Official BenQ FP241W Thread !!! Info, Pictures, Reviews

kornkob said:
Of course its going to stretch DVDs. DVD resolution is 720x480 (or 720x576 for PAL). The monitor has a resolution of 1920x1200.

More of an issues is what it will do with 1080p content, which has a resolution of 1920x1080. I'm hoping it'll use 1920x1080 pixels to display it, with small black bars at the top and the bottom. ie, 1:1 pixel mapping.

Of course, you could just be hoping that when DVD is shown stretched on this monitor, that it will be stretched to the correct aspect ratio (ie a 16:9 DVD will have small black bars at the top and bottom, rather than stretched and distorted to 16:10, much the same as my desire with 1080p)?

I should have been more specific. I am talking about 1080p hd/blueray DVDs.
rabhw said:
By the way, do you have any idea how lucky Americans are to have a site like newegg? Why oh why won't they ship to Canada :(
It's cheaper to buy the monitor in Canada than from newegg
No duty and if out of province purchase only federal sales tax is charged..
If purchased from newegg both federal and provincial tax would be charged on top of the duty $930.00 CAD ETA: 10/12/06 $949.99 CAD, ETA: 1st week October $890.00 CAD, Pre-Order $918.00 CAD, Not in Stock
Heinz68 said:
It's cheaper to buy the monitor in Canada than from newegg
No duty and if out of province purchase only federal sales tax is charged..
If purchased from newegg both federal and provincial tax would be charged on top of the duty $930.00 CAD ETA: 10/12/06 $949.99 CAD, ETA: 1st week October $890.00 CAD, Pre-Order $918.00 CAD, Not in Stock

You can always use online price matching with NCIX
Well theres that, and then there's the fact that places like newegg actually, you know, have the monitor.
hehehe, good point rabhw... I'm also in canada and still waiting that NCIX or another store get some monitors...

Note : I think that if you want do to a pricematch, the other store must have it in stock, and you can't pricematch from US stores to CAN-NCIX...
Sales tax from newegg only for people who live in CA, TN or NJ. As far as when its here, it should arrive any minute...:/
neither can i! im going up and down the stairs of the dorm, lookin out the windows, hoping they will deliver before the mail person is done
DangerIsGo said:
neither can i! im going up and down the stairs of the dorm, lookin out the windows, hoping they will deliver before the mail person is done

I wonder how many people are watching this thread... :D
So are you going to take pictures of the opening the box thing which is all the rage now? Or you are going to go straight to the monitor being set-up?

Either way can you take some photos with the following?

PC Games (doesn't matter which)

Will you be able to use the HDMI?

Enough questions, one of many keeping an eye on this thread. DangerIsGo advance thanks for the upcoming pictures!
I second the Youtube idea! Do it like those Nintendo 64 Kids. When it's time to sell, you can get a profit out of it.
I cant find it, could you guys give me the link to the the image of the vertical and horiztal banding test? I wanna try it out.

Problem: my cameras battery just died...I only got pics of my opening it, it all setup, and 2 pics of q4 (BTW, it runs AWESOME!) I did some banding test and color tests on websites that I could find..NOTHING :)
When you get a chance could you hook up a DVD player to it and let me know if when it stretches the video to fullscreen if it keeps the aspect ratio of 4:3 (or even 16:9), or whether it forces external devices to stretch to fit the entire screen?
rabhw said:
When you get a chance could you hook up a DVD player to it and let me know if when it stretches the video to fullscreen if it keeps the aspect ratio of 4:3 (or even 16:9), or whether it forces external devices to stretch to fit the entire screen?

I think he is too busy having fun with his new toy... ;)
Haha, yeah, no worries whenever he settles down. He's making me wanna re-order mine now argh!
Here's a good write up on how to do one of these tests:

Unfortunatly you have to pay to use thier test images but they claim a 30day return policy so you could try that. ;)

The best free one I know of is:

I have test DVDs for my projector so I don't know of many free tests. The only other free tests I've found are at:
I've never used any of these programs on this site myself though.
Very nice indeed. Hey, can you take a picture of any backlight leakage from a blank black screen? (Make sure all lights in the room are off, no camera flash.)

