Nvidia´s NV40 Tapes out....


Limp Gawd
Sep 8, 2002
Dudez...i´m going crazy....

I read this new in about 4 sites....

and i just can´t find a meaning for "tape out"....

This news just dont make sense to me :/....

Can someone help me?

Please... don´t use "big words" to explain it...

Nv40? Someone update me please. Don't tell me they got new cards coming...already.
taped out means they have a finial processor design and its ready to go into fabrication
IIRC taping out means that nVidia has completed the chip design and the first round of prototypes can be constructed by the chipmakers. For some reason this word always comes up with new nvidia cards, the last time i heard it was when everyone was waiting for GFFX
Originally posted by SupaMan
IIRC taping out means that nVidia has completed the chip design and the first round of prototypes can be constructed by the chipmakers. For some reason this word always comes up with new nvidia cards, the last time i heard it was when everyone was waiting for GFFX


Maybe that´s why no one know this expression...

So... This means that the nv40 is done?
The term "tape out" refers to the manufacturing of the masks used to manufacture the chip.

I'm actually quite surprised that they are only in tape out if they want their next card to be released with ATi's next card. By the time they finish taping out, test initial production chips to ensure everything is good, go into mass production, card makers validate their design with final silicon, and then get quantities that can be on store shelves, can easily run 120 days.
Originally posted by AMDoido

Maybe that´s why no one know this expression...

So... This means that the nv40 is done?

no...the chip design is just completed. It isnt even guaranteed to function at this point :) They still have loads and loads of revisions to go before they complete the retail product