Opteron questions...


Jun 7, 2004
Recently I have come into some extra cash and am thinking of making a possible game server, home fileserver-firewall-router, workstations, etc , etc (This will be in no way for actually playing games at all). Im not positive yet and have just began looking around at different processors and motherboards.
ok, now for the real question....

I am on a fairly tight budget and I have been told that I should consider a dual PIII, an opteron 1xx series single processor, celeron D, and a dual opteron system.

I understand that a dual opteron system might be out of my budget but what is the advantage of a single opteron processor opposed to say, a Athlon64 2800+ or even a celeron?

In what kind of situation would a single opteron processor really shine (if any?)

*when i mentioned workstation earlier I meant to also say that I would like to use this as a platform to help me in my research for my honours thesis in phys biochem (folding, etc)