Official BenQ FP241W Thread !!! Info, Pictures, Reviews

bootstrap said:
Is that a headphone jack by the USB ports in that last pic? I didn't see any mention of any kind of audio in on the spec sheet (besides the HDMI, of course, but it would be kind of weird if that were the only way to get audio in).

i guess benq should give more info about the headphone jack :confused: couse i was thinking the same way and its also would be nice if they put some speakers on da sides couse da stand gona take more space in da desk top than fp241w.



"ultra-fast 12ms MPRT (Motion Picture Response Time)"

What the hell is that compare to their 6ms??
Yeah, that's an ugly monitor.

Anyways, can anyone confirm if the non-Z version uses a P-MVA panel or not? And does the Z version use a regular PVA panel, or is it S-PVA, or is it actually P-MVA?
ASIA911 said:
"ultra-fast 12ms MPRT (Motion Picture Response Time)"

What the hell is that compare to their 6ms??

Actually it does have a 6ms response time GtG. The FP241W has a 16ms MPRT though.

12 > 16 (lower is better)
bootstrap said:
Interesting development. Maybe I'm alone here, but I personally find that thing to be incredibly fugly. :p On a more practical note, I also wouldn't be willing to give up portrait mode, so that would be out for me even if I liked the stand.

Is that a headphone jack by the USB ports in that last pic? I didn't see any mention of any kind of audio in on the spec sheet (besides the HDMI, of course, but it would be kind of weird if that were the only way to get audio in).

Sorry if this is an obvious question, what is portrait mode?
Hmmm, got a reply from one of the Finnish retailers. They said that the date they had announced (18th of December) was an estimate given to them by the importer and that it was later cancelled by the importer (and thus removed from their site). They hadn´t been given a new date so it seems that the importer doesn´t know either. Oh yeah... :/ Well, I will wait... Patience is a virtue... lather, rinse, repeat...
Yes.... that other monitor is REALLY ugly!

And, I found the HDMI note interesting in that review. So, it seems BenQ basically did the same thing most of the LCD TV manufacturers do... send the HDMI right into the video processors / scalers. That basically makes it useless for computer use. At least it has the DVI, so I couldn't complain too much.
i've read up on the different types of lcd panels available (ie: IPS, PVA, MVA etc.) but it's still really confusing. can someone please recommend a good site for the most up to date info on the different panels which also highlights the major differences.

edit: thank you peTeMelster :)
peTeMelster said:
It's a sticky in this very forum in the Display section.

Now, can anyone answer my question?

BenQ management in the UK have confirmed to me that the FP241W uses the AUO panel. The FP241WZ is also supposed to use this panel but bare in mind that the FP241WZ doesn't exist as a "real" product, and hasn't gone into production yet. BH have received a sample version, so maybe there is some panel switching going on. On the other hand, maybe they are using the Samsung S-PVA panel, very hard to tell at this stage, but I can only go on what BenQ have informed me really. I'm open to correction if things change :)

Ultimately, BH are quite positive about the BFI in FPS gaming, saying percieved motion blur is reduced by about 50% in their opinion, so it does what it sets out to do pretty much. There's the option to turn it off, so you can effectively revert the AMA-Z model to be the same as the FP241W if you wanted to. If you are a heavy gamer and might beneift from this feature then the Z version is perhaps worth considering, if not, the FP241W is there as well :)
Yeah, the BFI "works" in some cases, but then it makes it worse in other cases.

Even without BFI, if they are indeed using the Samsung S-PVA (or is just normal PVA) panel, that would be worse IMO than the P-MVA panel on the non-Z version.

Also, the colors seem to be horrible with the Z version (that's with BFI off), whereas the non-Z just seemed to have a slight red dominance.

So unless they change the panel back to P-MVA, I think I'm going to have to stick to the superior, IMO, non-Z version. BFI really didn't do much and actually hurts in some cases, and to switch panels and have lousy colors is unacceptable.
i doubt we will end up with retail versions with different panels, but i suppose it could happen. I think the panel will remain the same when properly released, but the Z version will feature BFI as well. I notice BH tested the colour accuracy out of the box, but didn't go on to test it after calibration so that element is a little hard to judge from their review (unless i've missed something)
Sorry if this was previously posted, but I didn't notice it on this thread before...