I see you got Quake4 loaded up. I'm a Quaker as well. FPS gamer.
Many thanks for these initial shots as well Danger. I think I speak for everyone else here as I say this too :) Can't wait to see round two.
Part IIa As promised:

Here are gradiant and color tests from a monitor program I found:

Everything looks awesome!

There are 2 things:
Theres one all black picture that looks like it has backlight bleeding. That is not the case. Theres another one that doesnt have any and thats what it looks like in person.
The gradiants have really wavey lines..thats from the camera. There are VERY SMALL bars that could be considered banding, but Its really not noticble that much, if at all. Some pictures its perfect, some youll notice the little, very dim bars. Take it as you will. im starving and going to get food which is why im rushed. Enjoy!
Thanks for the picture but my goodness! What camera are you using? Any one in your dorm that have a better digital camera that you can borrow?

I've already went ahead and bought the Acer AL2423WDR since Bestbuy and Futureshop didn't have them yet and I'm waiting to see if they will be having them so I can exchange it. I will only exchange it if it's better than my Acer.

Since this is my 3rd LCD. I went from a Viewsonic VP211B(good monitor but horrendus ghosting with a 25 ms!!!). Wished I knew more about the response time back then. I recently try out the Viewsonic VG2021m and that turn out to be a crappy LCD all around.

The Acer AL2423WDR so far been fantastic. Response time been pretty good but there's something strange with it. I play a very fast game in Unreal Tournament 99 so ghosting wasn't the problem. THe problem I find with it is that it seems like the LCD is missing frames. The animation is pretty jerky at a hight speed game(no this isnt a problem with my ping on my end). Seems like the LCD monitor can't keep up with the framerate or the frames inbetween.

So pretty much bring us back to the BenQ FP241W. My most important thing in an LCD monitor so far is the Vibrant color and response time. So tell us what you think so far about the monitor compared your CRT?
Excellent, thanks Danger! Was there any input lag in games, on the desktop? Any ghosting?
I just completed my purchase from New Egg as well :p I'll also post pictures of display tests so we can get a running poll here.

I'll be shooting them with a Canon Rebel XT, so I'll be sure to post the clearest images I can.

I also have access to an XBOX 360 (HDMI) and a Sony DVD player with an HDMI output ;) I have an Apple G5 with Dual DVI, but my PC only has an standard Analog RGB output on the video card. So my color tests will be with the mac and the video tests will be with the XBOX/DVD player.

Actually, the XBOX360 I have access to is only hooked up through component cables, NOT an HDMI cable. My mistake.

The DVD player I own however, is connected with an HDMI cable.
Make sure to take some 360 pics with component cables at 1080i. Hopefully they will actually work since the dell 2407 component inputs didn't work.
So far, no ghosting, input lag or anything. Ill finish with the pics now. The new camera is a Canon powershot SD450 5MP

As far as modes go and the OSD:

Ill post a final review, thoughts, feelings, etcc. when im done with pics. I apolgize about the component and HDMI sources as i dont have any at my disposal. As far as the stand goes, its very easy to push up and down. If you push it all the way down, a little button on the bottom locks it in place. Pressing the button unlocks it and you can push it up and down freely. As far as attaching the stand, no screwdriver or tools are necessary. Just slide the stands tongues into the monitors back, snap into place...done!
Groto said:
Make sure to take some 360 pics with component cables at 1080i. Hopefully they will actually work since the dell 2407 component inputs didn't work.

Groto, no worries, I'll make sure to do that
Also, Im going to go game with my friend (some q4 action) ill let you all know of my feelings. Plus I think this monitor needs to warm up to its future life its going to have ;)
Does anyone know how this or the Acer which uses the same panel compares to a Samsung 244t?
Awesome, awesome, awesome. There is absolutely no ghosting, lag, or banding whatsoever in quake 4. It was beautiful to play on. Im going to try HL2 and some dark scenes. let you know how it turns out.