Nvidia plans to lock Game Ready drivers behind GeForce Experience registration

Hehehe, just having fun... :p

I would guess nvidia is testing the waters like their saber rattling about locking out overclocking on mobile GPUs.

I'm just surprised at the people insisting bloatware is ok.

Again, if 16,8 MB breaks your system or performance, GFE is not the problem.

BTW, here is some education for you:

I saw this comment elsewhere, it describes my sentiment too:
God forbid the masses need to make a mental effort in order to do something. Next thing you know, people begin using their heads for something other than a balancing weight and a place to put fancy hats.
Hmm... E for effort, it's still unnecessary bloat.
GFE has worked without a single hiccup. Much better than AMD's crap. If you guys have issues running this, you must all be on shitty Pentium 4 Willamette laptops.
GFE has worked without a single hiccup. Much better than AMD's crap. If you guys have issues running this, you must all be on shitty Pentium 4 Willamette laptops.

Some cases could be crappy hardware, but in my experience it's more often that not some 3rd party process getting in the way.

But then again, according to some posters, we must have "magical" PC's :D
Everyone who has tried Raptr (AMD equivalent of GFE) knows that it's one of the shittiest programs ever. GFE is miles ahead of it. Still, why do they have to force GFE down our throats when some people just don't want to use it.

I haven't used GFE because there's not one single reason for me to install it on my Nvidia machines. But if this goes through, I need to have it installed to get the latest drivers. Oh well, hopefully someone just mirrors the drivers so that we can still install them manually.
Some cases could be crappy hardware, but in my experience it's more often that not some 3rd party process getting in the way.

But then again, according to some posters, we must have "magical" PC's :D

Or the user of said PC could be the point of error as well.
Sometimes you wish you could take people and toss them back to the time where you had to manually tell the game the hardware adresses (aka 0x220 irq 5 dma 1,5) just to get sound (and hope nothing else used the adresses), the find the proper VESA BIOS Extensions...after you had moved drivers around in config.sys/autoexec.bat in order to get enough free base memory to actually run the game(and sorting out if you needed EMS or XMS).

People today have it so easy..that they invent stuff too whine about...
Why do you use words falsely?
Is it because you don't understand the word?
Or because if you used words properly you wouldn't have a "point"?

I am serious here, if you misuse the language and invent your own "definitions"...you have made communication impossible.

I did make up a word! "Driverz", see first page :)

I say bloat, which is bad, you complain.

Then I say to people to just bend over and take it from nvidia and STILL others complain.

Can't make everyone happy...
I did make up a word! "Driverz", see first page :)

I say bloat, which is bad, you complain.

Then I say to people to just bend over and take it from nvidia and STILL others complain.

Can't make everyone happy...

I only "complain" that you keep using false words.
I but I got my answer, you are just trolling.
I personally don't understand the hate by some users for GFE. It's never given me problems and I tend to use it's shadowplay + fps counter features quite often. I wish NVIDIA wouldn't put game ready drivers on it for those who don't want GFE but at the same time I don't think it's that big of a deal either. They do have statistics showing 90% of their users do get the latest drivers from GFE so it makes sense for NVIDIA to continue to build on their integrated GFE ecosystem and that is a good thing, especially compared to their rival which relies on 3rd party software which I hear isn't very good.

I don't hate GFE, I hate this shit move by Nvidia. It's principle. I shouldn't need bloatware to update my vga drivers, period. Just imagine installing a new system. You can't go straight to the best drivers, you first have to install the "casual" driver, then install gfe, then register, log in, make it download the actual gaming driver, and then install that. Whoever came up with this idea at Nv just pulled their head out their asses.

How on earth is this hassle to my benefit? I usually avoid anything that wants registration and not because of tin foil, but because I can't be bothered to fill out a registration form then wait for an email check to arrive, then confirm it, then log in, when I just wanted to do something that would take 5 seconds if I could skip registration.
I don't hate GFE, I hate this shit move by Nvidia. It's principle. I shouldn't need bloatware to update my vga drivers, period. Just imagine installing a new system. You can't go straight to the best drivers, you first have to install the "casual" driver, then install gfe, then register, log in, make it download the actual gaming driver, and then install that. Whoever came up with this idea at Nv just pulled their head out their asses.

How on earth is this hassle to my benefit? I usually avoid anything that wants registration and not because of tin foil, but because I can't be bothered to fill out a registration form then wait for an email check to arrive, then confirm it, then log in, when I just wanted to do something that would take 5 seconds if I could skip registration.

