Old adventure games

Aug 12, 2003
I grew up playing games like "Hugo, House of Horrors" and "Leisure Suit Larry" and am wanting to get into a nice old parser-based adventure game again since no new games are worth while for the most part. Hell, I guess a Point-And-Click would do fine too.

I would prefer it to be anywhere in the 1985 - 1999 range, does anyone know of any old games like that similar to the ones listed above? I know hundreds were made so I'm basically looking to stumble into a hidden gem I never heard of, thanks.
Sorry forgot to add:

Before anyone suggests sequels to Hugo or LSL ive already played and beaten all of them
Not really similar, since I guess the style of adventure games I'm interested in is different, but "The Last Express" might be something somewhat overlooked from that period.
I'd think any of the old Sierra adventure games, Quest for Glory series, Police Quest series, Space Quest, and King's Quest series would fit the old adventure stuff and basically the same engine as LSL.

Then I guess on newer end of that specrum you get like Grim Fandago, The Dig, and Sanitarium games, allbeit with completely different styles of play.
Huge adventure game fan here, I will list off the top of my head some of the best adventur egames that pop into my mind. Some are serious adventures, some comedy, some horror, etc.

Broken Sword series - Putting the adventure in adventure, if you enjoy say, Indiana Jones, you'll be right at home with these adventure games. It covers a similar style, with historical settings/mysteries and adventures.

Gabriel Knight Series (One of my personal favorites and one of hte few series that tried something vastly new each time. First Gabriel knight was classic point an dclick 2d, second was FMV based, 3rd was 3d graphics) The games follow the main character who's an author/book store owner and gets thrust into something greater than what he had planned for his life. It's a great mix of mystery and the supernatural. Regarded by many as one of the best classic adventure games and one of the highest selling of all time. If you enjoy a bit of supernatural/horror stories with mysteries, you'll like this.

Grim Fandango - Good funny classic adventure game, if you enjoyed older Lucasarts style games (Monkey island, Full throttle, Day of the tentacle, etC) you'll most likely love it.

The Longest Journey - Regarded by many as one of the best later adventure games (circa 2000). It certainly lives up to the name as well. It's quit ea long adventure but well worth it if you don't mind a focus on dialogue/character building. Storyline, characters, are all well done and it's a great character driven surreal mystery.

Monkey Island series - If you played many adventure games you can never make a list without this series. Regarded as one of the funniest adventure series of all time. If you like Comedy, and you like pirates, you'll like this series.

Sanitarium - Man, where do I start with this game? Sanitarium is hands down of the CREEPIEST adventure games you will play. The whole game has a very surreal creepy atmosphere to it that gets under your skin as you play through it and unravel the storyline fromt he point of view of the main character. It's not "gory" or the cheap blood filled "horror" that many games and movies rely on, it's horror in the sense of the atomsphere, the setting, the characters you meet, the art and storyline. The second aorea you are in, the "Town" with the little children will creep you out.

Still Life - Great modern setting Murder/msysery adventure , it's a psuedo sequel to Post Mortem (Main character is releated to the main character in this game and a part of it you play as him)

Syberia series - These two games are two of my all time favorite adventure games. Whenever ANYONE says "are video games art? I tell them, play Syberia. These games are not "funny/comedies" but rather are serious, artistic, extremely character driven. The kind of game you can soak into and will remember the rest of your life. Excellent storyline, great memorable characters you grow to care about, and brilliant art design from Benoit Sokal (he's a famous Belgian comic artist, a lot of his art is featured in the Heavy Metal magazine)

Tex Murphy series (Start with Under a killing moon and go up from there, the first two games were "reimaginzed" into a later game that fit better with the fmv style of these) These games follow Tex Murphy who's basically a down on his luck clumsy, but quit egood detective. If you like Film Noir with comedy this is right up your alley. They also just had a kickstarter up and got funded so they could make a new Tex Murphy game, straight from the same people that made it (the developer Chris Jones plays Tex Murphy).

There are plenty more too, those ar ejus th ones I could think of off my head and I tried to cover many different types.

Many of these can be found on gog.com for fairly cheap (about the only place you'll find soem of them, unless you want to go to ebay).

Also if you do decide to try one or more of them out I'd like to hear what you think of them.
The Longest Journey. One of the more memorable gaming experiences I remember during my youth.
Thank you all so much for the suggestions, this is pretty much exactly what I have been looking for.

Stiler, I have been watching videos for "The Longest Journey" and decided to go with that one, I think I may also give "The Last Express" a try as well sometime in the near future.