NVIDIA Ampere GPU Rumored for April Launch


Aug 20, 2006
3D Center is speculating that NVIDIA will release a GTX 2000 series GPU in April. Many assumed that this family would comprise modified Volta chips, but this rumor suggests that the cards will actually feature Ampere architecture. Some of this conjecture is based on the supposed discontinuation of the GP102 chips, which power the 1080 Ti and Titan.

All of this seems fitting: the second quarter was hinted at by earlier rumors for Ampere, which is also two years after the first Pascal chip (GP104 in May 2016). This is hardly an early appointment, as NVIDIA has never left too much time between two generations of graphics cards.
"Something-something miners."

I think they'll announce at GDC/GTC end of March, but wont ship until May/June/July. Then a longer wait for AIB (non-ref) cards.

Mere mortals won't be able to touch one before August.
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Well I hope by the time a TI comes out they give it enough Vram. At that point it should be a true 4k card and I can tell you 4k gaming chews up ram at the highest settings. I know they use what you give 'em, but I've seen numerous games tapping between 8-11GB in 4k. RE7, MEA, ROTR for a few.
Ready on the 1st of April. That would be cool.

Like to see the high end launched first, as in 2080 Ti. In past that was the method so as to build up fab capacity, sell at a higher margin etc. This time makes sense due to the overall industry will probably strip any lower models quick - depleting DDR 6 and other resources. Might as well make as much as possible with the high end before the bottomless pit on the low end. Plus due to the long delay between availability/new GPU - buying will probably be a frenzy. 2080 Ti FE- $999, Titan A - $1495.
If this is true, Nvidia would be very smart to produce a huge amount of stock prior to release. There will be a feeding frenzy when these cards are out, and to have enough to satisfy demand at launch would be a win-win. I'm in the market for sure.
I'm getting $1,000 back from taxes. I think I'll set it all aside and wait to see what happens. If I can get a solid 40-50% increase at 1440 and 4K over my 1080 for under, or a little over, a grand I'll jump on it.
The SLI 1080Ti's in my main rig do double duty gaming + mining and odds are I won't have any itch to upgrade till the next gen Ti comes out, so I probably another 6 months on top of the Ampere (2080/whatever) cards before I can start to get excited. I'm guessing Oct/Nov/Dec till we actually see anything of their top end consumer card.

I'll retire the 1080Ti's to a dedicated rack miner somewhere in the house and life goes on :) At this point though what I'm more interested in is finding the holy grail of 4K gaming displays. I've seen talk of the upcoming Predator XB272-HDR but their track record for panel quality/dead pixels/bleed at that price level has been crap for what seems like years.
Quote "This is hardly an early appointment, as NVIDIA has never left too much time between two generations of graphics cards."
They haven't needed to without having much competition !!
Quote "This is hardly an early appointment, as NVIDIA has never left too much time between two generations of graphics cards."
They haven't needed to without having much competition !!
and selling all products BEFORE it even hits store shelves...

If i was nvidia I would make both pascal and the next gen, pump em out, as soon as pascal isn't insane demand release the next gen and price it very high ($850 standard 2080).

can always issue price cuts later on, meanwhile enjoying insane margins.
Here is hoping Nvidia drops that "Founders Edition" crap, but I fully expect it.
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lets hope they put anti compute use stuff in this like locking the cards to 2 per system

Its a good thought, but I highly doubt they would do that seeing how their making a killing on selling GPU's to miners.
Here is hoping Nvidia drops that "Founders Edition" crap, but I fully expect it.
Right? The honorable mention (blower) card is always out of the gate first, but I just cannot accept less than two fans on religious grounds.

If Titan V is any indication then 2070/2080 blower cards are practically assured.
Ready on the 1st of April. That would be cool.

Like to see the high end launched first, as in 2080 Ti. In past that was the method so as to build up fab capacity, sell at a higher margin etc. This time makes sense due to the overall industry will probably strip any lower models quick - depleting DDR 6 and other resources. Might as well make as much as possible with the high end before the bottomless pit on the low end. Plus due to the long delay between availability/new GPU - buying will probably be a frenzy. 2080 Ti FE- $999, Titan A - $1495.
If they wanted to troll everyone, they could make it a paper launch and just say they're sorry, but they've all been sold out to miners.
Hahahahahahaha.......there will be three available in the wild for 4 times MSRP.

The first 4 thousand dollar GPUs......the GTX 2000 Ti


The Ti won't come out for half a year after that...for 5 grand!!! :ROFLMAO:
Here is hoping Nvidia drops that "Founders Edition" crap, but I fully expect it.
well.. seeing as those are the best choices right now, as in nvidia selling it for MSRP instead of +$300, its been useful the past few months, although they get sold out within 25 seconds.
well.. seeing as those are the best choices right now, as in nvidia selling it for MSRP instead of +$300, its been useful the past few months, although they get sold out within 25 seconds.

