Now Is The Time To Switch Back To Firefox

I'd rather support a Browser by a group that supports free speach.
(let the games begin)

I agree

Opera 20. Since the engine is taken for the same webkit fork Chrome is made from.

But Opera is starting to do things a little different. So rendering is similar or the same a chrome but the browser interface and features are starting to widen.

This. The are other browsers and since Firefox got its panties in a bunch over a donation years ago made public by the IRS, fuck them.
The article says that boycotting Firefox is behind the times and it needs and deserves our support?
Nope. Didn't earn it, in fact their NAZI bullying is not a practice I wish to support.
Never will I download it again.

In fact, if I knew the people behind this bullshit bullying practice, I would boycott everything they do, forever even after Firefox folds. Firefox will fold.
He said, while explaining that one large group of people deserves to be harassed, ridiculed, scorned, and otherwise hounded for having a different belief than another large group of people.

I got fired from my job because just because I think jews and blacks are subhuman. It's just my opinion man stop discriminating against me.
IE and Chrome may be buggy but Firefox is Buggery. :)

The funniest posts about Firefox was on their Facebook page.
Pro LGBTDLMNOPs were yelling that they will "NEVER USE THEIR BROWSER AGAIN!!" weeks after the CEO stepped down.
Firefox would reply back "please please read our latest news we got rid of him please come back....

Falls on deaf ears.

It was a small donation made in private that some asshats at IRS made public, then the whole LBGTARDs got all NAZI witch-hunt on the people who donated. When the co-founder of the company was fingered by the Velvet Mafia, all hell broke loose...

Good to see them fade away. they can thank the IRS informants and the Velvet Mafia for Firefox's breakdown. Good riddance.
none of which has any interest in preserving your privacy

neither does firefox, all your browsing history is sent to google through the "block reported attack websites and web forgeries" options,

also wasn't that the firefox that betrayed the tor community by sending fake tor plugin update that was written by the nsa or some similar agency?
I tried it and was gonna dump it again because it looked like you were still stuck with Ask as your default search engine. A couple versions back you couldnt change this so I stuck with Chrome. Did a couple searches hoping somebody had figured out a fix and found one so I can use it now. As silly as that may seem, I do a million searches in the URL bar and not being able to use Google or at least Bing is a deal breaker for me.

Firefox does not and has never come with the default search engine set to Ask. The factory default for the search box is Google, and the factory default home page is a Firefox version of ( to be specific).

At some point you (or someone else) allowed Ask Toolbar to be installed on your PC while installing something else. You need to remove Ask Toolbar from your system.
Remember the days when everything wasn't politicized by Social Justice Warriors? Remember when you could hold a political opinion without a mass of strangers calling for you to lose your job because they disagreed? Remember when issues could be discussed without one side determining that the other side is so inexcusable that they must be silenced?

Thanks, Internet.

Yeah it ain't 1950 anymore cuz. You dont get to pick and choose the elements from which era's you like. If you want your wife in the kitchen and your gays in the closet, then you dont get to look at lolcatz in your hand and drive a car with GPS.
Firefox/ Waterfox here.
I do Chrome on occasion, never touch IE.
I just prefer to stick what I'm used to, and Firefox is the default browser in Ubuntu, so I'm used to it in Linux, used to it in Windows.
Been using mostly Firefox since, dear god, forever, since Windows XP.
Hell, technically, I was using it when it was called Netscape, then Mozilla, then jumped for joy at a trimmer version we now call Firefox.
I use Firefox on the desktop but I found the ability to easily sync Chrome tabs and bookmarks across Android/iOS to be a benefit. While I understand the philosophical reasons behind Mozilla refusing to release an official Firefox app for iOS, I find it inconvenient.
Remember the days when everything wasn't politicized by Social Justice Warriors? Remember when you could hold a political opinion without a mass of strangers calling for you to lose your job because they disagreed?

Ah yes I remember them fondly. When lynch mobs and nazis could roam freely without people raising a stink... what has the world become???????
Ah yes I remember them fondly. When lynch mobs and nazis could roam freely without people raising a stink... what has the world become???????

