Nvidia Powers High-Performance Computing in the Google Cloud Platform


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Google Cloud and Nvidia have unveiled their collaboration to bring new high-performance computing (HPC) devices to the Google Cloud Platform. Nvidia Tesla V100, P100, & K80 GPUs are being provided to customers as a GPU-accelerated cloud computing resource to solve data challenges in the deep learning, analytics, physical simulation, and molecular modeling fields. Google is offering per-second billing to create a 'you pay for what you need' scenario for customers. Some computations that normally took days will now take hours as a single VM of Tesla V100 devices provide up to 1000 teraflops of mixed precision hardware acceleration performance.

NVIDIA GPUs in Google Kubernetes Engine turbocharge compute-intensive applications like machine learning, image processing, and financial modeling by scaling to hundreds of GPU-accelerated instances. Package your GPU-accelerated applications into containers and benefit from the massive processing power of Google Kubernetes Engine and NVIDIA Tesla V100, P100, or K80 GPUs whenever you need them, without having to manage hardware or virtual machines (VMs).
I put together a 1U server that had 4 K80's i think in it laying flat. Was a neat setup.. and LOUD