North Koreans Play PC Games over LAN Networks According to Defectors


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
North Koreans love to play PC games according to defectors arriving in South Korea. It is believed that the games are smuggled in from China and distributed by USB stick. PC gamers in North Korea connect their computers to form a LAN network and have a LAN party. Some of the most popular games include Grand Theft Auto 5 and FIFA Online. To keep from getting their files confiscated, PC gamers change the file name and type to avoid detection.

"I played almost all of the most famous South Korean video games in North Korea ... Every one of my friends has played foreign video games," a defector, 14, told Daily NK in Seoul recently. "All kids learn about the game and play it once it is carried on a USB stick and hits the streets." Another defector said game lovers could play in a group by connecting their computers via LAN cables. "Being able to connect a LAN cable and play games means they knew quite a lot about computers," he said.
I'm kinda shocked North Koreans have money for a gaming PC.

I'd imagine its older hardware they get used or something along those lines. Most newer games work on GPUs that are several years old, just not well that's all. Still better than nothing.
They are probably old systems. The poplar games over there are old easy to run games like Star craft, LoL and stuff.

I'd imagine its older hardware they get used or something along those lines. Most newer games work on GPUs that are several years old, just not well that's all. Still better than nothing.

More than likely but the article says GTA V was popular.
This is sad actually. I think of what LAN parties meant to me and the fond memories I have of them. The fact that games are contraband and have to be smuggled is crazy. But hey, fuck Trump, he's a nazi right?

Just because there is someone worse out there doesn't justify anything he does. Your argument is a false equivalence.
I wonder what the punishment is from the NK government if you get caught playing an illegal game... You must really love gaming to take that risk.
My boys play a free online game and claim NKoreans jump them all the time and are mic’d up saying fuck you American dogs, etc
Gotta be fun for them.
I told my boy to tell them we need a rib eye steak and pizza break, come back in 10.
Go eat some dog, we’ll be back.
That should jackem off a little.
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What the kid didn't tell you was what happens when you are caught in North Korea. The government sends in a missile and blows up your house. Of course before the missile comes in, they sneak in and remove all the pictures of Kim Jong-un off the walls.
I'm kinda shocked North Koreans have money for a gaming PC.

they get most of their stuff from china so it's not all that surprising, but my guess is a lot of them are using old 4:3 res displays which even something running an intel igp could easily play. unlike Cuba, N korea isn't stuck in the 1950's/60's. they have their own internal phone, internet, and tv services, while a lot of their government buildings have internet access through china.
Just that some people are so far up their own asses, that they seem to think that trump is the worst leader not just of present times, but ever. While they have no comment on NK, Iran, and such places at all.
And some people aren't smart enough to recognize that the majority of what he says are lies.
And some people aren't smart enough to recognize that the majority of what he says are lies.

Those aren’t considered lies, just politician speak on a higher level.
Afraid to offend anyone, or when accidentally busted speaking freely, then walking back like Cuomo is the usual wasted efforts.
Trump lies, then tells you to F off. Master of disaster.

Hope and change, keep your doctors, WMDs, etc.
Trumps lies are of little consequence compared to game changing politician speak.
Besides we have a nasty ass loudmouth hatchet man for President.
He’s here because of people believing the lies that came long before him.
Hillary might have done better if she learned to lie with more believable excuses for collecting millions while serving us.
Bringing it back (sorta) on topic:

My money is on South Korea in WW3 StarCraft competition.
A racist failed business man that can't get a loan from the US because he delcared bankruptcy so many times. That is what we have in the white house.

I know it sucks for the offended.
Would love to get offended with you more but I’m looking for insert points and watching my investments grow.
So back to market watch.
If I lose we’ll have something in common.
Then we can be offended together.
they get most of their stuff from china so it's not all that surprising, but my guess is a lot of them are using old 4:3 res displays which even something running an intel igp could easily play. unlike Cuba, N korea isn't stuck in the 1950's/60's. they have their own internal phone, internet, and tv services, while a lot of their government buildings have internet access through china.
Actually i was in Cuba last year, and though not everyone has a computer, the oldest ones i saw in private residences (rare) were P4 core2 duo. And in learning centers......the oldest ones were sandy bridge i5 and i7's. I walked into a private school in a town that could not have been more rural and they had i5 ivy bridge CPU's
On the bright side I bet the loading times are better.

Wait till they get MEA of No Man's Land. Poor bastards-should we warn them? Although I did read about a patch this weekend for NML.
I miss the old days of LAN parties. Most of the games now don't have a LAN option, only online. Sure it is almost the same, it adds lag where we didn't have any before. Gave up on them a few years ago.
It is my understanding only the inner circle and upper military members have access to luxuries like computers. It's nearly impossble to even buy a TV.

So the question comes from, where are they getting money for a machine that plays GTA5. While not obscenely hard GPU wise, it does take some modern muscle.
To keep from getting their files confiscated, PC gamers change the file name and type to avoid detection

once, long ago, at a place i worked at, i installed doom into the netware directory to avoid detection.

good times
This is sad actually. I think of what LAN parties meant to me and the fond memories I have of them. The fact that games are contraband and have to be smuggled is crazy. But hey, fuck Trump, he's a nazi right?

Can you kindly remind me what Trump has to do with the laws regarding computer usage in a foreign country? Can you point to any democrat claiming that Trump has dictated video game limitations to NK?

Yeah, didn't think so..... I'm really shaking my head on this one, you do realize anything that's bad in the world isn't a secret plot to "get Trump" right?
As long as something can remain isolated inside NK, I guess that's fine. No StarCraft 2 though.
How do these new(ish) type of games have LAN support? Most usually run off internet services like Steam in order for player to connect. Last game I remember that had LAN support was Starcraft 1 to be honest...
Because Trump is (and wants to be) everywhere.

Plus it's fun to let the truth out there sometimes (it's been forgotten too much over the last few years). So everyone should say something truthful about Trump whenever possible.

Trump is a pathological lier and should never be trusted outright.

Here are facts to back that statement up:
7.5 false or misleading statements a day (on average)

Another Trump fact:

He will br in the white house until 2025
Another Trump fact:

He will br in the white house until 2025
And just like that, his credibility was lost.

Here's another fact for you: My state (Missouri) has had to close major factories (employed thousands) because of these stupid tarrifs. The Harley factory? Gone. The nail factory? Gone. All because Trump doesn't understand ecomomics and how things actually work. But let's just borrow more money from Russia and declare bankruptcy a few more times.

Hadn't seen the news yet today. Looks like Manafort found guilty and Cohen pleads guilty, likely cooperating now. That is a conman in the white house. He won't be around much longer.
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Holy shit, it's not difficult to try to stay on topic people. I'm just trying to read a fairly interesting thread and more then half the posts sound like my God damn family reunion. Read your post and if it doesn't have something to do with the topic don't post it. You are not going to convince a arguing internet stranger to believe what you think so what waste the time.

As for the topic I wonder how popular games like aoe and empire earth are over there. I personally love lan games on those games and still regularly play them. Plus they can run on a fucking watch
Sorry, cdabc123, my Wool got caught.

Back on topic.
Games I’m not sure about.

But do you remember the video showing a nuclear explosion with DC as the backdrop?
Seriously low quality.

I can say with confidence that the Piano in the recording was pre Soundblaster PCI.
