OC Check


Aug 3, 2004
OK, recently bought up a system and wanted to run some numbers to make sure nothing sounds out of place to Overclockers. I'm used to an AMD x2 system, so intel is still new ground for me.

e6550 2.33ghz stock
Foxconn P35A
GSkill DDR2-800 4-4-3-5

Anyways, ran it stock for a couple of days to make sure everything works properly, started pushing her. I can't seem to find a cpu vcore option(anyone help me with this?), so its staying stock. Right now its running on air cooling, seems to be running 1825 rated FSB, which translates to....
456 MHZ x (locked multiplier) 7 = 3194 MHz @ 1.312v


The ram I'm a bit curious tho. The foxconn doesnt have a divider option that seems to fit, all I get are 1:1.2, 1:1.5 and 1:2, which would push the ram up to 1800mhz when I'm trying to run DDR2-800 speed. But right now according to CPU-Z its running at a 5:6 divider, which I can't see anywhere in my bios.

The sticks are also running stock voltage 2.099v. According to CPUZ it seems to be clocking in at DDR2-1096 speeds, of course the timings had to be relaxed....alot! If thats true I'm getting a 37% overclock out of these without even cranking the voltage?


Do any of these numbers seem out of place? Also, since my multiplier seems to be locked down at 7, that means I wont be able to get any more out of my e6550 without buying better ram, or getting a motherboard with a divider setting correct?

Right now I'm 30 min into Prime95 with both cores at 58C, its a little on the hot end for intels from what I've read, but I'm comfortable with it.