officemax WD 80gb $19.99 AR starting 1/25

Originally posted by battleangel3222
Some asshole is trying to sell them for 75 dollars shipped in sell/buy section. I swear to god, i want to act like I wanna buy it, get his address, go to his house, and have that little kid killed stabbed 50 times for being an asshole. You know its little kids when they try to rip you off when theres a huge officemax deal going on for the same product, i hate kids, always trying to make some money some cheap way.
Off our meds again, are we? :eek:
Originally posted by ardenj
Did you try this yet? How did it go? Did they accept the Staples coupon?

YUP! It worked perfectly. I just added the compressed air for a filler. I needed it anyway. I went right to the assistant managers line or whatever(I remember her from last time when a n00b at a different register couldn't figure out how to take off the $30). She was nice. She didn't even hesitate. She was just like sure, we can do that.

My friend went right after me in that line and he used a $15 off of a $75 purchase and just got the hard drive. We got there only 5 min after the store opened. There were 5 people looking on the shelf by the other drives, but I knew where they were(on a table with sale items) and grabbed the last 2 for us. Boy were those people mad that were looking by the other hard drives:).

This was an awesome deal. An 80gb hard drive, 52x24x52x cdrw drive, 100 imation cdrs, and a 4 device universal remote all free after $120 in rebates.
Originally posted by battleangel3222
Some asshole is trying to sell them for 75 dollars shipped in sell/buy section. I swear to god, i want to act like I wanna buy it, get his address, go to his house, and have that little kid killed stabbed 50 times for being an asshole. You know its little kids when they try to rip you off when theres a huge officemax deal going on for the same product, i hate kids, always trying to make some money some cheap way.

who cares.. they don't have jobs and need money to make thier systems better. its the american way. ps. don't forget to take your meds EVER again cuz it just makes you sound like a homo.

Originally posted by battleangel3222
Some asshole is trying to sell them for 75 dollars shipped in sell/buy section. I swear to god, i want to act like I wanna buy it, get his address, go to his house, and have that little kid killed stabbed 50 times for being an asshole. You know its little kids when they try to rip you off when theres a huge officemax deal going on for the same product, i hate kids, always trying to make some money some cheap way.

make some money some cheap way? now that just doesnt make any sense..
ok Unless your some fat person who cant get up to go to office max, you deserve to pay that price. But FYI newegg sells less than what hes charging right now, and newegg umm is a comapny...umm with real customer care....
So? From the counterpoint to your horribly muddled argument, I want to support the american entrepreneur! What do you say to that?

To paraphrase someone from another thread you decided to march into, get off your high horse and stop trying to make a difference :rolleyes:
Got mine, was the 2nd to last one. They had about 15 at my store and they were gone in 20 seconds.
Got one for me.. Got in the store about 1:00 PM, had some in the cust. support area. Lady grabbed one for me, and one of the guys standing there actually said to make sure it was the 8 meg cache version. Guess he read a book or two. :)

Glad I read this thread, else I wouldnt have got one since I usually skip over the HD section..

Just wish this HD was a Maxtor.
Originally posted by battleangel3222
ok Unless your some fat person who cant get up to go to office max, you deserve to pay that price. But FYI newegg sells less than what hes charging right now, and newegg umm is a comapny...umm with real customer care....
Caveat emptor
Or something like that. Nobody holds a gun to your head and says, "Buy it on Ebay" now do they? Ease down, dude. It's not worth getting worked up over.
Originally posted by battleangel3222
Some asshole is trying to sell them for 75 dollars shipped in sell/buy section. I swear to god, i want to act like I wanna buy it, get his address, go to his house, and have that little kid killed stabbed 50 times for being an asshole. You know its little kids when they try to rip you off when theres a huge officemax deal going on for the same product, i hate kids, always trying to make some money some cheap way.

what the hell is your problem man?

who are you to judge ANYONE for trying to make some money?

Jesus man, its not like he's holding a gun to your head and saying:

"okay man, you're gonna buy my hard drive or else........"

sheez.... you sir TRULY need to get a life if people like that bother you so much. :rolleyes:
Not to put a damper on all the arguing, but....

I went in to OM at 4 pm yesterday and of course they were all sold out. So what did I do? Well...

I walked to the customer service department and picked up the three I put on reserve for myself the day before! :D With the help of some obliging friends and their mailboxes, I'll have 240gb for $60! Can I get a w00t!

Originally posted by Cryto
Just wish this HD was a Maxtor.

No you don't. That's all i ever see die at work are Maxtors. I work for a computer repair company and we RMA more Maxtor hard drives then you'd believe. Western Digital is by far much more reliable then Maxtor. There are other companies that are much better then both, but out of the two, your should DEFINATELY be happy that you got a Western Digital.

