Open-Source (or free) partition editor for Windows


Limp Gawd
Jan 7, 2004
I'm looking for a partition editor similar to Partition Magic that can be used to resize partitions in a windows GUI format (can be DOS based, though). I checked SourceForge, and all I found was programs intended for linux-only or abandoned, non-working windows versions. Does anyone have anything that could suit me?


:mad: i really hope someone has an answer, i dont want to turn to warez but i have too much necessary info that id have to back up to reformat/repartition
r_a_s88 said:
i dont want to turn to warez but i have too much necessary info that id have to back up to reformat/repartition

help me or Im going to use warez isnt an acceptable arguement
just for future reference

of course you didnt mention exactly what it was your trying to accomplish
so Im transfering you to Data Storage, and you can elaborate
there are many pitfalls involved in either Partition Magic or Freeware
depending on the complexity of what your attempting to do

and PS
Back That Data Up, regardless
Ice Czar, i never said 'help me or i will resort to warez' i said 'i dont want to resort to warez' or something to that effect, so that means instead of using warez, i have come here to ask for help on the matter. i fully know the policy here on warez, and did not come here advocating or asking for any warez of any kind. implying that i did is an insult to my character
the implication lies in your wording
not mine
i dont want to turn to warez but i

Ranish Partition Manager is on the Ultimate Boot CD by the way as are several other aps
the question still remains as to what your trying to accomplish ;)
Thanks Ice Czar, that will really help me in the future. I have never backed up really, I need to get a file server or something.
I agree to use Ranish. Very powerful. I would not use anything over it, even commercial software. The UI is not too good, but who cares?

what Im trying to get at is, are you intimately familiar with System and Boot partitions, Primary & Extended Partions and Logical drives? And how the boot process works and various partitions are interdependent on each other?

If not, you might need to be depending on what your attempting to do
easier to get a strategy developed now, then do data recovery later ;)

Spetsnaz Op your welcome
one word of caution
he updates that so much youll never have the latest version :p
and youll be on a constant learning curve with the various aps
dandragonrage said:
I agree to use Ranish. Very powerful. I would not use anything over it, even commercial software. The UI is not too good, but who cares?

So Ranish allows you to keep all your data intact while mergeing and spliting partitions? If so, that would be a pretty nice program.
LOL didnt say it was, its a boot manger more or less, some added partitioning functionality
in windows you are limited to 4 primary partitions or 3 primary partitions and 1 extended partition with its own logical drives
a boot manager gets you around that

Ranish Partition Manager is more like Vcoms System Commander
or XOSL (also freeware), Grub or Lilo

alot of what youd be able to do with Partition Magic can be accomplished with Windows diskpart.exe, like I said (seperate download commandline tool)

but there is no true parity replacement in one ap
which is why I was asking what he wanted to accomplish

but he seems to have taken offense and departed
if his skin is that thin, its probably for the best
considering the [H]ard can be a tad rough at times :p
Ice Czar said:
but there is no true parity replacement in one ap
which is why I was asking what he wanted to accomplish

but he seems to have taken offense and departed
if his skin is that thin, its probably for the best
considering the [H]ard can be a tad rough at times :p

i was trying to accomplish freeing space in my big partition (D:) and adding the free space to my system files partition (C:)

well, i succeeded. succeeded in messing up my MBR, that is, and i had to reformat/reinstall windows.

but, it ended up being a blessing in disguise since I just reinstalled windows, then backed up my old info, THEN reformatted, repartition, and reinstalled windows for a 3rd time (4th time in 1.5 weeks...ouch). All in all, it worked out for the best, now F@H is running like a madman for my team (team, and my system is nice and neat and back in order.

thanks for all the help though, sorry to cause so much commotion, i was just offended that you thought i was making a threat to use warez.

i'm so {s}oft :(
actually the way you get [H]ard is through pain :p

I was hoping to assist you in avoiding a painful experience
but I too am one of those people that just have to bust it 12 ways till Sunday in order to understand the damn thing :p
Ice Czar said:
actually the way you get [H]ard is through pain :p

I was hoping to assist you in avoiding a painful experience
but I too am one of those people that just have to bust it 12 ways till Sunday in order to understand the damn thing :p
:nod: i feel im not having fun on my computer unless I am:

A) fixing something
B) playing a video game

as I havent been not bored with call of duty or battlefield vietnam in the past month, i have just been tinkering/tweaking my system over and over to try to reach its' limits...hence the 4 windows reinstalls

i have also tried out the new 64 bit windows xp and downloaded/attempted to install 2 distro's of linux on my backup hard drive

needless to say, it's been an interesting summer break.