Omg I Have The Phantom

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GTMan said:
:confused: :confused: :confused:

Exposing a company that engages in fraudulent behaviour is a good thing. Destroying perfectly good computer parts is not. But I would guess that this sort of waste probably doesn't even register for someone who drives a Hummer. Probably just another reason to pat himself on the back. I'm sure the judge in the civil suit will be most impressed with his professionalism.

It's no longer perfectly good when it's been put in a Phantom. ;)
GTMan said:
:confused: :confused: :confused:

Exposing a company that engages in fraudulent behaviour is a good thing. Destroying perfectly good computer parts is not. But I would guess that this sort of waste probably doesn't even register for someone who drives a Hummer. Probably just another reason to pat himself on the back. I'm sure the judge in the civil suit will be most impressed with his professionalism.

GTMan said:
:confused: :confused: :confused:

Exposing a company that engages in fraudulent behaviour is a good thing. Destroying perfectly good computer parts is not. But I would guess that this sort of waste probably doesn't even register for someone who drives a Hummer. Probably just another reason to pat himself on the back. I'm sure the judge in the civil suit will be most impressed with his professionalism.

GTMan, do you want Kyle to smash you too? If not, then stuff it. Dont be dissin' the man.

Kyle is awesome! w00t!

Kyle: 1; Phantom: 0
apHytHiaTe said:
GTMan, do you want Kyle to smash you too? If not, then stuff it. Dont be dissin' the man.

Kyle is awesome! w00t!

Kyle: 1; Phantom: 0


Bad Ass >=D :D :D :D :D
If anybody gets annoyed at video games like I do sometimes, you would know that no previous console could take a beating like that and still have the inside as perservied as seen in the pictures. Use a hammer like that on a PS2 or Gamecube and no board or card would be recognizeable. Meanwhile the Phantom was able to take that beating people are able to figure out what motherboard it is and can even extract the image from the hard drive and where all the wires go. I guess the Phantom people really wanted to "protect" their hardware.
welcomerain said:
a console? console my ass. it's a POS pc in the guise of a POS console.

indeed. nothing "advanced" about it when its actually sold everywhere.
props to Kyle. woot
LMAO :D (no really!)

I never expected to see this but we can all understand why he did it. What was Infinium Labs doing giving Kyle a sample? (did they think he would give it a could review)

And why the hell are they using a FULL atx motherboard in a console?

Nice one Kyle!
GTMan said:
:confused: :confused: :confused:

Exposing a company that engages in fraudulent behaviour is a good thing. Destroying perfectly good computer parts is not. But I would guess that this sort of waste probably doesn't even register for someone who drives a Hummer. Probably just another reason to pat himself on the back. I'm sure the judge in the civil suit will be most impressed with his professionalism.

whoa there, jackass.

1) increasing the legability of your font for purposes of increased exposure only garners more attention to your inane remarks but vastly more important, it's seriously fucking irratating. refrain.

2) lest you be judged, his lifestyle is none of your business. i do agree with your insinuation that ownership of an oversized fuel guzzler is monumental of a conspicuously consuptive lifestyle, and hence, irresponsible on a geo-global scale as far as being good stewards of our planet earth; but nonetheless, kyle's lifestyle is not for you to judge. unless you live in a eco-idealistic-utopia of environmentally-friendly hippies imposing your ideologies upon others (i'm assumming we both live in america), that's not how it works. change legislation banning hummers and perhaps i'll listen to you. furthermore, i am certain if your lifestyle was scrutinized, it would be discovered that you are less than resourcefully resposible than you make yourself appear out to be, and that your hyprocracy knows no boundaries.

3) destroying hardware is NOT wasteful, especially in this instance. why? essentially, it is a tradeoff between resources and fun. you are paying for entertainment, regardless of how cheap you view it to be. but what you don't seem to realize that it was also a very well calculated publicity/political move against the phantom folks. ingenuis, imNOTsho. remove the dipstick from your anus and lighten up.

4) i do not fuck kyle in the ass. in fact, i don't even like him. he's had a reputation for dispensating the b7hammer against flammers such as myself. but it's not personal. [H] is decent, and some of the forums are amusing. in fact, i'm a [H] expatriate and am currently exiled to, which is my true home. therefore, any accusations of my bias towards kyle has been preemptively dismissed.