Newegg currently has a coupon on this monitor for an additional $40 off of their normal price. Coupon code is EMCBQBLACK24. This brings the total to $759.99 with free 3 day UPS shipping. I just tested this by adding the monitor to my cart and it works.

This makes it even more tempting to buy now, but I'm still going to hold out for the 1:1 fix. For anyone in the US who doesn't want to wait this long, though, this may be a good time to pull the trigger...
Badd said:
i doubt we will end up with retail versions with different panels, but i suppose it could happen. I think the panel will remain the same when properly released, but the Z version will feature BFI as well. I notice BH tested the colour accuracy out of the box, but didn't go on to test it after calibration so that element is a little hard to judge from their review (unless i've missed something)

I agree and I like to see a test up to the

24" Eizo FlexScan S2410W
Contrast Ratio 1,000:1 Aspect Ratio 16:10
Max. Resolution 1920 x 1200
Brightness 450 cd/m
Response Time 8 ms
Dot Pitch 0.27 mm
Color Depth 24-bit (16.7M Colors)

Why? Cause it has the same panel as the Samsung 244T and ususally Eizo manages to get more out of the 24"WS Samsung S-PVA (LTM240M2) than Samsung self!
Also this time so it seems and at the same time this is said about th BenQ FP214...suppose to be equal or better than the 244T.

And why would the BenQ FP241WZ 6ms G2G + BFI 24"WS AU Optronics P-MVA (M240UW01 V0) panel suddenly be better than all the Eizo's on number one with the Samsung S-PVA panel?

I still think: S-PVA > P-MVA > S-IPS for Graphical purposes.

Maybe I am "Touting my Horn" cause Eizo also usus the S-IPS in the expensive high end Colorgraphic actual CE (=Samsung S-PVA) and CG(= Hitachi-SIPS) series:

19 Inch CG19 Eizo CG1920ms19" Hitachi S-IPS (NL128102BC29-01)
21 Inch CG210 Eizo CG21030ms21" Hitachi S-IPS (TX54D11VC0CAC)
22 Inch CE210W Eizo CE210W-K 8ms G2G21"WS Samsung S-PVA (LTM210M2)
22 Inch CG221 ???22" Mitsubishi S-IPS (AA222ZA01)???
24 Inch CE240W Eizo CE240W-K8ms G2G24"WS Samsung S-PVA (LTM240M2)

The Eizo S2410W in my area cost about the same as the Benq FP214w that's around a 1000,- Euro's. No HDMI if that is an issue, not for me. Somebody said that the Eiso is definitely better than the Samsung 244T and with video the Eizo makes a very very strong impression.

In our DVD test, the level of detail was impressive, although again it lost some in the blacks and dark greys of indoor scenes. Thanks to the 450cd/m2 brightness of the screen, outdoor scenes again have huge punch.

Boasting the same 14-bit colour processing as the S2110W (21"WS Samsung S-PVA (LTM210M2) panel) colours are gloriously vivid and (perhaps purposefully) over-saturated. Just like its smaller brother, the saturation was vivid to the point of excess, but the OSD is comprehensive and - if you disable sRGB - you can adjust the colours to your heart's content. There are saturation, gamma, gain and hue controls, and you can even fine-tune hue and saturation for individual colours.

Although professionals will buy it for its colour control, we found that even with some tweaking the S2410W didn't show our test images perfectly. Despite the claimed 1,000:1 contrast ratio, dark areas and shadows didn't quite retain the same level of detail as the S2110W. Of course, this is a minor quibble; it was still far superior to the Sony and Dell.

While we can't see many people spending this much money simply to play games, the S2410W put on a decent show for Far Cry. It might have failed our technical response-time test, but the overdrive circuit (which improves grey-to-grey response) worked in the real world, as we didn't notice much blurring; only slight jittering was noticeable on fast mouse movements.

