OEM PC's and Bloatware


Extremely [H]
Feb 9, 2002
Just ranting about OEM PC's and their bloatware. Sony I think has set a new record for most pre-installed memory resident crap installed on a new PC. The Sony VG-AX580G has 67 process running at first startup. :eek:

I just wish that OEM's would realize that when they cram that much crap onto a new PC, it runs like crap. At some point they've gone way too far. This system is a pretty expensive and high end notebook, and runs like crap right out of the box. I get the fact that the OEM's are paid to install alot of this BS by various companies, and that offsets their costs and fattens their pockets. Even the OEM's need to set some limits.

Your thoughts? I realize most of you know this already. I am just venting a bit while I work on this POS.
Sir-Fragalot said:
The Sony VG-AX580G has 67 process running at first startup.

Holy batshit Robin!

I said in my FX400XL evaluation that I wish that OEMs would at least give this option: Install a clean copy of the OS, then give an accessories disk that the user can go through and install whatever he/she wants off of it. That way, the OEM is still fulfilling their agreement to include the application with the machine, but they're not driving the user bananas in the meantime. Just one man's thoughts, though :cool: .
wow I only have 18 processes running and I have a couple programs running just what the hell do they do to make it 67?
DNA Doc said:
Holy batshit Robin!

I said in my FX400XL evaluation that I wish that OEMs would at least give this option: Install a clean copy of the OS, then give an accessories disk that the user can go through and install whatever he/she wants off of it. That way, the OEM is still fulfilling their agreement to include the application with the machine, but they're not driving the user bananas in the meantime. Just one man's thoughts, though :cool: .

I wish all companies thought like you. I hate having to spend around 2 hours reinstalling Windows, most of it spent on uninstalling and clearing out useless programs. I can understand laptops need special programs to handle stuff like volume buttons. But there really should be an option to not install stuff like stupid games (some are even just demos).
To make things more evil, OEMs don't even bother to give you a real windows install CD so your stuck using the "recovery partition" which loads all the crap right back on. So your still screwed (Unless you happen to have a XP home or pro disc that will take the code on the license sticker.)
Most of the time if you demand a disc they will send you one. Ive had to do it on my Dell Laptop and the Media Center I bought.
Justin said:
wow I only have 18 processes running and I have a couple programs running just what the hell do they do to make it 67?
Hmmm...53, here.

But, then, I'm using ATI's .NET control panel, which accounts for, like, TWELVE of them or something. :rolleyes:
Sir-Fragalot said:
Just ranting about OEM PC's and their bloatware. Sony I think has set a new record for most pre-installed memory resident crap installed on a new PC. The Sony VG-AX580G has 67 process running at first startup. :eek:

I just wish that OEM's would realize that when they cram that much crap onto a new PC, it runs like crap. At some point they've gone way too far. This system is a pretty expensive and high end notebook, and runs like crap right out of the box.

ANYWAY, to the OP...

I dunno, I don't think I've ever seen an OEM PC *so* loaded down that it's performance was CRAP. Doing a clean install of the OS almost never really bump in-game FPS numbers or benchmark numbers even 10% over the fresh-from-the-store configuration.

I'm maybe thinking from a different perspective, though, as I have a LOT of family (and a wife), who are total computer n00bs - have been using them for years, and are still amazed by the wonders of email and Internet Explorer and are too confused by IM programs to use them.

A *LOT* of that bloatware does a very good job of making the PC much easier to use for such people. Lots of pretty graphical interfaces to step people through things, lots of well presented help files, lots of easy-to-use software packages, etc.

So....generally, if it's there, I leave it.

For myself, I always build my own systems, so they don't have any of that crap (clean OS install, of course). In any situation where buying an OEM system is the 'right thing to do', though....leaving all that software on there usually ALSO is the best idea.

Those type of users really couldn't care less about system performance - they just want it to be easy to use (without much thinking).
That is very true. The NooBs are just trying to get by.....there are some helpful pieces there, but over 60 programs.....mamma mia. :eek:

I wonder how much the system would cost without the crap???

By the way....GO BRONCOS!!!
Not that I am trying to defend any one company or another, but the pre-installed software that comes on these PCs help to lower the price of the PC in general. These companies pay the OEM a small fee to have the software pre-installed. I know the average joe computer user doesn't know how, but most of the bloatware can be removed and cleaned up pretty easily.
magoo said:
I wonder how much the system would cost without the crap???
The cost of a system will go up if it wasn't for all of the bloatware pre-installed.
What's sad is MOST of the shit they cram on these systems perform tasks Windows already does on its own just fine.