Noone mentioned WoW rest state bonus, so I will


Mar 10, 2004
During yesterday’s maintenance, upgrades were made to both the in-game client and to the hardware infrastructure. These changes caused extended downtime for some players.

In addition to providing a one-day time extension for players whose realms underwent extended maintenance, characters on all realms will be receiving a full rest state bonus. In order to apply this rest state bonus to all players, we will need to bring all realms down for approximately three hours, beginning at 3:00 AM PST, Thursday March 31.

Thats awesome. I mean, you can't be much more compensated than that. This is a FULL rest state, which means maxed out rest for everyone on the server. 1.5 levels of rest bar ;).

Ohhh, I can't wait to login tonight!!
Yea, just my luck...I've been on vacation so I have a full rest state anyway. Now if only I could have the 4 hours of my life back that I wasted trying to get my UI to work again after that evil patch screwed everything up. My quiver still isn't showing how many arrows I have in it but I give up.

they also snuck in another addition to make the game simpler, wonder if anyone will notice

Direwolf20 said:
Thats awesome. I mean, you can't be much more compensated than that. This is a FULL rest state, which means maxed out rest for everyone on the server. 1.5 levels of rest bar ;).

Ohhh, I can't wait to login tonight!!
This doesn't help me any! My main is already level 60, and I haven't played my level 11 alt in over a week, so he's practically fully rested too.

How about a real bonus, Blizzard? Like 100g for everyone? :D
gamz247 said:
This doesn't help me any! My main is already level 60, and I haven't played my level 11 alt in over a week, so he's practically fully rested too.

How about a real bonus, Blizzard? Like 100g for everyone? :D
Good idea, but that would put the economy in the pooper.
gamz247 said:
This doesn't help me any! My main is already level 60, and I haven't played my level 11 alt in over a week, so he's practically fully rested too.

How about a real bonus, Blizzard? Like 100g for everyone? :D
Yeah but they don't need to compensate you... you're already an addict. :p
Just hit 38 last night ;D. This should make the climb to my mount go a little bit faster ;D. Sucks that my server is constantly down though... Stormreaver > me :(.
Heh, I still feel sorry for people like Bonko that may not have their character back and might miss the EXP bonus :(

Trepidati0n said:
Heh, I still feel sorry for people like Bonko that may not have their character back and might miss the EXP bonus :(


Its cool I was able to get my character back. There are still people who are having much worse problems then me tho. There are people who still do not have there character, or there character is on the wrong relm, or they have there character but everything is gone.
naveed said:
Just hit 38 last night ;D. This should make the climb to my mount go a little bit faster ;D. Sucks that my server is constantly down though... Stormreaver > me :(.

Switch to Stormscale and join the [H]orde. Unless you're alliance.

Really tho, we have an [H] Guild going with approximately 25 people and 30 members (several of us have alts in the guild).
bonkrowave said:
Its cool I was able to get my character back. There are still people who are having much worse problems then me tho. There are people who still do not have there character, or there character is on the wrong relm, or they have there character but everything is gone.

I think that one would be the worst scenario.
Yay! I can finally get my hunter up to level 18 and use that Scythe Axe my friend gave me free, and paid for my training in two-handed axes. (Tip: make sure your friends are blacksmiths)
So.... is this "Rest State" like Vitality bonus in EQ2? WHere if you HAVE it you gain an exp bonus per kill?
Rest bonus means you get 200% xp from mobs. You get rest XP by not being online. You get more rest XP if you log off in an Inn. XP you get from questing does not deduct from your rest XP.
Basically its free XP, every mob you kill you get %200 more XP, so you level twice as fast.

There was a thread in the WoW forums created by a lvl 60 complaining they wernt compensated, I downright laughed. 60s have no need to be compensated for a few hours lost. And free gold would destroy the economy.
Bob002 said:
Switch to Stormscale and join the [H]orde. Unless you're alliance.

Really tho, we have an [H] Guild going with approximately 25 people and 30 members (several of us have alts in the guild).

I'm alliance and my guild here is one of the two most well run alliance guilds on the server (working as intended). I really like the server but the downtime is terrible ;\.
Has anyone considered why it took 3 hrs to give everyone rest? I mean, yeah maybe it took that long if they had to apply it to each individual character in each realm, but don'tcha think they have a "give all players full rest" button?
April fools is tomorrow, and I wouldn't put it past them....
Damn, I'm bored with this game. I just can't take the grind. I've barely logged in for 3 weeks now and every time I do try, I have to download another update, or sit in a queue.

I hate to say it, but I going to bail until Battlegrounds come out. That might be in 2 weeks or in 18 months.
Inspector_Gadget said:
April fools is tomorrow, and I wouldn't put it past them....

Speaking of April Fool's, I wonder if they'll add some bonus content for this day (like they added bonus content for easter). I wonder what it could be, if they did...
Rofl, that ogre story was great. Very well done, since it sounded serious and logical the whole time.

Btw, i was wondering why I was getting massive xp off lower lvl mobs.