So, I like yo see a match up with the other 24"!
Wow... I just did a quick search on froogle for the fp241w, and it appears that BenQ has finally come through and gotten shipments of these monitors to many sellers in the US. I notice that places like which have been listing this monitor for ages now actually have it in stock. Several places are selling it for less than $800 as well.

Hopefully a little competition will mean it might be easier to get a good deal on this. :) I do hope that they start showing up in retail stores, though... Best Buy Canada lists it but still not Best Buy US.
I'm ready to pull the trigger tonight on one of these with the New Egg discout the price is finally right, I don't do any console gaming so 1:1 mapping is not an issue for me. I just play PC games, do web surfing, movies, Photoshop, and writting reviews for my website; is this the best 24" monitor currently available for these type of applications for the price?
Paragon54 said:
I'm ready to pull the trigger tonight on one of these with the New Egg discout the price is finally right, I don't do any console gaming so 1:1 mapping is not an issue for me. I just play PC games, do web surfing, movies, Photoshop, and writting reviews for my website; is this the best 24" monitor currently available for these type of applications for the price?

Just remember that the 1:1 mapping isn't JUST a gaming issue. If you feed, say a component or HDMI DVR or DVD player (maybe Cable box) into it, where you can't tell the output rez to be 1920x1200... the signal will probably be something like 1920x1080 or 1280x720 (standard HDTV resolutions), and then it will get scaled to the 1920x1200 rez.

If you mean you do all these things THROUGH your computer, and your computer outputs to 1920x1200.... then you're fine... and don't need the 1:1.

Is this the best? I sure wish I knew the answer to that! Trying to compare them all without having them side-by-side, or even getting time on each is really tough. I'm kind of leaning away from the Gateway at this point... but between the Dell and BenQ is harder to pick.

The BenQ sounds a bit better from what I've been reading... but enough better for the extra $... I'm not sure. I also think the Dell looks nicer, which is a bit important to me as we want to put it in our living room as a TV.
Ya my BIOS displays just fine. The BIOS displaying would mostly be a function of the video card. If it's smart enough to output it properly, which nVidia cards are apparently.
The BenQ is far better than the Dell. But Dell as a nice price on the tag and still a very nice design.Why the made the 244T so ugly nobody knows. But you buy a tft to watch the screen and not the foot.
The Dell shouldn't even be compared to the BenQ. The Dell is just horrible. It was the first 24" I ruled out, with Samsung's 244T ruled out next. I'm interested in the Eizos, NEC, LG, Gateway (though starting to lean away from that after hearing of so many problems), and the Spectre 24" as well though. So much research - impossible to figure out which one is the "best."
Askanison said:
Eizo S2411W available this month with dual dvi HDCP inputs

EIZO announced two news FlexScan models. The new S2411W model has a 1920×1200 of resolution, a 3000:1 ratio :eek: for contrast (1000:1 by default, extensible to 3000:1, response time of 8ms, and a 178-degree viewing angle. It has also 2 DVI-I HDCP ports, and a 2 ports USB 2.0 hub. THe screen will be available in Japan on 6th December 2006 for a orice tag $757. :eek: (Japanese Dollars/Yen something??)

Paragon54 said:
I'm ready to pull the trigger tonight on one of these with the New Egg discout the price is finally right, I don't do any console gaming so 1:1 mapping is not an issue for me. I just play PC games, do web surfing, movies, Photoshop, and writting reviews for my website; is this the best 24" monitor currently available for these type of applications for the price?

For purely PC use, yeah I think this is the best monitor in this category / price range.
Pred said:
a budget EIZO screen ? thats a new one..
I might be completely mixing this up with something else, but I seem to recall that the previous generation EIZO screen was also much cheaper in Japan than they were in the US. I would be surprised to see this monitor selling for less than the previous one, the S2410W, which is still on the order of $1500 here.
I think yourrright about the prices in Japan but in the Netherlands "The Swamp" you can get the Eizo FlexScan S2410W-BK (black) 24" for € 1109,00 say 1100 dollars (We alwayz pay more anywayz:( )

Otherwise I wouldn't be bringing it up but at Newegg still 1500 Dollars but I think they will change the price soon with the new Eizo S2411W coming up. :)
Hi, I was wondering how the Benq FP241W compares to Samsung 244t. I'm not really a big gamer, so the input lag is not as great concern to me as ultimate colour reproduction and other image quality issues (even backlightning, bleeding). I will be mainly using it for picture editing. Has anyone had the opportunity to evaluate these monitor side by side? I have heard fellow photographers switching from the new Dell 24" to Samsung 244t because of image quality issues. But i reckon people here are better aware of the technical details. Benq is a bit cheaper than Samsung here in Finland, so if I can get no confirmation of the better image quality, I will probably go with Benq.

