Official [H] Star Wars:The Old Republic Thread

Same here! Having an absolute blast so far.

Also, it's been a very very smooth launch so far. Not a single issue yet.

Probably because they haven't let very many people in, but I completely agree. Having a really good time. Only have had a few bugs and they were very minor annoyances.
Also, it's been a very very smooth launch so far. Not a single issue yet.

I hope none appear but I am concerned.
26/64 servers are currently anywhere from heavily occupied to full. That is just from the few people that have been allowed access. Once the real floodgates open, I imagine it is going to be problematic to even get into a server if stability doesn't become a problem first.
I hope none appear but I am concerned.
26/64 servers are currently anywhere from heavily occupied to full. That is just from the few people that have been allowed access. Once the real floodgates open, I imagine it is going to be problematic to even get into a server if stability doesn't become a problem first.

Yeah, not looking forward to the queuing tomorrow...
The same thing happened on the beta weekend, there were queues but then they tweaked things and it was all good. I'm sure the queues will be limited, if you even have to deal with them at all.
If any of you guys want to play on a west coast PvE server and Empire come on over to Mask of Nihilus and send me (Legacy) a tell or mail, I would be happy to have you join us :)
Damn, im excited to buy it now, i got that feeling like before i bought WoW, hope the community isnt a bunch of raving mouth breathers like WoW has become.
I had quite the scare yesterday. When I got home, giddy to get early access, I tried logging in and it asked me a security question. I tried EVERYTHING but it didn't work. I was at my wits end, hoping I didn't have to wait in the 2 hour customer service queue to have my security question read.

Then in a last ditch effort, I created a new account on the website. When I was to put in answers to the security questions for the new account, i tried every letter in the alphabet. Sure enough, it worked!

Turns out, the answer to my first girlfriends name, was her last name. Fucking ex's.
Damn, im excited to buy it now, i got that feeling like before i bought WoW, hope the community isnt a bunch of raving mouth breathers like WoW has become.

Go read the official's already a wretched hive of scum and villainy.
eh looked at it and compared to WoW its tame so far, just whining about early access and queues, but thats what happens at launch no matter how prepared they are.
eh looked at it and compared to WoW its tame so far, just whining about early access and queues, but thats what happens at launch no matter how prepared they are.

Unless it's the customer service queues, I have no clue what queues they'd be refering to. I played for about 3 hours yesterday, and not once did I wait in line, or get lag spikes.
eh looked at it and compared to WoW its tame so far, just whining about early access and queues, but thats what happens at launch no matter how prepared they are.

You are making a comparison of SWToR and what you see in the forums...? I'm pretty sure I don't hear any complainers in game about early access.
You are making a comparison of SWToR and what you see in the forums...? I'm pretty sure I don't hear any complainers in game about early access.

That's because they're complaining that they aren't in it lol. People in game don't have that problem :p
I finally got my invite, Downloading now, cant wait till I play in Nvidia surround portrait. I will make a movie and keep you all posted how it runs. CANT WAIT!! Dont know what class to play, my 2 favorite classes in WoW was a hunter, and a paladin.
I finally got my invite, Downloading now, cant wait till I play in Nvidia surround portrait. I will make a movie and keep you all posted how it runs. CANT WAIT!! Dont know what class to play, my 2 favorite classes in WoW was a hunter, and a paladin.

I didn't play much WoW but you might like the Trooper Commando. Make sure you join The Fatman server.
I hope the Fatman server isnt full by the time I am able to get the game. =/

I haven't seen a single queue the entire time I've been playing. And there's been no lag or anything on the server. The population has never been too large for me to do my quests either.
You are making a comparison of SWToR and what you see in the forums...? I'm pretty sure I don't hear any complainers in game about early access.

i was replying to someones post about the community being a hive of villainy and scum
Hmm so far some have seemed to blast to level 50 alreay? geez!! for anyone who has playe so far what is the leveling like? is paced? slow or fast?
Hmm so far some have seemed to blast to level 50 alreay? geez!! for anyone who has playe so far what is the leveling like? is paced? slow or fast?

Those are prolly people doing PVP only. I'm just about 18 and Bowhuntr is 19. I've played for about 20 hours I think, but haven't only been focused on questing/leveling.
I'm going to try and log in and play some tonight for the first time since beta. Looking foward to it. Although all my ex wow guildies are on anchorhead and so I'll probably end up there.
I'm going to try and log in and play some tonight for the first time since beta. Looking foward to it. Although all my ex wow guildies are on anchorhead and so I'll probably end up there.

Yeah, but screw those guys...
I just went to my gamestore. They just gave away the preorder box with the game for € 46.99. So I got that one and a 60day gamecard. In total it costed me € 73.98. The "gamestop" of my country sold it for € 59.99 without a pre order code. Saved me around 30 days gametime ^^ and gained a black and yellow black and yellow crystal.
Been playing it since it's first day and I really like it. The quests, visuals and gameplay are all fantastic, my only real complaint is some very minor UI tweaks which they will probably fix eventually.

I think it is rather unintuitive that you have to get your advanced class abilities from a separate tab at your trainer.
My only launch complaint: I'm playing an operative. They have an option now to disable the cover bar, so your hotkeys stay static when you go into and out of cover.

"Perfect! I have wanted this since beta way back in June!"

Except whatever you choose resets back to the default every time you change instance, including to pvp/dungeons/worlds. Arrrg.
My only launch complaint: I'm playing an operative. They have an option now to disable the cover bar, so your hotkeys stay static when you go into and out of cover.

"Perfect! I have wanted this since beta way back in June!"

Except whatever you choose resets back to the default every time you change instance, including to pvp/dungeons/worlds. Arrrg.
Lol, ouch.

Ding 27, in a few minutes :). Loving my Sentinel with watchman spec. Oddly I seem way ahead on cash compared to beta, despite now leveling crafting as well. Weird!
I'm having a lot of fun playing a Scoundrel in PVP. In every PVP match so far I've been the only one I've seen, lol. Topping DPS most of the time too! Gotta love stepping up behind someone and blasting them with a shotgun :D
I'm having a lot of fun playing a Scoundrel in PVP. In every PVP match so far I've been the only one I've seen, lol. Topping DPS most of the time too! Gotta love stepping up behind someone and blasting them with a shotgun :D

Yeah, scoundrel/operative seemed low on players in general to me in beta. Good sentinel/marauder are rare... They are hugely different in the hands of a good vs avg player compared to other classes.