Oh the bright side, Maxtor's RMA is easy as hell b/c they know their hard drives crash all the time.
Originally posted by SB22
No you don't. That's all i ever see die at work are Maxtors. I work for a computer repair company and we RMA more Maxtor hard drives then you'd believe. Western Digital is by far much more reliable then Maxtor. There are other companies that are much better then both, but out of the two, your should DEFINATELY be happy that you got a Western Digital.

Oh the bright side, Maxtor's RMA is easy as hell b/c they know their hard drives crash all the time.

This can go back and forth, because I am in the same position and I see more dead WD than Maxtors. The drives I end up replacing and returning are those WD's that feel like there is nothing in the casing at all, they are so light its scary. Second on the list are those really skinny little Maxtprs, havent seen these in anything other than OEM machines.

However it is rarely the high end of either of these 2 that gets returned.
Picked up the last one in Savannah yesterday afternoon. I wasn't even there to buy it but I figured what the hell :D
Not to mention that according to storage review the WD is much faster than the equivalent Maxtor unit and it is quieter an generates less heat. Go to for look...
Originally posted by SEALTeamSix
Not to put a damper on all the arguing, but....

I went in to OM at 4 pm yesterday and of course they were all sold out. So what did I do? Well...

I walked to the customer service department and picked up the three I put on reserve for myself the day before! :D With the help of some obliging friends and their mailboxes, I'll have 240gb for $60! Can I get a w00t!

all OM do this??? shit on me
Not such a hot deal because of the OM deal, but newegg has them for $60..would have been a better deal during a different week.
Found this while at hot deals, just posting it for evryone to take into account when dealing with OM rebates:

OfficeMax - 80GB hard drive $50 after rebate
Western Digital 80GB hard drive is available in-store for $80. A $30 mail-in rebate is available from Western Digital making this a decent deal.

Some people have emailed this deal to us because it also has a $30 mail-in rebate from OfficeMax which can be combined to get this drive for only $20 after both rebates, but past reports from many people are that OfficeMax often fails to fulfill on its promised rebates, so I would not expect most people to get this drive for $20 after 2 rebates. Last year at the same time we began relaying OfficeMax consumer complaints with the public, OfficeMax actually requested that we no longer carry their coupons on our site. Claiming they did not single us out simply because we posted negative consumer reports about their store, they claimed that most "deals" sites are not permitted to advertise OfficeMax coupons on their sites anymore either. However 6 months later now, and the Hot Deals Club remains one of the only "deals" sites that has received such a request. Regarding their rebates, I still get numerous reports every month from people who complain that they never get their promised rebates from OfficeMax. I even recently got an email from an OfficeMax store manager saying that even his/her own rebate submissions were denied. Despite some great products and deals found often at OfficeMax stores and, the Hot Deals Club would do an incredible disservice if we simply ignored to share the plethora of complaints about their rebate fulfillment history. If you choose to mail in a rebate to OfficeMax, I suggest that you mail in your OfficeMax rebate with some kind of tracking number and that you photocopy all submitted documents. If you do that and you are willing to place several phone calls and emails to OfficeMax (if necessary) in an effort to have them fulfill on a denied or lost rebate, then this may be a very good deal for you. Note that I am not against OfficeMax or anything, and everyone should know that with every deal that involves a rebate, there are always people who never get their rebates. In fact, with every rebate deal that I post, I sometimes hear 1 or 2 people that never get their rebate either because the fulfillment house never sent it, or it could have been because the buyer filled out the rebate form incorrectly - who knows. I only post this warning about OfficeMax because I received an abnormally high number of consumers that swear they filled out the rebate forms correctly and just never received their promised rebates. I have received over 70 reports from consumers claiming rebate problems with OfficeMax in the last 6 months, which is far more complaints that I have heard about all other rebate deals combined in 2003. OfficeMax has told me they are doing everything possible to make sure customer's rebate concerns are addressed, and they even have special contact info for people with concerns about their rebates.
Originally posted by topslop1
I got one at the store - it's sittign next to me now. Don't you hate me?

Ordered mine, and they were sold out by the time I finished printing out the rebates. Don't you LOVE me?
Got a raincheck for mine. $80 :/ I would have had 2 or 3 friends get me more.. but that's a lot of cash to wonder about. Oh well.
Got my rain check today for $19.99

They said it'll probably be 2-3 weeks but I dont care...thats cheap as NUTS!
Wow the raincheck actually says 19.99 or do you still have to fill out the rebates.