Not even 25 seconds. All GPU's on Nvidia's website are 'Notify Me', so I guess if you're notified and you don't react in 25 seconds it's gone? Probably.
They should inflate MSRP by some amount, say $250, then issue a rebate for that same amount. Then, and this is key, make the rebate 1 per person.

Miners will still pay for the cards at the inflated price, but at least average folks will have a chance to get them at something approaching reasonable (stock dependent of course).
All speculation using names instead of specs to describe hardware doesn't quite stoke my fire.
Sell video cards through Steam, and Origin on launch. Give them the bulk of the new inventory. Have them sell to members that have a certain number of games and have had an account for at least a year or something for a certain amount of time. And/Or sell via invitation like One+ did with their phones. We are not going to get the miners off of our video cards, but we could at least try to give actual gamers first crack at them.
3D Center is speculating that NVIDIA will release a GTX 2000 series GPU in April. Many assumed that this family would comprise modified Volta chips, but this rumor suggests that the cards will actually feature Ampere architecture. Some of this conjecture is based on the supposed discontinuation of the GP102 chips, which power the 1080 Ti and Titan.

All of this seems fitting: the second quarter was hinted at by earlier rumors for Ampere, which is also two years after the first Pascal chip (GP104 in May 2016). This is hardly an early appointment, as NVIDIA has never left too much time between two generations of graphics cards.
This may as well be the Lamborghini, as another [H] member pointed out about the state of GPUs in another thread. Can I get a poster of the card for my wall?
I hope governments come down on cryptocurrency like the Hand of God soon, for the sake of GPU pricing/availability and also mining malware.
The US Government just had a big meeting and they are bullish on crypto and say it is here to stay, and they plan on cleaning up scams and fraud in the exchanges and ICOs. Whether and when they reverse this stance is anyone's guess. Right now, it seems smooth sailing, at least in the US.
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People- there's a demand for these things. Nothing is going to stop miners from buying them.

The only way to get prices down is to increase production. Let's just hope that the reason for the current low stock is because production has been switched to newer parts.
Don’t think the FE editions carried the 100$ surcharge anymore... Could be wrong though.
Don’t think the FE editions carried the 100$ surcharge anymore... Could be wrong though.

Nvidia got rightly curbstomped in the headlines by Kyle among others for that, so they likely won't run that play again.
This 20xx naming for the next gen cards is bullshit, full stop. It sorta made sense going from GeForce 4 to 5xxx (FX) and from 9x00 to 2xx, but what the holy fuck, we're gonna just jump from 100 increment upgrades to 1000. This is far dumber than the whole Xbox/360/One fiasco. Call the damn thing an 11xx and we won't have to deal with 'hurr durr do you mean the 5xxx series from 2003, or the 5xxx series from 2025...'
This 20xx naming for the next gen cards is bullshit, full stop. It sorta made sense going from GeForce 4 to 5xxx (FX) and from 9x00 to 2xx, but what the holy fuck, we're gonna just jump from 100 increment upgrades to 1000. This is far dumber than the whole Xbox/360/One fiasco. Call the damn thing an 11xx and we won't have to deal with 'hurr durr do you mean the 5xxx series from 2003, or the 5xxx series from 2025...'

Its a name. They're stupid nonsense. No point getting worked up over it.
lets hope they put anti compute use stuff in this like locking the cards to 2 per system
You want to see all the affordable motherboards, CPUs, and RAM sold out too?
Must have forgetten that CPU mining *IS* profitable, just not so much as GPU.
But make it worth a miner's trouble to buy a motherboard for every two cards,
and they will gladly empty that shelf for you.

More dumbness like this, and your next PC will be a Chromebook...

Or, ORRRRR, you could get the card you've always wanted, and let it pay for itself.


If the initial batch of next gen of cards is to avoid exploitation for awhile, just tie
the purchcase to a 4K GSYNC monitor. Might make us think twice. But eventually
they will want to sell every chip they can build, and it won't matter to whom.
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Nvidia got rightly curbstomped in the headlines by Kyle among others for that, so they likely won't run that play again.

But again from what I saw the FE was Nvidia was it secure profits for 2-3 months before AIB partners can release their custom cards. I honestly don’t see an issue with this since Nvidia should be able to recoup their cost on R&D.

If people didn’t have a “I MUST HAVE NOW” mentality then they should wait for AIB or the non marked up cards.

Then again with mining going on it may not be possible to wait.
This 20xx naming for the next gen cards is bullshit, full stop. It sorta made sense going from GeForce 4 to 5xxx (FX) and from 9x00 to 2xx, but what the holy fuck, we're gonna just jump from 100 increment upgrades to 1000. This is far dumber than the whole Xbox/360/One fiasco. Call the damn thing an 11xx and we won't have to deal with 'hurr durr do you mean the 5xxx series from 2003, or the 5xxx series from 2025...'

how many titan Xs do we have?

nvidia names things whatever they feel like.
Arbitrarily limiting their GPU's is something I could see them doing if their CEO was nine years old.
Giving in to miners and letting them ruin PC gaming is taking something we love and letting someone else fuck it.
I equate that to a bunch of cuckolds.