Origin Account Phishing

Aug 30, 2004
Have you guys had any issues in regards to people continually trying to phish your Origin account?

My problem started when BF4 first came out. A few months down the road somehow a dude in Russia snagged my log-in, changed everything to Russian and charged a boat load of games onto my credit card. I then straightened that out with the banks, removed my credit cards from Origin. It happened again. Evidently Origin never really removed my credit info. Fixed it....again. Realized that Origin had a 2 step verification login that I didn't know about.

The past year or so I get about 20 emails a day of people trying to phish my account still. It is completely ridiculous. I have run so many virus and spybot scans and nothing shows up.

Whenever I tried contacting EA about it, they just keep telling me that I must have given my password out. I'm not fucking stupid. I didn't do that. It has been really irritating and was curious if anyone else here has had this issue. :mad:
Yup happened to my account as well. I don't know how or when it happened and never gave out my password. All Russian but they didnt charge anything on my credit card so had to talk to the orgin support to reaolve the issue
Really stupid thing is that you can't change your email to something else. I thought that I may have gotten hacked and changed my email address on the account to another email. Some of my older games on Origin no longer worked because I changed the email address.

Tried to get Origin customer support to update the email address on the games since I couldn't even launch them with the DRM in place. They said that they couldn't fix it. That the only thing I could do is change my email back to the original and to hope and pray that I don't get hacked. Dumbest policy ever!
I logged into my account it it shows I can change my user ID and my email.

Are you guys suggesting if I do that some of my games might not work anymore? Are there a list of games that will stop working if I change email?
One game that I remember in particular is Shift 2 Unleashed that you can't change your email address. Game will say that the game is tied to another account and kick you back out when I changed my email address some time ago.
I was hesitant to join steam years back but I have come to trust as much as I can of them now.

origin though on the other hand... I don't trust it. I think its shady at best.

I'm on Steam only from here on out.
Hey isn't you usename the name that goes online you play in Battlefield ?
So everyone sees your login name?
I was hesitant to join steam years back but I have come to trust as much as I can of them now.
I try to keep usage of Steam/Origin to a minimal because they have complete control over what you paid for. Snap of a finger and hundreds if not thousands of dollars are gone forever.
I was recently forced to change my password and happily found that EA is finally doing complex passwords. 6 or so years ago when I made my EA account to play Bad Company 1, I couldn't use any special characters.
Someone got my login information somehow and changed the password then setup account verification via SMS. I was locked out of my account. I ended up having to create a new account, get in touch with EA and have them call me. Took about an hour before they finally called me, but the call only took about 15 minutes of him changing my password, changing my email address back, deleting the SMS crap, and walking me through setting it up to email verification instead of SMS.

So far I haven't received any emails from anyone trying to login to my account or change anything. So I think I might be good, but I never login to it. I only have about 5 games and all of them I have received for free over the past two years from various sales/give-a-ways.
I lost my Origin account a couple months ago. I never disclosed my account details to anyone, but that didn't stop whoever snatched the account.

Luckily I only had a couple games (I never play) on the account. I didn't bother trying to recover it.
Yeah, had a random game purchased on my Origin account about a month ago; called up, had it reversed and changed my password.
I was recently forced to change my password and happily found that EA is finally doing complex passwords. 6 or so years ago when I made my EA account to play Bad Company 1, I couldn't use any special characters.
I created my EA/Origin account a long time ago with special characters and never had a problem until Dragon Age: Origins. For some reason it's the only game I've played that doesn't communicate the special characters in your password while in-game to the Origin servers and still doesn't to this day.
Depends on the special characters I guess. I have non-alphanumeric characters in my EA password and DAO is happy with it.
Was EA/Origin ever hacked or anything?

I just got an email earlier today saying my password was changed. I login (almost an hour later by the time I read it) and was still able to reset it and change it again, since they didn't bother to change my e-mail (or couldn't.) Since I have complex unique passwords for everything, either it got hacked or brute forced, since they don't seem to limit your login attempts.

Also kind of annoyed because I can't edit my security settings or enable 2 step verification, because I can't correctly answer my secret question. It's what elementary school I went to, and even though I've tried every possible variation I may have mistyped, it's a no go. So I'm wondering if someone managed to set a secret question if there wasn't one before.
I'm not sure how people are getting in. I had an issue with my Origin account a few months ago as well. Just call them. They were more than helpful with me getting my account back as well as setting up my security settings.
The password reset emails could very well be phishing emails, that hope you will click whatever link is in the email.
The password reset emails could very well be phishing emails, that hope you will click whatever link is in the email.

I thought that too at first, but the one from my reset attempt was from the exact same sender and was identical, including all links. My password was definitely changed as I was not able to log in initially until resetting it.
I've seen people talk about having odd card charges from Origin in the past. What would be the purpose of stealing an Origin account? Are people selling them to others that test hacks for online games like Battlefield or Titanfall? Also, the only reason I could think of for receiving password reset e-mails is if you have a username or e-mail account similar to someone else and they're requesting the password reset because they forgot their credentials.
Someone from the Ukraine once managed to login into my Origin account and try to buy Assassin's Creed 4. Luckily:
1) That person didn't change my password
2) I got an instant email notice of a failed purchase in Euros.
3) I don't keep CC details on Origin
Also, the only reason I could think of for receiving password reset e-mails is if you have a username or e-mail account similar to someone else and they're requesting the password reset because they forgot their credentials.

It wasn't a password reset request email, it said somebody had changed my password. Kinda different.
i had mine hacked by a russian. i first got an email from origin saying that i changed some security settings(which i didnt) then i got another email from origin execept this time it was in russian. i called origin which surprisingly was really helpful. so i added extra security settings like sending codes to my phone. whoever hacked my account had already changed the username, location and put his russian phone#. but he didnt change the email.
I still get the emails from Origin that someone hacked my account every week. This is after changing EVERYTHING numerous times.

Luckily, I put the email verification on so they can't really do anything. That, and, I don't play anything that uses Origin anymore.