5) ...

6) profit.
I want the [H]ammer! Please put it up for auction or raffle.

It will hang on my office wall with my other two hammers. One is a 5lb sledge named "Minor Adjustments" and the other is a 20lb sledge named "Major Adjustments"
MadJack said:
Did Kyle borrow Pat Norton's sledge hammer?

I believe it was hand-crafted at Mount. DOOM (3) Actually, the guy in the white T (Left holder of the plexi) built it. Please correct if I'm wrong.
i always pegged kyle for being a bit skinnier and a bit more geeky than he looks. who knew?
I'm still thinking that a machine gun with API rounds would have been more entertaining.


also to the people picking on Consoles vs. PC. hey, if your gonna pick on Consoles for turning into PC's, I suggest you pick on the seXBox.

I'm just gonna keep my PS2 and GCN and enjoy being able to load up games any time I want without having to worry about image quaility, AA, AF, Resolution, or controls.


*sighs*... ya know... after seeing those pics... I wonder, did anyone grab a video?
If the 'Phantom' ever makes it to market, I would personally buy one, ship it to Kyle and let him smash the shit out of it... *bows to Kyle* You are truely a [H]ero..

err maybe not.. might set fire to it first :cool:

PS! from a secret source... the next phantom, so i've heard, is in a Dell box with the name scribbled out and phantom written on the side :p
Tim Wardlaw said:
PS! from a secret source... the next phantom, so i've heard, is in a Dell box with the name scribbled out and phantom written on the side :p

Nah, you're wrong. They couldn't afford Dell so they went with an eMachines solution :D
teststrips said:
I hope those "certain people" don't get under your skin too much.

Nah, they just asked nicely, so I said yes. It's cool, but not going into detail
MadJack said:
Did Kyle borrow Pat Norton's sledge hammer?

Nah! It's the new (not available in stores) Phantom-O-Matic (tm)!

And after Kyle was done, it was attacked by the crowd like a group of scavengers. (serriously) :D

ohh and just wondering, did you ever get that hard drive image? Cuz if it is fubar,, encase software will read the hdd and give you an idea of whats on it... Having access to that software is another issue... I do BUT, need security clearance at work to use it... Anyone???
GTMan said:
:confused: :confused: :confused:

Exposing a company that engages in fraudulent behaviour is a good thing. Destroying perfectly good computer parts is not. But I would guess that this sort of waste probably doesn't even register for someone who drives a Hummer. Probably just another reason to pat himself on the back. I'm sure the judge in the civil suit will be most impressed with his professionalism.

i agree with you.

welcomerain said:
whoa there, jackass.

1) increasing the legability of your font for purposes of increased exposure only garners more attention to your inane remarks but vastly more important, it's seriously fucking irratating. refrain.

2) lest you be judged, his lifestyle is none of your business. i do agree with your insinuation that ownership of an oversized fuel guzzler is monumental of a conspicuously consuptive lifestyle, and hence, irresponsible on a geo-global scale as far as being good stewards of our planet earth; but nonetheless, kyle's lifestyle is not for you to judge. unless you live in a eco-idealistic-utopia of environmentally-friendly hippies imposing your ideologies upon others (i'm assumming we both live in america), that's not how it works. change legislation banning hummers and perhaps i'll listen to you. furthermore, i am certain if your lifestyle was scrutinized, it would be discovered that you are less than resourcefully resposible than you make yourself appear out to be, and that your hyprocracy knows no boundaries.

3) destroying hardware is NOT wasteful, especially in this instance. why? essentially, it is a tradeoff between resources and fun. you are paying for entertainment, regardless of how cheap you view it to be. but what you don't seem to realize that it was also a very well calculated publicity/political move against the phantom folks. ingenuis, imNOTsho. remove the dipstick from your anus and lighten up.

4) i do not fuck kyle in the ass. in fact, i don't even like him. he's had a reputation for dispensating the b7hammer against flammers such as myself. but it's not personal. [H] is decent, and some of the forums are amusing. in fact, i'm a [H] expatriate and am currently exiled to, which is my true home. therefore, any accusations of my bias towards kyle has been preemptively dismissed.

