One Static IP to many IP's


Limp Gawd
Feb 23, 2005
Kind of a hard question to word.

What I have is a site where my people rent, We have been Issued a few Static IP's for our use. I want to setup our side so that the roming Laptops we use can connect there and at the home site without any user changes. I have already installed a Cisco Aironet AP. Can I just setup a router using one of the Static IP's on the Wan and then turn on DHCP,

So Static IP -> Router (Dhcp) -> Cisco AP -> Laptop

Yes that will work, the laptop will then have a non-routable ip (such as 192.168.1.XX)
Will the users still be able to Remote Desktop across the internet? I assume that I will still get internet traffic through the router and it will just be doing NAT For me.
Yes the router will be performing NAT

You will be able to remote to any outside machine just fine, but in order to be able to remote into the network you will have to forward port 3389 to a specific machine (this is done in the router).

You seem to have a grasp on things.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
I am kind of one the edge of knowing what I am doing, I was a Sat Engineer, but am doing network and support for a Medium size doctor now.

the rentor providing the network does not have us setup to go to the Laptops but that is fine, We just want the laptops to thin client out to the Home site.

Any router you would suggest? To pick it up it will have to be at the local staples, and I assume that any Netgear or Linksys DSL/cable router will do what I need.
Yeah you will surely be limited by your internet speed. I would suggest though, possibly going with Wireless N. You will notice a bit a drop in performance if you are remoteing wirelessly and then going through the web.

As far as routers go, personally I would either go with any of the Linksys brand products. You could also get for example either a WRT54G or WRT300N and not have to purchase the Cisco WAP.
Unforcently I bought the Cisco WAP two weeks ago, The site said they had DHCP and I could just hook up.

The laps have built in G.

I picked up a Netgear and will see how it does,


Just got it going, The netgear worked great and was easy to setup. I did have one problem, the static ip was 192.168.0.X so I had to make my network a something else to get it up right.

Thanks for the help

I've had good luck with them. In low-demand applications, it's hard to justify the expense of better equipment.

With Netgear, you can buy one, buy a spare for when the first breaks and has to be sent back for repair, and still have money left over from not buying the good stuff.