You don't understand the word "bloatware" either, so stop using it...you look silly using false words FYI.
Some cases could be crappy hardware, but in my experience it's more often that not some 3rd party process getting in the way.

But then again, according to some posters, we must have "magical" PC's :D

You're the typical person who thinks that if it works for them, then nobody else could have any problems, and if somebody does have anyway, then that person must be stupid.

It's ironic that you're the one lecturing about the old times, when you clearly didn't learn the first rule of troubleshooting: Never assume anything.
You don't understand the word "bloatware" either, so stop using it...you look silly using false words FYI.

I need zero features from it, so anything more than that is bloat for me. It can't be more straightforward than that. It's actually a courtesy on my behalf that I don't call it crapware straight up, because I do understand that someone might find some of it's features useful.

So far the only one looking silly in this topic is you, trying do defend your idol's honour to the point of pure absurdity.
You're the typical person who thinks that if it works for them, then nobody else could have any problems, and if somebody does have anyway, then that person must be stupid.

It's ironic that you're the one lecturing about the old times, when you clearly didn't learn the first rule of troubleshooting: Never assume anything.

The fun parts is there is nothing to counter, nobody has presented anything besides:

-Anecdotal submissions that only speaks to the poster, no data of any sorts.
-Misuse of definitions.
-Tin foil har whine.

You got any data...or should we just accept your words as gospel?

But it's always the same...point to ignorance...get no rebutal, just ad hominem.
I need zero features from it, so anything more than that is bloat for me. It can't be more straightforward than that. It's actually a courtesy on my behalf that I don't call it crapware straight up, because I do understand that someone might find some of it's features useful.

So far the only one looking silly in this topic is you, trying do defend your idol's honour to the point of pure absurdity.

You cannot invent your own definitions, languge doesn't work like that.

Again, if 16,8 MB is "bloat" on your PC, please upgrade from that 486DX2.
Windows search uses double of that (32 MB) to put things in perspective.
I have already given the answer to that.

But let me go down to the level that some posters whining here might understand:

No GFE: *Your PC* <-> *your game* | *3rd party crap app/process* = No problem
With GFE + Crap: *Your PC* <-> *your game* <-> GFE <-> *3rd party crap app/process* = Problem
With GFE - Crap: *Your PC* <-> *your game* <-> GFE = No problem

You have never developed software, that much I can figure.

I remember om Vista, installing a new driver for my webcam right around launch.
That webcam driver FUBAR'ed my sound in Vista...and gave bluescreens in games...that DID not use the webcam (or even a mic)...and randomly in Windows.

I could, like you, have cried about "crappy software that BOSD (the game).
Instead I looked at my system, looked at what had changed, did a driver downgrade, problem dissapered and then I filed a bug-report at the webcam manufactor.

One week later a new webcam driver came, I upgraded, the issue did not come back.

But I guess it more easy to just whine without doing an error-search, why use brain...ignorance is the new "black" right?

I have in my +30 years in IT seen 3rd party software be the culprit more often than I like...also from users claiming their system was fine.
Until I got my hands on their system and saw al sorts of awfull crap messing things up, while the user was 100% oblivious and blamed other programs.

But I guess more users (myself included) are just bat-shite crazy-lucky in that our software works as intended.
Unlike the "wise" minority whos system act like "possed"...right? :rolleyes:

Hahahaha :rolleyes:

Let me clear up a few things.

1) While I am not a developer, I have worked on some big software projects though my career, and do build Linux scripts/functions. I understand software just fine. Thank you.

2) Using your little chart there:
  • GFE + My PC + Game = Problem.
  • NO GFE + My PC + Game = No Problem.

Also, you are wrong. GFE, and Shadow Play do infact interact with the display drivers regardless of if Shadow Play 'is' on or 'off'. This is further proven through the fact that I remove GFE there are zero issue, but through 4 or 5 different drivers using GFE causes game stability issues. My system is not the only one that sees that behavior either.

Lastly, what I got out of your post is that I have to downgrade my software, and submit a bug report to nVidia (oh so you admit GFE has issues afterall) to use GFE? No thanks. I'll stick to OBS that kills Shadow Play in both feature set, and stability. Your webcam comparison was flimsy at best.
I never use GFE, I install everything but GFE.