Its become a whiney, over sensitive society that bashes anyone who has a contradicting point of view.
Its become a whiney, over sensitive society that bashes anyone who has a contradicting point of view.

Totally agree I got so tired of people whining about interracial marriage during the civil rights era... people need to get some priorities
Ah yes I remember them fondly. When lynch mobs and nazis could roam freely without people raising a stink... what has the world become???????

Yeah, Nazis and lynch mobs were a common sight in pre-gay marriage debate America, weren't they? All those 10-15 years ago or so...
Funny because Chrome with three tabs open right now is taking up 500MB, Firefox is taking up 300MB!

Chrome is buggy as hell (even simple, common sites have major graphical glitches, layout errors and other problems), isn't even as fast as FF any more, and most importantly can NOT 100% reliably block elements that extensions request (such as its versions of NoScript and Adblock).

Firefox and its clones/offshoots are stable, fast, and reliable. Nothing else is.
That's a good thing. It means Chrome has proper process isolation where crapfox doesn't.

I don't agree with chrome being buggy as hell however, webkit/blink has more issues than gecko/trident.

How many times do you people have to be told what free speech actually is.
Who cares what the man invented? He is a horrible human being and has no place being in a position of power
Horrible for...? Did he discriminate any of his employee? Did he fire anyone because that person is LGBT or whatever other crap? Did he abuse his power in Mozilla any way?

Now he's a horrible human being? For what? Donating money to a legal cause you personally disagree with? Who cares? And yes, I'd feel the same way if he pushed out of his position by a different group for donating to the opposite side.

He did nothing to deserve what happened and those LGBTs actually managed to taint firefox's reputation for their personal agenda/vendetta.

It kills me when people act like this guy was persecuted for having an opinion. He expressed his opinion, then other people expressed THEIR opinions about his opinion, and a decision was made based on the market impact and bad PR. They would have gotten rid of him if he said he was a nazi too. Is that still speech persecution?
No, other people (LGBT) didn't express their opinion about his opinion. He donated years ago, the other people brought it up NOW and threatened to stop using firefox and stop developing for firefox. These are the people who work on firefox. They effectively blackmailed firefox.

I use Pale Moon x64 and Waterfox x64. Only resort to those child-size 32bit browsers, IE and Opera to check html layouts.

How do you guys manage to actually use the internet efficiently with less than 300 tabs open?
1. IE is the first browser to go x64. So get your facts right before boasting about crap.
2. If you need 300 tabs open to browse internet, you are doing it wrong. Most of the tabs are probably from imageboards anyways.

I've never stopped using Firefox. For years I've been a major supporter of Free and Open Source software and Mozilla in general, given their ethical bend seeking the use of the open over proprietary, whims of the user over a 3rd party monetization, privacy, and security. Firefox is unique amongst browsers today as it is the only major FOSS, cross-platform, user-focused, extensible, privacy-respecting browser around that is equally accessible and usable to both tech neophytes and gurus.

I've never found any feature in competing browsers (though, I've used my share of smaller FOSS browsers like Midori, if I want to test something rendering with WebKit etc...), that has compelled me to switch from Firefox. Some have accused it of being slow or taking up resources, but this hasn't been my experience; it has been at least as stable as any other browser I've used over the years assuming a similar "burden" of tabs, extensions, plugins etc...often, even more so all things considered! The featureset is amazing especially in light of the fact it is made with privacy and security in mind, not the business model of a company that is often directly in opposition to your best interests in this arena. For instance, consider the Mozilla Sync feature, which has not only a strong set of both legal/license and technical (encryption client side side) benefits if you choose to use the default Mozilla-provided server, but you can also run your own Sync server if you're so inclined with relative ease. Compare this to say, Chrome's sync features which are strongly reliant on the Google account ecosystem, with all the compromises that entails.

I find Firefox to be one of those rare cases where ethics, technical viability, ease/quality of use, and overall performance aligns; where there isn't a large compromise of privacy/security for usability and convenience. It is perhaps one of the best examples of the power of Free and Open Source software written by both community and professional/non-profit developers. Using Firefox isn't just optimizing your own web experience in many cases, but it is a vote for a future Web based on certain principles, that have become increasingly rare and oft-violated in the past decade.
I would have agreed with you until the recent incident. It shows they care more about themselves than free speech or rights.

