Odd Problem With low detail in bf1942 using 9600xt


Limp Gawd
Feb 4, 2003
I'm not sure whats up, but i cant get the detail to go to high in battlefield with my sapphire 9600xt, i turn the graphics all the way up but there is no visual change

here are some screens, the one titled good, the first one, is on my other comp with a Ti4200, the shot titled mine, is of the same thing, but with my 9600xt

It runs fine on my 9600XT with 4.3 cats.. Although when I had my 9000 Pro BF1942 did that a few times but always corrected it self overtime.. I thought it was my fault. Sorry that I cant help you bud.

I ment 4.2 cats.. And I know it works on 4.1 as well.
sigh.... I hate seeing threads like this, makes me hesitant to wanna upgrade to a 9800 pro
Theres nothing wrong with the 9800PRo, just the newest drivers from ati are buggy, i get problems (lowly rendered textures in battlefield, and ut2k4 just like the other people are describing. I upgraded to the Omega Drivers and havent had a problem since, these drivers are great and a suggest that everyone give them a try.

just droping in to see what you posted now, saw your sig, like always- you start shit man. Help the bitch out guys, he need all the help he can get.:D