to limit the chances of getting an orphan block? Switch pools to one with a higher collective hash rate?

This was the best article I found which mostly answered my questions but I wanted more input on it: http://organofcorti.blogspot.com/2013/10/161-network-orphaned-blocks-part-1.html
the pool you are on could be running the wrong wallet version? I know it was forked the other day.
I bounce between 2 pools with 2 more pools as backups in case the first 2 go down. All four switched to the correct branch the day the fork was found. All coins lost were supposedly after the correct switch was made. Just this morning I lost 1000 DOGE from an orphan block.
That or the pool has a shit connection and isn't propagating fast enough, switch it up and see if it helps.
the pool you are on could be running the wrong wallet version? I know it was forked the other day.

Wallet version has nothing to do with orphan blocks while pool mining.

Well, it does if the pool itself is on the wrong wallet, but then ALL of the blocks would likely be orphaned.
Wallet version has nothing to do with orphan blocks while pool mining.

Well, it does if the pool itself is on the wrong wallet, but then ALL of the blocks would likely be orphaned.
Yeah thats what i meant, i was on a pool a while back that was on the wrong wallet and i let it run overnight without knowing. Woke up to a bunch of orphans :(
Yeah thats what i meant, i was on a pool a while back that was on the wrong wallet and i let it run overnight without knowing. Woke up to a bunch of orphans :(

Okay then that just plain sucks. Bad on the pool op.

But I've done the same thing too a couple times (mining that is, not on the pool op side - at least not that I know of or on purpose).