No way anybody knows how to fix this


[H]F Junkie
Dec 29, 2000
It is a new build. But it with older XP components.

This is what is happening.

I can power it on and get into the BIOS to make the necessary changes.
But when I reboot so it will boot up on the cd, it states press any key to boot off of the cd.

But ti will not recognize the keyboard so that it will boot off of the cd.

Just comes up saying NT loader is missing.

I have tried different keyboards. Same issue.

The MB is an Epox 8RDA+

ANy suggestions?
If youre keyboard is a USB keyboard, you might have to enable support for USB keyboards in your BIOS.
I can power it on and get into the BIOS to make the necessary changes.
But when I reboot so it will boot up on the cd, it states press any key to boot off of the cd.

But ti will not recognize the keyboard so that it will boot off of the cd.

If the motherboard won't recognize the keyboard, how are you making changes in BIOS?
Empyrean said:
If the motherboard won't recognize the keyboard, how are you making changes in BIOS?

That is my point. It recognizes it to get into the BIOS, but once I reboot after making those changes that is it.

It will not recognize me hitting a key to boot off of the cd..
extreme4377 said:
If youre keyboard is a USB keyboard, you might have to enable support for USB keyboards in your BIOS.

And it is a PS2 keyboard..
It does this no matter what cd you try to boot from?
jpmkm said:
It does this no matter what cd you try to boot from?

It does not. But it is one that I boot from all the time. And it worked fine in my main rig..
Try swapping your optical drive.

You keyboard may indeed be working but your optical drive is locking up your computer somehow while reading the disk.

It's a long shot, but hey...
Are you making any other changes in the bios besides setting the cd as a boot drive? If so, set the bios to failsafe default, make that one change so you can boot off of the cd drive.
blackrino9 said:
Try swapping your optical drive.

You keyboard may indeed be working but your optical drive is locking up your computer somehow while reading the disk.

It's a long shot, but hey...

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Or the CD itself is buggered. It's certainly not uncommon for a CDR to just go flaky and become unreadable. Assuming your Windows XP is on a CDR...
well, you *should* be able to get into the BIOS regardless of if there is a CD in the drive.

just DEL or F2 during the initial seconds of powering on the machine.

Could be that the PS/2 keyboard connector is screwed-- and if this is the case you could try a USB keyboard. Buy one from Best Buy (or whatever) and if that doesn't fix your problem, take it back (and for those of you who are about to say that is not ethical, if you ask the salesman, they will say that is fine!).

Skystalker said:
well, you *should* be able to get into the BIOS regardless of if there is a CD in the drive.

just DEL or F2 during the initial seconds of powering on the machine.


*insert standard rude comment about reading the thread here*

Getting into the BIOS is not the problem he's having.
If you can get into BIOS, then remove EVERYTHING from the boot order except the CD ROM drive. ;) This is the trick I used.

When Windows is installing, it will reboot. When it does this, go back into your BIOS and set your boot order back to the way it was.
Somtimes the BIOS will initalize plug n play devices and sometimes it wont. Tell your BIOS you DO NOT have a pnp operating system so it will init the keyboard so the installer can use it.
meatycheesyboy said:
*insert standard rude comment about reading the thread here*

Getting into the BIOS is not the problem he's having.

Thanks for the news flash.

If he CAN get into the BIOS using that same ps/2 keyboard, then it shows the keyboard isn't the issue.

Is that a bit more clear?
