Omega v/s DNA drivers


Limp Gawd
May 4, 2003
i have been using the normal catalyst drivers provided on i wanted to know whether i should switch to omega or dna drivers.if yes which our better and will they cause any hardware faliure in my card ?
Omega drivers are AWESOME. I am using them right now on my 9800pro, and have had absolutely no problems. I saw a test on the Omegas vs DNA vs ATI, and Omegas were always on top. The DNA drivers were actually underperforming the ATIs in a few tests, and they caused a few system crashes. Heres a link:
The DNA drivers are only stealing Omegas work and also sacrifice image quality for performance (see COD). If you are a fan of nVidias optimization scheme go DNA :p
Enough propaganda you two.

I'd advise downloading all three sets and trying them all and seeing what u like best.

I personally use the DNA's
ive tryed all three of them..i like the omegas the best..dna caused my whole system to run like crap..but this is just from my own experience..i would suggest the only way to know which one is the best for your system is to try each one..
Originally posted by saturnine2
Omega drivers are AWESOME. I am using them right now on my 9800pro, and have had absolutely no problems. I saw a test on the Omegas vs DNA vs ATI, and Omegas were always on top. The DNA drivers were actually underperforming the ATIs in a few tests, and they caused a few system crashes. Heres a link:

I read that article. Awesome read; it showed how buggy the DNA drivers are. So I recommend either ATi's drivers set or Omegas.
Originally posted by merlin704
I read that article. Awesome read; it showed how buggy the DNA drivers are. So I recommend either ATi's drivers set or Omegas.

Yeah and the links to the discussions on rage3d was the most fun with that driver review :D
The whole review was biased against DNA, many people dislike him because they say he used to just steal omegas drivers and rename them. Anyhow his 4.1 drivers came out before the omegas so that ends that. To get a true test without bias you will need to try all the drivers yourself.
i have a radeon 9800pro, i haven't tried the DNA drivers but the omega is superb, so go for the omega. also i suggest riva tuner to better improve the performance, it worked for me
bump on Omega drivers

you will not regret it at all... speed, performance, great stuff !
Originally posted by Roost426
The whole review was biased against DNA, many people dislike him because they say he used to just steal omegas drivers and rename them. Anyhow his 4.1 drivers came out before the omegas so that ends that. To get a true test without bias you will need to try all the drivers yourself.

The article clearly shows how troublesome that DNA drivers are as opposed to the ATI and Omegas. So I don't see how the review was biased against DNA.
No, it shows one persons difficulty. This could be user error etc... The only way is to try them yourself.

EDIT: I am using the omega 3.10 anyhow right now because the DNA drivers made the fog in bf1942 to bright and i am to lazy to upgrade right now but when i do i will try all 3.
Originally posted by Roost426
The whole review was biased against DNA, many people dislike him because they say he used to just steal omegas drivers and rename them. Anyhow his 4.1 drivers came out before the omegas so that ends that. To get a true test without bias you will need to try all the drivers yourself.

Well Killersneak (banned from rage3d forums btw) did admit that he stole Omegacorners work in one of the threads that where linked to.

And I don´t think those benchmarks lie. That COD benchmark was quite interesting.
Originally posted by oqvist
Well Killersneak (banned from rage3d forums btw) did admit that he stole Omegacorners work in one of the threads that where linked to.

And I don´t think those benchmarks lie. That COD benchmark was quite interesting.

I believe this is the thread you are referring to.:D

Terry Makedon tears KS a new ass.:D
I'm using the Omegas as well. One little problem though; 3Dmark03 is now stingey on what drivers you can use on posted scores. Last I checked, Omega drivers weren't on the approved list. :(
Why would anyone care about that? 3DMARK 2003 is not a contest you know?
Originally posted by oqvist
Why would anyone care about that? 3DMARK 2003 is not a contest you know?

Yeah it is! It's like a free penis-enlargement pill! Non of that spam-my-email-box $29 Mortgage with the purchase of a $69 bottle of Penis enlargement pills! It's free!
Ok, I will try the omega drivers. But one last important question Can the omega by some remote possibility cause hardware failure of the card?
no problems with omega drivers and i have used them for the last 4 releases of cat drivers. they had the cod fix one release earlier than ati so i was happy.
Originally posted by Stanley Pain
for the Omegas :)


Mr. Pain

until very recently, I was using every revision of the Catalyst drivers and nothing else .... when the 4.1 Cats came out, I finally had pulled all my hair out and was ready for a change so i tried the new 4.1 omegas and simply put, I will never use another "standard" ATI driver release again unless absolutely necessary.