Noticed issue when O/Cing 1070 card. Do components share power?


Sep 14, 2007
Had some free time to mess with overclocking the 1070 this weekend and noticed that memory clock and fan speed effected my core overclock/voltage. Heres my finding:

eVGA Precision X overclocking tool
Uesd Furmark max setting 1440 res
1070 is a FE board with 3 fan cooler (temps stayed 55-58c)

Underclocking memory (-502mhz) resulted in max core of 2126-2138mhz (1.081-1.093v)
Defaulting memory (0mhz) resulted in max core of 2088-2113mhz (1.031-1.075v)
Overclocking memory (+808mhz) resulted in max core of 2025-2062mhz (.993-1.012v)

Also noticed that running fan higher than 70% I started to see a small drop in voltage stability. (jumped around more)

So I guess question being does core,memory and fan share power components? And does memory speed effect the 1070 performance that much?
yeah I think jaystwocents showed something about that and it happens on the 480 he had under water(I think it was him) too. he got better results when there were no fans drawing power and the wattage draw went down too.
If your implying that furmark pushes the card to hard thats not the case. I also ran Valley, Heaven, TimeSpy with similar results. Grant it most games only push the card to 80-95% power limit. Some do max it out. Witcher 3, Fallout 4, hell even my Stalker/ Metro games max it out.
its been said that it over-works the vrms and core in a very unrealistic manor but idk... I just use heaven or valley for a while and then game on it.
Had some free time to mess with overclocking the 1070 this weekend and noticed that memory clock and fan speed effected my core overclock/voltage. Heres my finding:

eVGA Precision X overclocking tool
Uesd Furmark max setting 1440 res
1070 is a FE board with 3 fan cooler (temps stayed 55-58c)

Underclocking memory (-502mhz) resulted in max core of 2126-2138mhz (1.081-1.093v)
Defaulting memory (0mhz) resulted in max core of 2088-2113mhz (1.031-1.075v)
Overclocking memory (+808mhz) resulted in max core of 2025-2062mhz (.993-1.012v)

Also noticed that running fan higher than 70% I started to see a small drop in voltage stability. (jumped around more)

So I guess question being does core,memory and fan share power components? And does memory speed effect the 1070 performance that much?

How fast can you run a 40 yard dash? Now do it again while carrying a 5lb weight.

Everything is related, just like as with CPUs. CPU overclocks higher when you run your ram at lower speeds, etc.
How fast can you run a 40 yard dash? Now do it again while carrying a 5lb weight.

Everything is related, just like as with CPUs. CPU overclocks higher when you run your ram at lower speeds, etc.

But what Im noticing is a drop in voltage available when messing with memory speeds. Thats effecting max overclock. That doesnt happen with a CPU/Mem overclock.