Non generic vs. Generic brand video cards?


Nov 4, 2003

on the weekends, i saw a relatively cheap nVidia FX5700 (128Mb) at the computer fair. however, i was reluctant to buy it, because i have never heard of the brand before (it's called Paradise). i was wondering if there are any noticeable differences from a generic brand video card and a non generic brand (i.e. Leadtek) in terms of performance and reliability? i don't plan on overclocking or modding, just replacing the onboard video on my P4 2.4Ghz and playing some DX9 games.

if there aren't any differences, i don't see why i shouldn't buy it... :)


edit: does anyone know the clock-speeds of an FX5700 NU?

ps. i would appreciate it if we keep on topic and not side-track into an ATi vs. nVidia flame-fest.
well if u buy a generic brand ur more likely to get a lower quality card. but you may get lucky and find a good brand.

but i would never buy hardware at a computer fair, i dont trust those things.