I guess I will just uninstall it after installation or wait for the inevitable driver from guru3d without GFE bundled.
The fun parts is there is nothing to counter, nobody has presented anything besides:

-Anecdotal submissions that only speaks to the poster, no data of any sorts.
-Misuse of definitions.
-Tin foil har whine.

You got any data...or should we just accept your words as gospel?

But it's always the same...point to ignorance...get no rebutal, just ad hominem.

You're the one not presenting any arguments. Just trying to find words that you can somehow twist out of context enough to label as inappropriate, then you ignore the entire point.

Are you trying to get a career in politics?

Again for the last time, with big letters so you can read it this time, and try not to ignore it

I don't need Geforce Experience but nvidia still wants to force me to install it, and register for a service that I shouldn't need to install drivers
What proof do you need from me? Should I write an essay on why I don't need it? You don't believe that I don't need an application on my computer that lists my installed games? What the hell do you want?

Am I ignorant for not needing GFE? What do you want me to refute?
Could somebody point me to the trouble with GFE?

Because my bet is...tinfoil hat ignorance is in the driver seat of those whining right now.

Numerous times I have been unable to update drivers via GFE, and it's hosed the installation. Had to wipe, use a utility like Driver Cleaner to get rid of the garbage, and then reinstall from a downloaded package.

When it works, it's not bad. When it breaks, though...it can fuck stuff up pretty bad in my experience.
You're the one not presenting any arguments. Just trying to find words that you can somehow twist out of context enough to label as inappropriate, then you ignore the entire point.

Are you trying to get a career in politics?

Again for the last time, with big letters so you can read it this time, and try not to ignore it

I don't need Geforce Experience but nvidia still wants to force me to install it, and register for a service that I shouldn't need to install drivers
What proof do you need from me? Should I write an essay on why I don't need it? You don't believe that I don't need an application on my computer that lists my installed games? What the hell do you want?

Am I ignorant for not needing GFE? What do you want me to refute?

So it looks like you'll be a member of the 10% group that downloads drivers once every quarter from Nvidia's website.
E.T. phone home. :D This is like the Steam Hardware Survey, but mandatory. We raised hell when Electronic Arts was scanning our systems and now it is optional. Then we have people in this thread trying to convince others that it's a good idea to install extra shit on their systems.

I say raise hell and get them to make it OPTIONAL again. Go right to their website and make 100 threads voicing your displeasure. That's how you get things changed.
One problem with this idea: will GFE allow download of Hotfix drivers?

Currently it doesn't.
This is just one more reason for me to get out of gaming. Seriously, with all of this bullshit going on from entertainment companies, I'll go get my kicks somewhere else.

First Windows 10 with their phone-home, near-impossible-to-prevent telemetry (only reason to upgrade to Windows 10 is DX12 for a gamer, even though fucking Vista can probably handle it like a boss). Now Nvidia's very heavy-handedly trying to force gamers onto their "service?" Why? If I have to stick with quarterly releases then so be it. I'm not going to be forced into using yet another unnecessary "service."
Technically, the Ask.com toolbar is only a couple of KB...

But seriously: Now that Nvidia is a monopoly, they can pretty much do whatever they want. They could make you sign a EULA that uses your personal data, slows down your PC, whatever: You want to use their cards, you play by their rules. What are you going to do? buy a different Nvidia card!?

E.T. phone home. :D This is like the Steam Hardware Survey, but mandatory. We raised hell when Electronic Arts was scanning our systems and now it is optional. Then we have people in this thread trying to convince others that it's a good idea to install extra shit on their systems.

I say raise hell and get them to make it OPTIONAL again. Go right to their website and make 100 threads voicing your displeasure. That's how you get things changed.

EA changed their tune because they had a competing service. Nvidia does not have any competitors. You have no choice. Your money is the ONLY thing that will change a company's mind. Where are you going to put your money?
If this is really a problem for you I'm sure it will be a matter of hours until someone reposts the drivers as a standalone download on the Guru3D forums after NV releases them through GFE anyway, so you'll still probably be fine :p
Although it doesn't affect me, it sounds like a bad idea and will generate a lot of controversy for no real value.
But seriously: Now that Nvidia is a monopoly, they can pretty much do whatever they want. They could make you sign a EULA that uses your personal data, slows down your PC, whatever: You want to use their cards, you play by their rules. What are you going to do? buy a different Nvidia card!?

