Okami and Godhand for X360?

rfwinters77 said:
So the 360 is getting a couple last gen games.




Who cares if the graphics, physics wont be like current gen games. If the gameplay and fun is there then its worth it. I dont understand people like you. Eye candy(graphics, physics, anything that looks good to the eyes) does not make a game, the gameplay and fun factor of that game makes a game.
Lazy_Moron said:

Who cares if the graphics, physics wont be like current gen games. If the gameplay and fun is there then its worth it. I dont understand people like you. Eye candy(graphics, physics, anything that looks good to the eyes) does not make a game, the gameplay and fun factor of that game makes a game.

your kidding yourself if you think gameplay alone will make a game great. Games have lots of things involved in them. Audio, Video, Story, Controls are all key features to a great game. Gameplay alone wont save any game. (see red steel). And it works both ways. A came could be the best looking game in the world but still suck cause its missing gameplay/audio/story etc. Eye candy is a big factor in gaming. Its the first thing you see when you see a game. First impressions of a game are important.
PoweredBySoy said:
.... the fuck? Okami is awesome. You best recognize, foo'.

Oh. I wasn't downplaying the games themselves. I'm dying to play Okami and Godhand looks pretty interesting as well.

It just struck me as odd that a "next gen" console was getting a port of "last gen" games. So that's what I was mocking.
It depends on the last-gen game in question. Okami? God Hand? Hell Yes! Fusion Frenzy? Not so much.

I would personally take Shadow of the Colossus (sequel or upscaled port) over Halo 3 any day.
I do not think this was translated perfectly and was misinformed. Either way if true, its just more good games added to the library even if they're recent last gen games. Whos to bitch about more games ?

If you do not want to buy, don't buy. Period.