All the political talk aside, this is one of the main reasons I hate Chrome as of late:

Chrome has PoS font rendering since forever.
Look kids, someone that doesn't know what the first amendment means


Indeed. Was he actually fired. I was under the impression that he gave up the CEO position, but he's still with FF. That said, as much as i disagree with the guy's beliefs, he seemed like a great person to run Mozilla (from a technical POV).

And yes, I've used FF for almost a decade. It's not perfect, but I can have 50+ tabs open and it runs fine.
There is only 1 browser which is still way better then both FF and Chrome. Opera the 12 series is still way smaller then any browser to install, still uses less memory and if the website doesn't work under Opera just don't ever use it again.

To upset some people now:

Why is there a debate between the cripple and the lame?
Indeed. Was he actually fired. I was under the impression that he gave up the CEO position, but he's still with FF. That said, as much as i disagree with the guy's beliefs, he seemed like a great person to run Mozilla (from a technical POV).

And yes, I've used FF for almost a decade. It's not perfect, but I can have 50+ tabs open and it runs fine.

Actually he was pretty firmly rooted in the face of user and employee objections. Then that suddenly changed. Nieve if you think we saw everything.

It wasn't a completely volunteer position and its typical for a CEO be allowed to step down voluntarily than be fired or forced out. He was hired and firefox has major corporate and foundation contributors, for example. It's a poor assumption to believe his decision was completely his. The fact he left Firefox completely is a clue this wasn't voluntary.

Even if it was only what we saw. He's not he one who brought the issue into the workplace, others did. And he suppose to live with the consequences of his views and actions. But the Mozilla organization isn't suppose to live with the consequences of theirs. That's hypocrisy of the highest order. You have a tool for communication made be some people who like suppressing opinions they disagree with. Freedom of speech and expression although not required legally should be the core value of such an organization. Fundamentally bad choice in priorities.

I hope he helps launch another browser to give people more options.
i dont know the specifics of how the browsers work, but i switched from ff to chrome years ago and i enjoy it. its simple and works well. aside from adblock, i dont need any extensions for it to do everything i need it to. My desktop, my server, phone and laptop, all sync bookmarks, cookies, etc.
Waaaaaaaaaah! My right to be a bigot without any consequences is just as important as your right to have equal protections and privileges under the law! But it's even more important than your right to have an opinion about my bigotry! Stop being intolerant of my intolerance! It's the saaaaame thing!
Been using FF since around 2 but I also have Chrome installed but I don't use it as often.
IE? have not used it for years......
Mozilla is a bullshit company that deserves no patrons.
If I see it on computers, I encourage people to delete it.
I stopped using Firefox forever ago. Tried to use it recently, it still wasn't up to snuff.
Mozilla is a bullshit company that deserves no patrons.
If I see it on computers, I encourage people to delete it.

I don't encourage people to delete Chrome, but I do explain how Google collects and compiles data from multiple sources including Chrome and they usually uninstall it. Its too bad AV software doesn't flag is as spyware like they should.
Remember that time where being Gay or Lesbian had something to do with how well a browser worked? Remember that?

Chrome works fine.
Your labeling it as discrimination is a very biased, slanted view. The fact of the matter is simple. An arrangement known as marriage has existed for centuries and, even when interracial marriage was in question, has always been gendered. That is, marriage has always been defined as being between opposite genders(I'm not interested in whatever isolated exceptions you wish to link).

Some people want this definition to change. Some do not want this definition to change.

Neither is discriminatory, homophobic, anti-rights, or anything of the sort. They are two opinions on a political issue. Stop trying to make opposition to your opinion out to be some sort of crime against humanity. By doing so, you are engaging in proof by intimidation, which is a very, very dangerous fallacy. It is also incredibly anti-intellectual.

Thank you.
I love how liberals paint themselves as the bastions of virtue all the time, like they have the monopoly of good intentions(tm) and everyone who disagrees with them are the embodiment of evil. Get over youself.