5) ...

6) profit.

woah. No need to go ape shit like that, just calm down; everyone's a family here. If we want to talk about legibility we could start by spelling it correctly.
welcomerain said:
increasing the legability of your font

furthermore, your points number 1 and 2 contradict. How can you judge him by his font and tell him
welcomerain said:
it's seriously fucking irratating. refrain.
but then immediately turn around and tell him
welcomerain said:
lest you be judged, his lifestyle is none of your business
. You're telling him not be judgmental, right after you've been judgmental...

uh oh, another spelling boo-boo!
welcomerain said:
It's spelled hypocrisy, my friend.

additionally, from this first contradiction, grows a second. You tell him
welcomerain said:
your hyprocracy knows no boundaries
and yet you've already contradicted him once, and now a second time...

thirdly, you tell him
welcomerain said:
i am certain if your lifestyle was scrutinized, it would be discovered that you are less than resourcefully resposible than you make yourself appear out to be
. While this may certainly be true, that doesn't mean Kyle shouldn't be scrutinized. To claim that our leaders, be it in our home-town communities our in our internet communities, should not be scrutinized is a terrifying suggestion to make.
If we did not constantly scrutinize our leaders, we, as humankind, would not evolve. We would stagnate under the yoke of oppressive leaders. Now caution, this doesn't mean that Kyle is oppressive or evil or anything. All it means is that we should scrutinize our leaders always lest one happens to be evil.
Imagine what would have happened had the British not scrutinized their leaders during the Industrial Revolution, there would still be a massive discrepancy between the economic classes, and there would only be two: the uber-rich, and the uber-poor. Had the colonized nations not scrutinized their leaders, the imperailist states, they would still be colonized...

fourthly, you tell him
welcomerain said:
destroying hardware is NOT wasteful
. Really? Every little bit helps-- ...

next, you say
welcomerain said:
i do not fuck kyle in the ass
. Now, while we may all be glad to hear this, and certainly Kyle most of all ;), GTMan never said you did...There's no reason to just assume that we suspect you of this; unless there is a reason you'd like to share...

and yet again, you mis-use another word...
welcomerain said:
he's had a reputation for dispensating the b7hammer against flammers such as myself
"dispensate" is not a word; i believe the word you are looking for is dispense. The proper conjugation for your usage is dispensing... Just in case you're still confused...
Merriam-Webster Online ([url said:[/url])]Main Entry: dis·pense
Pronunciation: di-'spen(t)s
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): dis·pensed; dis·pens·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin & Latin; Medieval Latin dispensare to exempt, from Latin, to distribute, from dis- + pensare to weigh, frequentative of pendere to weigh, pay out -- more at SPIN
transitive senses
1 a : to deal out in portions b : ADMINISTER <dispense justice>
2 : to give dispensation to : EXEMPT
3 : to prepare and distribute (medication)
intransitive senses, archaic : to grant dispensation
synonym see DISTRIBUTE
- dispense with 1 : to set aside : DISCARD <dispensing with the usual introduction> 2 : to do without <could dispense with such a large staff>

oh dear, yet another mis-conjugation...of the verb "to have" to boot!
welcomerain said:
therefore, any accusations of my bias towards kyle has been preemptively dismissed.
Honey, since accusations is plural we must use the third person plural of the verb to have. That would be have. The sentence should read: "therefore, any accusations of my bias towards kyle have been preemptively dismissed."

next, after you tell him to not be a
welcomerain said:
. You say:
welcomerain said:
remove the dipstick from your anus and lighten up.
...quite the hypocrite, aren't we, and oops! this is after telling him to not be a hypocrite...hmm...conrtadiction number three!

now, i'm a little confused about point 5. ...

point 6: I assume you're saying that it increases profit for Kyle? Well , fine, so what?

