Official Gameplay Trailer Jedi: Fallen Order


Sep 6, 2004
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

It's being developed by Respawn Entertainment for Windows, Xbox One and PS4 with a release date of November 2019. It feels kinda Tomb Raiderish. The Star Wars games always lured me into upgrades. In 98' I bought the voodoo 2 to power my Sony CRT for Dark Forces II, Quake II and Starsiege: Tribes, good times.
Had high hopes, this game just looks like a knock-off uncharted. Fetch/ kill quests and outdated engine with no good AI , dismemberment, or great game-play interactions.

What happened to games, or am i just getting old?
I like the look of it. Looks like the new Tomb Raider games, etc.
Says Nov. 15, so is this the big EA release this year, looks like no Dice and no BF?
I liked it, gonna check it out...

I like the look of it. Looks like the new Tomb Raider games, etc.

Looks pretty cool to me.

I'm not saying it's going to be a bad game, and the graphics look great. But it doesn't look interesting to me. I don't like thumb parties, I don't like cattle chutes and I don't care to be short-bused - the game doesn't seem to have much in the way of tactics. Or decision making. Those feelings aside, I'm also a little turned off that my character looks like the mean kid from Toy Story grown up (and looking like he secretly wants to leave the Jedi order and form a boy band.)

I used to be a big fan of the Tomb Raider series, but at some point they made the cells small and the puzzles easy. Dragon's Age and Mass Effect felt watered down as the series went along. That only left KoTR as a series (of this style) that feels unblemished. But that's just my opinion. If the reviews are good I might buy it, and I'll be happy if I'm wrong and enjoy it.
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This is just a redesigned Tomb Raider game with Star Wars assets. EA is good at this sort of thing.

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Did the OP really go out of their way to prevent the video from auto embedding?
Looks fine to me. I expect EA to mess it up somehow but that gameplay looked like everything I want from a Star Wars game right now.
I see gameplay elements similar to Tomb Raider, Splinter Cell, Indiana Jones, Jedi Outcast/Academy, and Force Unleashed.

This could be good. Very good.

It's been a long time coming for another single-player SW game, so I'm pretty stoked.

Literally just installed SWFU2 on my kids computer yesterday for my oldest son to start playing, since he ripped through SWFU1, thrice. And that was after he finished Outcast and Academy.
...and he prefers to unplug the XB360 controller and use KBAM!

This one may be on my rare exception list to never pre-order. We'll see.
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Looks like it could be pretty good, will be keeping an eye on this one. i hope they don't fuck it up.