Sure just after I got the 80 for 40 after rebates that I will probably never get from OM. I had one die so I didn't have much choice so ohh well.
According to my friendly OM rep, the rebates are taken care of and $20 is what you pay because the dirves aren't expected in before the rebates run out...
Originally posted by NoXPert
According to my friendly OM rep, the rebates are taken care of and $20 is what you pay because the dirves aren't expected in before the rebates run out...

sometimes being late can be good:D :D :D
I do hope thats true for the 19.99 posted on rain check.

The guy printing the raincheck for me was not sure what I would pay when they come in.
How does this work? If I don't get the drive by the time the WD rebate is up, I won't be able to get that rebate. Unless they plan on getting them in-stock and distributed in 4 days. I'm all confused. Also, is there any way to determine what I'll be paying? How did the people that said theirs only said $20 figure that? Mine says $100 Reg Pr, and $19.99 Ad PR. Then at the top, the lady did the math to show the rebate. Maybe this is worth a call to Office Max to figure out? I'd like to get as many of these drives as possible if I didn't have to wait for a rebate. I'm just worried about buying 4 drives at $80 each on a college budget :) Especially not knowing if I'll get the cash back!
items that can be rainchecked will have their rebate purchase date and filing date extended 60 days after the original date ranges per officemax policy.
That's funny, the guy who did my raincheck told me that there would be no rebates to fill out. I guess the only way to find out is to go there when they call me to let me know that its back in stock...
im going tom (tuesday) to get this! Did you have to say anything to get it for only $19.99 on raincheck? or did they just know?
Originally posted by blackspawn
im going tom (tuesday) to get this! Did you have to say anything to get it for only $19.99 on raincheck? or did they just know?
The guy who did mine up just knew
Originally posted by Steve_010
The guy who did mine up just knew

he just wanted more for himself :D you can always get a raincheck and if they want to have you fill out the rebates just say you don't want it. worth a shot for 20 bucks. nothin out of your pocket unless you allow it!

No you don't. That's all i ever see die at work are Maxtors. I work for a computer repair company and we RMA more Maxtor hard drives then you'd believe. Western Digital is by far much more reliable then Maxtor. There are other companies that are much better then both, but out of the two, your should DEFINATELY be happy that you got a Western Digital.
And in my experience WD's are the ones to die most often. Wasn't even Kyle once complaining about them on the front page? (I know about the IBM's, but also WDs). Never had a problem with any of the Maxtor drives I have ever bought..
And to put this back on topic...

If I weren't a broke college student I would be buying several more. Wouldn't mind 4 total for some Raid-0 goodness. :)

And for all you that get the drive for just $20, I am jealous! :)
Mine was all out, but I sent the old lady in and they gave her a raincheck for 2 of them at the 19.99+tax price. Need to check out the other OM tomorrow.
Yeah I went in yesterday (Sunday it snowed heavily and the roads hadn't been cleared).

The guy said they sold out in like 20 minutes.

He gave me a rain check for the $19.99 price as well....said he'd given out another 20 rain checks.
Originally posted by Cryto
And in my experience WD's are the ones to die most often. Wasn't even Kyle once complaining about them on the front page? (I know about the IBM's, but also WDs). Never had a problem with any of the Maxtor drives I have ever bought..
And to put this back on topic...

If I weren't a broke college student I would be buying several more. Wouldn't mind 4 total for some Raid-0 goodness. :)

And for all you that get the drive for just $20, I am jealous! :)

WHOA! where do you get your "experience"? I have worked for a Tech. Department for a school system for 3 years... We order Compaq/HP Pc's for our schools.. ( Budget Wise Computers) They ship with 40 - 80 GB MAXTOR Drives standard.. depending on the model... About 25 - 30 % of those Maxtor Drives have Failed... we had to start Specifically asking for Western Digital Drives because of the turn-over we were having... Out of probably 100 WD Drives we've ordered in the system... (not to mention the 100's i've put in for people) we have had less than 5% turn-over (Bad Drives)... In my opinion... Western Digital is by far the superiour Hard Drive Manufacturer...
I just went to my OM in West Bend WI, they were sold out like I expected, and then asked for a raincheck at the 19.99 price. CSR said they couldnt do that, but checked with the manager anyways. Manager also confirmed they cant give out rainchecks for prices after rebates. Sucks for me, but good deal to anyone who can get them!
Where can I get the WD MIR? I have the OM rebate, but I still need the link to the WD one. Anyone got it?
western digital is ownage.. i work for a white box computer manufacturer. wd tend to have much less in the rma department then do the maxtors, seagates and ibm/hitachi drives.