

Limp Gawd
Oct 1, 2002
So I'm putting the heatsink on my RMA'd XP 1800+, which they upgraded to a 2100+, w00t! Anyways, as I'm installing it I hear a little crunching sound and think to myself, wtf did I just do. I remove the heatsink and I put a small chip on the corner of the core!! This sucks, I was going to give this to my cousin who is poor but needs a system badly. I can't test this proc out just yet, but am I screwed? Can it possibly still work with that small chip in it?
How small of a chip? head of a stick pin? grain of sand? Depending on the size of the missing piece it might work just fine. Let us know if it posts or not.
about a grain of sand. once my bro comes by later with the case and PSU for it and I can test. Gonna have my fingers crossed for this one. Man I can't believe I chipped it. First time for everything I guess.....
it might just work. i've had slightly chipped cores come straight in retail box (this was actually a pretty big chip relative to die size) and it posted and works just fine...
Originally posted by TheMostWantedPolishTwin
I don't know why ppl refuse to use copper shims...

I dont know why AMD went through a whole generation of a core that chips so easily...
I was taking files from my parents' old maxtor HD, and I was dumb and forgot to turn the power off... I was plugging it into my system, and I go to plug the power plug thing into the power connector on the drive, a giant blue spark and then the system turns off.

I was in shock, I thought I might have fried something. But I didn't :eek:
The computer was running? Or was it just the switch on the back of the power supply that was on?
Originally posted by TheMostWantedPolishTwin
I don't know why ppl refuse to use copper shims...
Because shims are useless to dangerous if you're careful and/or know what you're doing?

Without a shim, you could be silly and crush your core. That's a PEBCAK error.

With a shim, if it's bent or too thick by a tiny amount, you don't seat the heatsink properly on the core, and you get high temps (if you're lucky) or a burned chip (if you're not).

I'd rather not spend money for a product that could kill my computer. :rolleyes:

And before anyone asks, no, shims do not help with heat transfer.
In the 100's close to 1,000 of computers I have built I have never used a shim.
They are a waste of money,and more trouble than they are worth.
im too lazy to read what others suggested but here is my take

the sh--tty Tt Volcano 9 crunched a corner of my core. I freaked out and tried the fan agin. To my suprise the computer booted up

LEts say that the core looks like this


Mine looked like


where the empty space is where the piece was cracked totally off

by all means it should work ... if not RMA it again
I cracked the core of my coppermine P3. whole corner was gone but it still works...using it on my second machine still actually. I think that the core is actually smaller than what it appears to be on the top...otherwise all hell would certainly break loose if you just cracked off a few hundred thousand transistors (or whatever the gates are called that the cpu uses).
Heh I accidentally plugged in a hard drive to the IDE channel when on once. The hard drive and motherboard controller were fine, but the IDE cable literally smoked and pin 1 burned through the insulation. :p
Originally posted by malingjc
Heh I accidentally plugged in a hard drive to the IDE channel when on once. The hard drive and motherboard controller were fine, but the IDE cable literally smoked and pin 1 burned through the insulation. :p

Damn dude thats crazy...
I set my refurbished hard drive on fire.
Plugged the power cord ... turned it on then WOOSH FLAMES in the transistors on the bottom near the power cord.
I called maxtor and the spokesman aksed me to repeat what happend twice, then got a supervisor, then we had a laugh and then I had the hard drive replaced once more but this time I got a 40 GB (4 gb (died) -> 20gb (set on fire) -> 40gb (I use it as backup today !))
Originally posted by malingjc
Heh I accidentally plugged in a hard drive to the IDE channel when on once. The hard drive and motherboard controller were fine, but the IDE cable literally smoked and pin 1 burned through the insulation. :p
(Psst! IDE cables don't have advance grounding! :p)

Geez, you guys scare me. And as a side note, chipped chips usually aren't accepted for RMA; if it doesn't work anymore, you just have to buy a new one.
i lost the top edge off an old AMD I had doing the same thing and that still worked...





You may well have gotten away with it.
It's a little metal sheet dealie that fills in the gap around the core so the heatsink can rest on it. Some people like to use it for the added safety. Some trust their skill, and really I think shims are not needed. I installed a 2100+ with a massive heatsink(I was told it came from a 2800+, does a great job anyway) and I didn't have an issue.
Originally posted by Syphon Filter
i lost the top edge off an old AMD I had doing the same thing and that still worked...





You may well have gotten away with it.

WOW ! Thats crazy ... and it still worked ... wow !
yeah i was praying when i hit that power switch...whilst preparing myself to spend another £100 or so for a replacement...but when it posted i realised it was just fine...

on a side note about shims...pointless IMO...they can cause problems if u are not careful...or use P4's, no shim needed as the core is protected by a metal casing thing...
Originally posted by Dark_Eternal
about a grain of sand. once my bro comes by later with the case and PSU for it and I can test. Gonna have my fingers crossed for this one. Man I can't believe I chipped it. First time for everything I guess.....

This is why I ALWAYS use shims with amds...

or, at the very least, the rubber pads.. but.. shims are the way to go..


Img shamelessly stolen from sidewinder.
Originally posted by thirstydg
In the 100's close to 1,000 of computers I have built I have never used a shim.
They are a waste of money,and more trouble than they are worth.

They don't help with heat transfer, but they are, in my opinion, not a waste of money (especially since I get them for a whopping $1.. and they have, in the past, helped me to make sure that the hs was sitting on 'level' - The other reason I use them is because of the fact that when I want to remove a processor (which may be stuck because of the TIM, it's more comfortable, for me, in my opinion, to wedge a flathead between a heatsink and a shim than a heatsink and a processor.
Originally posted by Laforge
it's more comfortable, for me, in my opinion, to wedge a flathead between a heatsink and a shim than a heatsink and a processor.

Now that may have something to it....
I was reapplying some arctic silver after replacing my power supply and saw that I had a chip in the corner of my 2100+. I nearly had a heart attack, but it works just fine, thankfully.
If you're careful, it is just not that easy to damage the core with the heatsink. Shims are unecessary, IMO. If they were needed, AMD would equip the chips with them.
Originally posted by Laforge
This is why I ALWAYS use shims with amds...

or, at the very least, the rubber pads.. but.. shims are the way to go..

shims rnt the way to go, i dont think they are needed if you are careful, anyway heat spreaders are really gonna be the way forward, why else would amd be using them on the athlon 64 and fx chips
Originally posted by fr33ze
shims rnt the way to go, i dont think they are needed if you are careful, anyway heat spreaders are really gonna be the way forward, why else would amd be using them on the athlon 64 and fx chips

because of cracked cores... for the best heat transfer people DONT want the IHS. Why do you think people get crazy enough to pop off the IHS of P4's? ;D
Originally posted by diredesire
because of cracked cores... for the best heat transfer people DONT want the IHS. Why do you think people get crazy enough to pop off the IHS of P4's? ;D

i know they do but i bet less poeple do that than the amount of people who kill thier chips through cracking/chipping them.

i'm not saying heat spreaders are the be all and end all im just saying that out of heatspreaders and shims the the heatspreader will win