Opinions on my 6800GT?


Limp Gawd
Mar 10, 2004
I've had my eVGA 6800GT since about July. I love the card, it's just it does not overclock at all, it's really bad. I thought maybe it was the temps so i bought a silencer 5, the wierd thing is the card now idle's at a higher temp put under load my temps do not go as high as they did with the stock heatsink, used to go to at least 70 or higher under load, now with the silencer i have yet to see it go over 70.

Still though, it does not overclock well at all. I can get it up to about 370/1040 without artifacts in my games, above that though, games fragment everywhere.

So is there anything i can do or am i just screwed. Like i said i like the card just wish it could overclock it some more. Could i flash the bios, would that help. I've just never done that before with a video card and it kind of worries me that it will mess the card up then i'd really be pissed. Any one have any thoughts? thanks for any opinions.
You can't really do anything, no. Some have try voltmodding but I wouldnt recommend that.
Some people get lucky with these kinds of things you didnt. I wouldnt reccomend flashing or voltmodding seeing as how you've never done it before.
ohgod said:
Some people get lucky with these kinds of things you didnt. I wouldnt reccomend flashing or voltmodding seeing as how you've never done it before.

that's what i'm thinking, but then again just like anything else you'll never learn till you try....huh, not sure yet.
What kind of psu are you using? I accidentally discovered today that my 430W antec psu is probably a limiting factor for my max overclock.
OCZ 520w....so i'm sure that's not the problem, i would hope. how do i check if i'm getting enough juice to it?
That's probably not an issue for you then. I'm not sure it's my problem anymore either. I describe my overclock in this thread and how it relates to voltage. It seemed to me like it could be power draw from the card limiting the OC.
if you have the money then go for the eVGA step-up program and get an ultra if at all possible. id do that right now if i wasnt trapped for cash.
I have a eVGA 6800GT with a brand new Antec Neo Power 480w psu and i can't overclock for shit. my card can't get 375/1010. :(
Well, there's one side that you just might not be able to get the high clocks you want...i'd try opening the side of your case to see if it's too hot in there for your card to operate any better.
lost0822 said:
I've had my eVGA 6800GT since about July. I love the card, it's just it does not overclock at all, it's really bad. I thought maybe it was the temps so i bought a silencer 5, the wierd thing is the card now idle's at a higher temp put under load my temps do not go as high as they did with the stock heatsink, used to go to at least 70 or higher under load, now with the silencer i have yet to see it go over 70.

Still though, it does not overclock well at all. I can get it up to about 370/1040 without artifacts in my games, above that though, games fragment everywhere.

So is there anything i can do or am i just screwed. Like i said i like the card just wish it could overclock it some more. Could i flash the bios, would that help. I've just never done that before with a video card and it kind of worries me that it will mess the card up then i'd really be pissed. Any one have any thoughts? thanks for any opinions.

does your card run at stock just fine then be happy

/end of rant
You know those machines in stores where the hook comes down and you can try to win stuffed animals and cheap rings and such? Well, overclocking is just like that. You take your chances on every piece of silicon you get unfortunately. Alot of the time, people base a few postings on a messageboard as some indicator that all of said product will do said speed. It just isn't so my friend. :( I can recall quite easily that some folks back in 98 had 300A cpu's that hit 504 mhz. That was like the big ticket to performance back then, the maverick. I wanted it so bad, but my cpu just wouldn't do that speed. I ended up with 464, pretty much the second maverick speed, and was quite happy in the end. Just look at that beautiful GT you have, think of the peeps out there with GF2 MX's, and be happy with what you have. :)
try the bios volt mod(its easy), it should give a easy 400/1050.
i got bfg6800ocGT(370/1000), bios voltmod to 420/1060 easy, just need to put on some ram sink to clock it higher. i use coolbit to OC with 66.81drivers. HF and goodluck!
The[H]uman said:
does your card run at stock just fine then be happy

/end of rant

i believe i state that i love the card so that sounds like i'm happy does'nt it cheif? I'm just stating that i would like to have been able to overclock it some more, but if i can't oh well luck of the draw. I wish i still could do the step up program but i'm past the 90 days so i can't.
Why didn't you just buy the Gainward 6800gt golden sample, it does 400/1100 from factory and you can still oc with the voltage editor. I mounted a 80mm fan with 56cfm on my pci slots so it blows cool air toward the heatsink and my gpu idles at 48c and load around 58 and its doing 440/1150 on a stock hsf.
HeavenX said:
Why didn't you just buy the Gainward 6800gt golden sample, it does 400/1100 from factory and you can still oc with the voltage editor. I mounted a 80mm fan with 56cfm on my pci slots so it blows cool air toward the heatsink and my gpu idles at 48c and load around 58 and its doing 440/1150 on a stock hsf.

hindsight is 20/20. i bought this card in july was that card available then?