1. You contradict yourself three times.
2. You manage to mangle four different words.
3. Two out of your six points (the last ones), therefore, 1/3 of your post makes little to no sense...
4. You come out guns-a-blazing, for no good reason at all; all you succeeded in doing was proving Kyle's judgment in exiling you to GenMay...
The whole thing seems silly to me. I thought the Phantom wasn't supposed to exsist, yet there it is. :rolleyes: Smashing it didn't earn any "cool" points with me. HardOCP seems to be turning to cheap sensationalism as of late.
Well if you wanted my vote, I say gasoline (sp) and a huge phantom bonfire sacrifice. But that would just be my opinion.

ps - cool [H]ammer.
iZero said:
The whole thing seems silly to me. I thought the Phantom wasn't supposed to exsist, yet there it is. :rolleyes: Smashing it didn't earn any "cool" points with me. HardOCP seems to be turning to cheap sensationalism as of late.

We all know it "exists" somewhere. The point is that no seems to know whether or not it's going to EVER make it to market. Hell, that was just a Gen 1 console. The thing has undergone a MAJOR redesign since then, especially a year after it was supposed to be released. Hell, Bitboyz had a card, not that it ever made it market.
you guys this thread is just turning into a big flame war sit back and chill :D second thing would be no one knows why kyle did what he did I my self think that it is funny and makes good entertainment if you dont agree with it fine but lets not turn this thread into a flame war :D thanks
Typical comments begins here:

I've been reading the website for several years, but i never really followed the forums except for the daily forum headups, but I just had to register to post my opinion about this.

What is going on? I know that theres a lot of bad blood between the admins at hardocp and the company behind the phantom, but was this kind of mtv jackass-type of stunt reallly needed? We all know whats going to happen to the Phantom in the long run, and we dont need to comment further on the subject.

This feels like such a cheap publicity stunt. OK WE GET IT. Like some other guy said previously, maybe the hardocp team should work on the articles instead of trying to pimp out stuff like that. I mean, after the Doom 3 benchmarks debacle; seriously guys, stop it!

I know that hardocp is aimed at a certain demographic, but for god's sake; just give it up. That "console" isnt getting mentionned anywhere else anymore outside of hardocp; come on, stop beating that dead horse :rolleyes:

The kind of strange obessive hate for it is like Harry Knowles' endless hate for Freddy Prince Junior. I mean who gives a damn about Freddy Prince Jr, and why does he keeps wasting mainpage time on that guy? Nobody CARES ANYMORE!

I think it would be neat if hardocp had some sort of filtering system, like on slashdot, and registered users could filter out certain types of stories, depending on the categories.

Because when i come to Hardocp, i dont want to read puerile (.. to a certain extent..) crap. I realise that i typed 2 pages reply about some guy smashing a prototype pc in a silver box, i mean, who cares about it; but.. is this really front page material? This whole sad episode feels so.. lame
Longtimelurker said:
Typical comments begins here:

I've been reading the website for several years, but i never really followed the forums except for the daily forum headups, but I just had to register to post my opinion about this.

What is going on? I know that theres a lot of bad blood between the admins at hardocp and the company behind the phantom, but was this kind of mtv jackass-type of stunt reallly needed? We all know whats going to happen to the Phantom in the long run, and we dont need to comment further on the subject.

This feels like such a cheap publicity stunt. OK WE GET IT. Like some other guy said previously, maybe the hardocp team should work on the articles instead of trying to pimp out stuff like that. I mean, after the Doom 3 benchmarks debacle; seriously guys, stop it!

I know that hardocp is aimed at a certain demographic, but for god's sake; just give it up. That "console" isnt getting mentionned anywhere else anymore outside of hardocp; come on, stop beating that dead horse :rolleyes:

The kind of strange obessive hate for it is like Harry Knowles' endless hate for Freddy Prince Junior. I mean who gives a damn about Freddy Prince Jr, and why does he keeps wasting mainpage time on that guy? Nobody CARES ANYMORE!

I think it would be neat if hardocp had some sort of filtering system, like on slashdot, and registered users could filter out certain types of stories, depending on the categories.

Because when i come to Hardocp, i dont want to read puerile (.. to a certain extent..) crap. I realise that i typed 2 pages reply about some guy smashing a prototype pc in a silver box, i mean, who cares about it; but.. is this really front page material? This whole sad episode feels so.. lame

What Doom 3 debacle? :confused:
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