What do you think?
I just bought the Gateway FPD2485W LCD but plan on returning it in the next week because of an extremely noticable buzzing sound coming from the back of the monitor and the heat it throws.

Has anyone noticed any type of buzzing or noise coming from the BenQ? Or can it get really hot?

Also, does the BenQ do X360 1080p over component but not accept the signal from the Xbox 360 VGA cable?

Finally, can someone measure how low this monitor can be with the stand attached? I've read that the panel (without the border) can get to 3" above the table, but I was wondering if it could go lower.

I am currently planning on getting this when the 1:1 pixel mapping feature is implemented.
samppa said:
Hi, I was wondering how the Benq FP241W compares to Samsung 244t. I'm not really a big gamer, so the input lag is not as great concern to me as ultimate colour reproduction and other image quality issues (even backlightning, bleeding). I will be mainly using it for picture editing. Has anyone had the opportunity to evaluate these monitor side by side? I have heard fellow photographers switching from the new Dell 24" to Samsung 244t because of image quality issues. But i reckon people here are better aware of the technical details. Benq is a bit cheaper than Samsung here in Finland, so if I can get no confirmation of the better image quality, I will probably go with Benq.

What do you think?
It is proper to say "What do you think?", cause I only own a CRT Eizo FlexScan T965.

I am still waiting for some 24" line up for the BenQ FP241 and the other (Vew) 24" competition. Like I said in my formal post about the Eizo. There are statements from users who where able to put some screens in a line up. Some say that both the BenQ and the Eizo are better than the Samsung 244T although Eizo uses the same TFT-panel as the Samsung. BenQ uses the AU Optronics P-MVA. So there is also a difference on the technical part. The Dell's are defenitely worse than any of the monitors mentioned!

The first reviews are very optimistic maybe too optimistic to be true about the BenQ FP241?
Never before the Eizo's where beaten with the Samsung Panel.This would be the first time. Not impossible, cause there is a first time for everything. IIyama has also left the Arena.N'est ce pas.

So Frankly; "I don't know"? especialy I am interested in the right colors since I am a Graphical Designer and loadz of Vids also.

I think for gaming the BenQ has an advantage over the Eizo in specs anywayz.

TIP: Remove the ugly foot off the 244T and buy a nice swingarm against the wall :D
Danny, I just returned my gateway because of heat, read my post in the Gateway thread, I just wrote it.
Youri Carma said:
EIZO announced two news FlexScan models. The new S2411W model has a 1920×1200 of resolution, a 3000:1 ratio :eek: for contrast (1000:1 by default, extensible to 3000:1, response time of 8ms, and a 178-degree viewing angle. It has also 2 DVI-I HDCP ports, and a 2 ports USB 2.0 hub. THe screen will be available in Japan on 6th December 2006 for a orice tag $757. :eek: (Japanese Dollars/Yen something??)

Not true, as someone who is current residing in Japan.. S2411W cost around USD 1000 retail, or about USD200 cheaper then S2410W when first introduced. BTW 2407wfp cost just USD 500 here.
Got my FP241W on Thursday, no complaints here, lovely colors, nice styling and a very user friendly base... so easy to adjust. This and the eizo are clearly the class leaders in the 24" market.

Payed $1303 AUD delivered, which is about $1030 USD... easily the cheapest price in Australia.
A couple hundred posts, mostly positive,some negative.....

Is this "the" 24" panel to get for general use and gaming? It would seem that most posts are positive but just would like to hear from people after having used it for a while if they would buy it again.