You could simply stop buying graphics cards altogether and get out of it. Atari once had the market cornered for video-gaming too. Just because it sounds crazy doesn't mean it can't happen - or that it won't.
This is just one more reason for me to get out of gaming. Seriously, with all of this bullshit going on from entertainment companies, I'll go get my kicks somewhere else.

First Windows 10 with their phone-home, near-impossible-to-prevent telemetry (only reason to upgrade to Windows 10 is DX12 for a gamer, even though fucking Vista can probably handle it like a boss). Now Nvidia's very heavy-handedly trying to force gamers onto their "service?" Why? If I have to stick with quarterly releases then so be it. I'm not going to be forced into using yet another unnecessary "service."

Could you possibly cry any fucking more? Most W10 telemetry can be disabled. GFE isn't as big a deal as everyone in this thread is making it.

Please quit gaming, you won't be missed.
Sounds good. Quarterly release should go hand in hand with decently patched pc games and 50% price drop. Never installing that deuce software.
GFE isn't as big a deal as everyone in this thread is making it.

It still doesn't offer anything useful. The current driver update process works perfectly. And that is all I need, timely driver updates. The rest is garbage, aside from perhaps Shadow Play. Only reason I don't use it is because it is bundled with GFE.

A gaming computer will soon look like the typical user's PC. Full of worthless, contradicting start up programs and crap that just slows down their computer. Run software for your damn mouse, keyboard, a client for each game, and now to get timely drivers.
It still doesn't offer anything useful. The current driver update process works perfectly. And that is all I need, timely driver updates. The rest is garbage, aside from perhaps Shadow Play. Only reason I don't use it is because it is bundled with GFE.

A gaming computer will soon look like the typical user's PC. Full of worthless, contradicting start up programs and crap that just slows down their computer. Run software for your damn mouse, keyboard, a client for each game, and now to get timely drivers.

Does anyone on [H] ever complain that their computer is slow? We're all mostly enthusiast users. This isn't ten years ago. Machines start up instantly and people more often than not have so much RAM that a few things, including GFE in startup won't do a single thing to your machine. I use Shadowplay, it works fine, I don't have to open a browser to get my drivers, which also works out just well for me.

If a "typical user's PC" is one full of startup bullshit, that's your own fault. GFE leaves a tiny footprint in your processes and doesn't adversely affect your machine. At least on mine it doesn't. All the bitching and moaning over it is frankly absurd.

I agree that forcing GFE for drivers is a shitty precedent and is a little crazy, but it's nowhere near as horrendous as the whining in this thread. People threatening to not play videogames anymore? Who cares, Nvidia isn't crying over spilled milk here.
Does anyone on [H] ever complain that their computer is slow? We're all mostly enthusiast users. This isn't ten years ago. Machines start up instantly and people more often than not have so much RAM that a few things, including GFE in startup won't do a single thing to your machine. I use Shadowplay, it works fine, I don't have to open a browser to get my drivers, which also works out just well for me.

If a "typical user's PC" is one full of startup bullshit, that's your own fault. GFE leaves a tiny footprint in your processes and doesn't adversely affect your machine. At least on mine it doesn't. All the bitching and moaning over it is frankly absurd.

I agree that forcing GFE for drivers is a shitty precedent and is a little crazy, but it's nowhere near as horrendous as the whining in this thread. People threatening to not play videogames anymore? Who cares, Nvidia isn't crying over spilled milk here.

I don't want software that I don't want.
I don't want software that I don't want.
I don't want another AMD card but Nvidia is doing their best to make that a reality too. :cool:
AMD needs to go down into their HQ's basement and wake up their marketing team! Hello guys, big opportunity here. Too bad Roy is MIA.
Does anyone on [H] ever complain that their computer is slow? We're all mostly enthusiast users. This isn't ten years ago. Machines start up instantly and people more often than not have so much RAM that a few things, including GFE in startup won't do a single thing to your machine. I use Shadowplay, it works fine, I don't have to open a browser to get my drivers, which also works out just well for me.

If a "typical user's PC" is one full of startup bullshit, that's your own fault. GFE leaves a tiny footprint in your processes and doesn't adversely affect your machine. At least on mine it doesn't. All the bitching and moaning over it is frankly absurd.

I agree that forcing GFE for drivers is a shitty precedent and is a little crazy, but it's nowhere near as horrendous as the whining in this thread. People threatening to not play videogames anymore? Who cares, Nvidia isn't crying over spilled milk here.

I think the 'crying' here is merited. I don't like the GFE, therefore I do not wish to install it. I have no need for it, I have no desire for it, I don't want it to add one extra thing to pop up every time I restart my computer. I'm not saying its a bad program, I just don't want it, and I feel peeved that in order to get the most recent driver updates, I will need it, when the past system demonstrated that the GFE is not required for beta driver distribution. Simple logic, really. You may not like IMGBurn as an application, I personally love it. But if ALL DVD burners REQUIRED IMGBurn to operate at all, even just having it on in the background while you played a BluRay on VLC, you'd be pretty pissed. I wouldn't, because I like IMGBurn, but I would definitely see the issue with the situation.

I think most people here are really concerned about what this means for the future of Nvidia. You're correct in assuming that Nvidia isn't crying over spilled milk, and likely they will laugh all the way to the bank. We are in a monarchy now: What Nvidia says, goes. So essentially, what does this mean for the future of GeForce graphics cards? what happens when Nvidia decides it will take up McAffe's offer to give them fistfuls of cash to integrate their Antivirus into GFE? What happens when Nvidia get tired of all of these pesky overclockers and do what Intel did and lock-down their products and charge extra for special "K" series cards that can overclock?

Speculation. But seriously: All of these potential things mean extra dollars for Nvidia: a publicly traded corporation. Extra dollars are what corporations live and breathe for.
Are there ads in GFE? How does Nvidia make money off it?
Selling personal info? Our PC specs or something.
Are there ads in GFE? How does Nvidia make money off it?
Selling personal info? Our PC specs or something.

Information is key. They want Info. Who is buying what, playing what, on what monitor, at what FPS, streaming to who, on what mainboard, using what processor, at what settings, using what mouse, at what time, connected to what servers...

you get the idea. That info is worth BILLIONS of dollars to the right people.
I think most people here are really concerned about what this means for the future of Nvidia. You're correct in assuming that Nvidia isn't crying over spilled milk, and likely they will laugh all the way to the bank. We are in a monarchy now: What Nvidia says, goes. So essentially, what does this mean for the future of GeForce graphics cards? what happens when Nvidia decides it will take up McAffe's offer to give them fistfuls of cash to integrate their Antivirus into GFE? What happens when Nvidia get tired of all of these pesky overclockers and do what Intel did and lock-down their products and charge extra for special "K" series cards that can overclock?

I'll tell ya what happens: people walk away from it. Because there is no obligation to buy GPUs and play video games, especially when there are so many other alternative leisure activities available.

People generally don't get the torches and pitchforks out... they just walk away. And that's what you see with Intel and enthusiasts.

The dGPU and PC markets are already hemorrhaging numbers as it is, and the future surely doesn't look good. If nvidia wants to kill itself, it can certainly do that. They may be a "monopoly", but they're a monopoly trying to sell a completely unnecessary (leisure) product.

Are there ads in GFE? How does Nvidia make money off it?
Selling personal info? Our PC specs or something.

This whole requirement is about getting your email address so they can send you promotional information every week or whatever to try to sell you more stuff. They must have looked at all the future trends in the PC space and soiled their drawers to have come up with something this drastic.
I'll tell ya what happens: people walk away from it. Because there is no obligation to buy GPUs and play video games, especially when there are so many other alternative leisure activities available.

People generally don't get the torches and pitchforks out... they just walk away. And that's what you see with Intel and enthusiasts.

The dGPU and PC markets are already hemorrhaging numbers as it is, and the future surely doesn't look good. If nvidia wants to kill itself, it can certainly do that. They may be a "monopoly", but they're a monopoly trying to sell a completely unnecessary (leisure) product.

Everything you said is 100% factual.

But we are PISSED about it. We are hardware enthusiasts, not model train, or football enthusiasts. I can't really sit by and watch patiently as a company is factually exercising its factual monopoly to factually destroy the industry I love. If someone is killing something you love, yes, I could walk away and start loving something else, but that is not what humans tend to do.
Everything you said is 100% factual.

But we are PISSED about it. We are hardware enthusiasts, not model train, or football enthusiasts. I can't really sit by and watch patiently as a company is factually exercising its factual monopoly to factually destroy the industry I love. If someone is killing something you love, yes, I could walk away and start loving something else, but that is not what humans tend to do.

They're destroying the industry by pushing their GameReady drivers to GFE? So what if they require registration, use a fucking junk mail account if it bothers you so much or don't install GFE and wait for other websites to mirror the driver. The sky isn't falling, some of you guys need to get out more.